Cinema Paradiso


Tuesday, 21 January 2025

우리들 / U-ri-deul / The World of Us. 2016. HD.

우리들 / U-ri-deul / The World of Us. 2016. HD.
KR. 2016년 6월 16일에 개봉한 한국 영화.
영화의 아역들은 연기 경력이 한번도 없는 아이들이며 대본을 숙지하지 않고 연기를 하기 위해 상황극을 한 뒤 촬영을 진행했다고 한다. 때문인지 대본을 숙지하고 연기를 하는 위화감이 없다.
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EN. The World of Us (Korean: 우리들; RR: Woorideul) is a 2016 South Korean drama film written and directed by Yoon Ga-eun in her feature-length directorial debut. The film was released in South Korea on June 16, 2016.
At an age when perhaps friends mean more than moms, 10 year-old Sun is an outcast at school. During summer vacation, she meets Jia, who is new to town. As Sun shows Jia around the neighborhood and they play at each other's houses and share secrets, they become best friends. However when the new semester starts, Jia notices a strange vibe between Sun and the other kids. Jia tries to get into the cool kids group and starts to distance herself from Sun. Inside the perhaps more complex and delicate world of children than adults, the two girls end up hurting and getting hurt by each other.
Director: Ga-eun Yoon.
Cast: Soo-In Choi, Hye-in Seol, Lee Seo-Yeon, Joon-woo Choi, Hye Jin Jang.
South Korea, 2016.
Language: Korean.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download 우리들 / U-ri-deul / The World of Us. 2016.
우리들 / U-ri-deul / The World of Us. 2016. HD.
우리들 / U-ri-deul / The World of Us. 2016. HD.


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