Cinema Paradiso


Monday, 20 January 2025

Şi va fi / Predchuvstviye. 1992.

Şi va fi / Predchuvstviye. 1992.
RO. Și va fi este un film românesc din 1991 regizat de Valeriu Jereghi. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Maria Ploae, Daniel Ionescu.
EN. There are a small number of people for whom imagery and symbolism alone are sufficient reason to watch an otherwise difficult film such as this one. In the story, a boy, a woman and a cow seem to be the only survivors of a global catastrophe, except for whoever is following them threateningly in a tank. Slowly they put together what they need to survive, and despite the difficulty of all this, it looks as though the human race may just manage a new beginning. This simple, darkly imaged story is told with a very minimal amount of dialog. Sci-Fi and action fans may find the film disappointing, but conoisseurs of metaphor may find what they are looking for here.
Director: Valeriu Jereghi.
Cast: Daniel Ionescu, Maria Ploae, Lunaia.
Romania, USSR, 1992.
Language: none (Romanian).
Download Şi va fi / Predchuvstviye. 1992.
Şi va fi / Predchuvstviye. 1992.
Şi va fi / Predchuvstviye. 1992.


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