Cinema Paradiso


Friday, 28 February 2025

Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983. FULL-HD.

Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983. FULL-HD.
First Desires or Premier Désirs (original French title) is a 1983 French/West German film and the last film directed by photographer David Hamilton.
Three teenage girls decide to visit a romantic island and find love. They get shipwrecked and end up on different sides of the island. Each girl begins her own romantic adventure either with a man, a boy or even another girl...
Many images from the film First Desires appear in Hamilton's collections, including Twenty Five Years of an Artist.
Director: David Hamilton.
Cast: Monica Broeke, Patrick Bauchau, Inge Maria Granzow, Anja Schüte, Emmanuelle Béart, Bruno Guillain, Stephane Freiss, Charly Chemouny, Serge Marquand, Nathalie Defendente, Raymond Defendente, Hélène Lefumat.
France, Germany, 1983.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Japanese, Chinese.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Dоwnload Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983:
2 parts archive:
Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983. FULL-HD.
Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983. FULL-HD.

Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983. FULL-HD.
Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983. FULL-HD.


Va, petite! 2002.

Va, petite! 2002.
FR. Va, petite ! est un film franco-belge réalisé par Alain Guesnier et sorti en 2002.
Une petite ville portuaire en France. Parce qu'elle refuse d'aller en pension à la rentrée scolaire, Marie, 12 ans, décide de quitter la maison de ses parents. Au même moment, François, 35 ans, débarque pour retrouver la femme de sa vie. Après cinq années passées en mer, François a «le mal de terre». Sa rencontre avec un pompier avec qui il sympathise au cours d'une violente manifestation lui vaut d'être embarqué par les forces de police. Il s'évade rapidement et se retrouve en cavale. Le hasard lui fait croiser le chemin de Marie, à la recherche d'une monde sans mensonge et d'un père adoptif. Tous deux se retrouvent embarqués dans une série d'aventures...
EN. Marie is twelve. When she must return to boarding school after summer vacation, she runs away. After five years at sea, François, 35, anchors ship with the aim of getting together with the woman of his dreams. But he feels uneasy with solid ground beneath his feet and takes to his heels. He and Marie cross paths. She’s a runaway kid looking for a world steadfast and true... and a dad to adopt.
Director: Alain Guesnier.
Cast: Julie Julien, Laurent Lucas, Marianne Basler, Jean-Claude Drouot, Frédéric Pierrot, Philippe Fretun, Ysé Montserrat, Pierre Berriau, Loïc Devaux, Younesse Boudache, Jean Bailloux, Patrick Bonneau.
Belgium, France, Morocco, 2002.
Language: French.
Download Va, petite! 2002.
Va, petite! 2002.
Va, petite! 2002.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Reka / The River. 2002. FULL-HD.

Reka / The River. 2002. FULL-HD.
A very unusual and atmospheric film about the life of the dying northern tribes of the Yakut people.
The end of the 19th century, a tiny colony of lepers in the remote Yakut taiga. A healthy girl who accidentally got here - a thief and a hunter - falls in love with one of the sick, still a young guy, and is expecting a child from him. But suddenly his wife comes to him from the "mainland", and tragedy is brewing in this strange love triangle...
The film by Alexey Balabanov based on the novel by the Polish writer Wacław Sieroszewski, was filmed by more than half. However, after a car accident on November 21, 2000, in which the lead actress Tuyara Svinoboeva died, filming was stopped. Only a year later, the director edited the footage and commented behind the scenes for the missing scenes.
Director: Aleksey Balabanov.
Cast: Tuyara Svinoboeva, Mikhail Scryabin, Vasily Borisov, Anna Flegontova, Maria Kychkina, Maria Kanaeva, Spartak Fedotov.
Russia, СТВ, 2002.
Languages: Russian, Yakut.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Reka / The River. 2002.
Reka / The River. 2002. FULL-HD.
Reka / The River. 2002. FULL-HD.

Utolsó padban / In the last bench. 1976. HD.

Utolsó padban / In the last bench. 1976. HD.

A better version of this movie has been found, in HD now.
HU. Az Utolsó padban 1975-ban bemutatott magyar ifjúsági film Kende Márta rendezésében.
Lakatos Kati, a cigány kislány falujából felköltözik Budapestre, s izgatottan várja az első napot az iskolában. Mezítláb indul útnak, legszebb cigányos szoknyájában. A tanárnő, Györgyi néni kedvesen fogadja őt, azonban osztálytársai nem akarnak Kati mellé ülni, így a lány az utolsó padba kerül.
EN. A young Gypsy girl moves to the city with her family, only to be faced with racial prejudice.
Director: Kende Márta.
Cast: Etelka Imre, Ernõ Mitzi, Sándor Téri, Ferenc Zenthe, Irén Varga, Piroska Molnár, Bertalan Solti, Kati Egri, Hedvig Demeter, Hanna Loránd, Mária Rákosi, Pál Digner, Sándor László, Zsuzsa Szigeti, János Szatmári.
Hungary, Magyar Televízió Müvelödési Föszerkesztöség, 1975.
Language: Hungarian.
1280x720 HD
Download Utolsó padban / In the last bench. 1976.

Utolsó padban / In the last bench. 1976. HD.
Utolsó padban / In the last bench. 1976. HD.


Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Pianke. 1983. FULL-HD.

Pianke. 1983. FULL-HD.
DE. Pianke ist ein Spielfilm der DEFA im Auftrag des Fernsehens der DDR von Gunter Friedrich aus dem Jahr 1983 nach dem Roman Pianke von Peter Abraham aus dem Jahr 1981.
Zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bewegt sich auf einem Fluss ein Segelboot zwischen den kämpfenden Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und der sowjetischen Roten Armee. Als die deutschen Geschütze das Boot ins Visier nehmen, beginnen die Insassen das Volkslied Der Mai ist gekommen zu singen, worauf der Beschuss eingestellt wird. Nun wird die Geschichte erzählt, wie es zu dieser Situation kam, die etwa zwei Jahre vorher begann.
Herr Groß sitzt mit seinem Sohn Andreas im Luftschutzkeller seines Hauses. Nach der Entwarnung bekommt er von einem Luftschutzhelfer den Hinweis, dass vor seiner Wohnung zwei Polizisten in Zivil warten. Deshalb gehen die beiden nicht nach oben, sondern in eine Gartenlaube, die Andreas Vater bereits besorgt hatte. Auf dem Weg dorthin erklärt der Vater die Gründe des Ortswechsels, die politischer Natur sind und dass Andreas ab sofort Diethelm Krüger heißt. In der Kleingartenkolonie werden sie von dem neugierigen Blockwart Herms ausgehorcht, dem sich der Vater als Mitarbeiter Heinrich Hoffmanns, des Hausfotografen Adolf Hitlers ausgibt. Die Hoffnung des Jungen, ab nun nicht mehr zur Schule gehen zu müssen, erfüllt sich leider nicht. Der Lehrer verpasst ihm auch gleich einen neuen Spitznamen. Da er nicht sehr kräftig gebaut ist, nennt er ihn Pianke, was in der Mark der Ausdruck für Schwindelweizen ist...
EN. Rare war film from the former Socialist Germany, the story of a young German boy and his father who befriend a Jewish family...
Director: Gunter Friedrich.
Cast: Lars Bittner, Helga Goring, Alexander Heidenreich, Renate Heymer, Volkmar Kleinert, Stefan Lisewski, Henrik Losch, Eileen Meyer, Horst Schulze, Hans Teuscher, Helga Göring, Simone von Zglinicki, Roland Kuchenbuch.
DDR, DEFA, 1983.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Pianke. 1983.
Pianke. 1983. FULL-HD.
Pianke. 1983. FULL-HD.

Les années lycée: Petites / Little Girls. 1997.

Les années lycée: Petites / Little Girls. 1997.
FR. Inès, Stella, Marion et Emilie ou comment quatre filles se lient d’amitié et ne se quittent plus. Comment elles vivent en bande les années de leur adolescence. Comment cette rencontre change leur vie et leur personne.
EN. Emilie, Stella, Inès, and Marion come from different social classes. They have formed a "little gang". The way their lives go along is marked by funny or tragic episodes. Emilie's mother leaves. Stella's dog dies. Someone steals the skeleton of a fetus from a high school laboratory. As time passes, the four friends take up more serious affairs. Each of them chooses a "love" - an ideal, inaccessible fiancee chosen from among the "big kids" -, that is, the boys from the upper grades. As they grow up together, Emilie, Stella, Inès, and Marion feel more and more inseparable.
Director: Noémie Lvovsky.
Czst: Ingrid Molinier, Julie-Marie Parmentier, Camille Rousselet, Magali Woch, Jean-Luc Bideau, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Marie-Armelle Deguy, Eric Elmosnino, Christine Fersen, Daniel Martin, Lou Castel.
France, 1997.
Language: French.
Download Les années lycée: Petites / Little Girls. 1997.
Les années lycée: Petites / Little Girls. 1997.
Les années lycée: Petites / Little Girls. 1997.


Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Le nouveau monde / New World. 1995.

Le nouveau monde / New World. 1995.
 Born in 1943 during German occupation of their French town, Patrick and Marie-José have been best friends; now teens, they experiment with sex, which doesn't seem to bring them closer. Patrick has also taken to American jazz, hanging out at a nearby Army base where he picks up the drums and comes to the attention of a Caberra, a brutish American sergeant who enjoys starting fights with Black soldiers. Caberra gives Patrick a drum kit, talks to him about life, and introduces him around. Patrick meets Trudy, an American teen who loves Buddy Holly. Marie-José is jealous and establishes her own liaison. What of Patrick and Marie-José's pact to be friends forever?
Director: Alain Corneau.
Cast: Nicolas Chatel, Sarah Grappin, James Gandolfini, Alicia Silverstone, Guy Marchand, Baptiste Trotignon, Sylvie Granotier, Simon Mary, Ronald Baker, Roger Dumas, Dany Brillant, Joe Sheridan.
France, 1995.
Languages: French, English.
Subtitles: English.
Download Le nouveau monde / New World. 1995.
Le nouveau monde / New World. 1995.
 Le nouveau monde / New World. 1995.

Monday, 24 February 2025

La valiente / The little brave girl. 2004. HD.

La valiente / The little brave girl. 2004. HD.

ES. Una niña cierra los ojos intentando no pensar en nada durante 10 segundos que se hacen eternos. En esos instantes, una sucesión de imágenes referentes a los miedos de la infancia pasan por su cabeza.
Pieza de ficción dirigida por Isabel Ayguavives que ha sido reconocida con varios premios entre los que destacan el Primer Premio en la VII Mostra de Cinema Jove d’Elx, el Primer Premio en la XIII Muestra de Cine Internacional de Palencia, Mejor cortometraje en la 7ª Muestra Curt Fictions, Premio Yelmo Cineplex y Tercer Premio en el Certamen de Cortos Caja Madrid 2004.
EN. A brief, dark and thoroughly fascinating look at the terrors and trials of childhood, 'The Brave One' opens with a shot of a young girl hiding beneath her bed, quietly struggling to control her fears. As two faceless adults enter the darkened room, the girl recalls a number of frightening or painful experiences from her immediate past, each one filmed in an low-key atmosphere of silent dread...
Director: Isabel de Ayguavives.
Cast: Laura Ballesta, Blanca Nicolás, Pedro Miguel Martínez, Nicolás Barrero, Miriam Cepa, Yaiza Manso, Alejandro Zorrilla, Francisco Fernández.
Spain, 2004.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download La valiente / The little brave girl. 2004.

La valiente / The little brave girl. 2004. HD.
La valiente / The little brave girl. 2004. HD.


Sunday, 23 February 2025

L'Esprit de famille. 1979.

L'Esprit de famille. 1979.

FR. La chronique d'une famille unie : le père, médecin généraliste, la mère, artiste à ses heures et leurs quatre filles, dont Pauline, 17 ans en Terminale qui rêve de devenir romancière. Pauline vit sa première passion amoureuse avec Pierre, un peintre plus âgé qu'elle. Quand elle apprend qu'il est déjà marié et père d'une fillette, Pauline s'efface et retrouve sa place au sein de sa famille.
EN. Pauline, Cécile, Claire and Bernadette, young adolescent girls are gradually discovering the adult world and its disappointments. Between an impossible love, running away and multiple arguments, parents no longer know where to turn.
Director: Jean-Pierre Blanc.
Cast: Michel Serrault, Nicole Courcel, Pascale Rocard, Laurence de Monaghan, Martine Legrand, Michèle Kornbluh, Aude Landry, Jean-Marie Proslier, Sylvain Joubert, Dave, Emmanuelle Brunschwig.
France, 1979.
Language: French.
Download L'Esprit de famille. 1979.

L'Esprit de famille. 1979.
L'Esprit de famille. 1979.


Saturday, 22 February 2025

Des enfants qui s'aiment / Children Who Love Each Other. 2005.

Des enfants qui s'aiment / Children Who Love Each Other. 2005.

FR. Des vacances en famille à la montagne.
Eliane, une petite fille de neuf ans, est aussi libre qu'un oiseau en cage. Elle tente d'échapper à l'autoritarisme de sa mère qui exerce sur elle et sur ses autres enfants une pression maladive.
Souffrant de semi-surdité, Eliane utilise son handicap pour se protéger des adultes qui l'entourent. En dépit des blessures et des traumatismes, elle se confronte à son propre enfermement et cherche la liberté dans les grands espaces.
EN. A family vacation in the mountains.
Nine-year-old Eliane is as free as a caged bird. She tries to escape her bossy mother, who lives in a state of pathological stress that affects Eliane and her siblings. Partially-deaf, Eliane uses her disability to protect herself from the adults around her. Despite the emotional bruising and trauma, she faces up to her own isolation and looks for freedom in wide open spaces.
Director: Gilles Volta.
Cast: Elbera Volta, Marie Balmelle, Félicie Roger, Nina Franchetti, Sabrina Franchetti, Pierre-François Jaouen, Emile Gruyer, Karim Fathi, Jalal Fathi, Dorothée Decoene, Yannick Le Perff, Xavier Champagnac, Vincent Gruyer.
France, 2005.
Language: French.
Download Des enfants qui s'aiment / Children Who Love Each Other. 2005.

Des enfants qui s'aiment / Children Who Love Each Other. 2005.


Le livre de Marie. 1984. FULL-HD.

Le livre de Marie. 1984. FULL-HD.

FR. Le Livre de Marie est un court métrage franco-suisse réalisé en 1984 par Anne-Marie Miéville, troisième épouse de Jean-Luc Godard. Ce court métrage a été écrit de manière à servir de complément au long métrage de Godard Je vous salue, Marie, variation poétique et érudite sur les textes de l'évangile.
Le Livre de Marie présente la vie d'une enfant, Marie, perturbée par le divorce de ses parents. Elle tente de se consoler en écoutant la symphonie Résurrection de Gustav Mahler, mais ne parviendra finalement pas à trouver la paix. Ici commence le film de Jean-Luc Godard, qui reprend le personnage de Marie, mais au moment où elle rencontre Joseph.
EN. Marie, eleven years old, is experiencing difficult times. Her parents will separate. The perception of her universe is profoundly disturbed. This exacting portrait of a child immerses in her books, her music, and her dancing casts a dispassionate yet ultimately touching eye on the girl's reaction to the new upheaval in her life.
Director: Anne-Marie Miéville.
Cast: Bruno Cremer, Aurore Clément, Rebecca Hampton, Copi, Valentine Mercier, Cléa Rédalier.
France, Switzerland, 1984.
Language: French, English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Le livre de Marie. 1984.

Le livre de Marie. 1984. FULL-HD.
Le livre de Marie. 1984. FULL-HD.


Friday, 21 February 2025

Между релсите / Mezhdu relsite / Between the Rails. 1964. FULL-HD.

Между релсите / Mezhdu relsite / Between the Rails. 1964. FULL-HD.
BG. Детското въображение рисува друга картина от действителността, за утеха срещу жестокостта...
България в периода 1943-44г. през погледа на едно дете. Малката Елица е дете на емигранти. Баща й я връща в България, за да живее при баба си. Но тук животът е неспокоен. Чичо й е арестуван, а Елица и баба й са интернирани. Малкото момиче живее в света на мечтите - обича да ходи на гарата и да си представя, че вместо ешелони с войници, пристига кристален влак, от който слиза чичо й...
EN. The horrors of war seen through the eyes of a sensitive twelve-year-old girl who loses everyone she loves.
Bulgaria in the period 1943-44. through the eyes of a child. Little Elitsa is a child of emigrants. Her father returns her to Bulgaria to live with her grandmother. But life here is restless. Her uncle is arrested, and Elitsa and her grandmother are interned. The little girl lives in the world of dreams - she likes to go to the station and imagine that instead of echelons with soldiers, a crystal train arrives, from which her uncle gets off...
Director: Vili Tzankov.
Cast: Margarita Chudinova, Rumyana Gaytandzhieva, Violeta Antonova, Miglena Doncheva, Stoyan Gudev, Radka Sarafova, Stefan Iliev, Vasko Dosev, Svetla Mechkarova, Petar Slabakov, Stefan Pejchev, Ivan Bratanov.
Bulgaria, 1964.
Language: Bulgarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Между релсите / Mezhdu relsite / Between the Rails. 1964.
Между релсите / Mezhdu relsite / Between the Rails. 1964. FULL-HD.
Между релсите / Mezhdu relsite / Between the Rails. 1964. FULL-HD.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Les saisons du plaisir. 1988. HD.

Les saisons du plaisir. 1988. HD.

 FR. Solides centenaires, Charles et Emmanuelle, organisent, comme chaque année, dans leur château, le congrès des parfumeurs, qui distribuent leurs produits. Garibaldi, leur gendre mutilé et quelque peu dérangé, en sera le majordome. Hélène et Jacques, leurs petits-enfants, le comité d'accueil...
EN. Charles and Emmanuelle organize as every year, the congress of perfumers who distribute their products in their castle. Garibaldi, their mutilated and somewhat disturbed son-in-law, will be the butler.
Director: Jean-Pierre Mocky.
Cast: Stéphane Audran, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Jean-Luc Bideau, Roland Blanche, Richard Bohringer, Fanny Cottençon, Darry Cowl, Éva Darlan, Denise Grey, Sylvie Joly, Bernadette Lafont, Jacqueline Maillan, Bernard Menez.
France, 1988.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD
Download Les saisons du plaisir. 1988.

Les saisons du plaisir. 1988. HD.
Les saisons du plaisir. 1988. HD.

Monday, 17 February 2025

Mima. 1990. FULL-HD.

Mima. 1990. FULL-HD.

FR. En 1960, dans un quartier de Sète où vit une famille chaleureuse d'italiens. Mima, 12 ans, au seuil de l'adolescence, accepte mal l'éducation stricte imposée par sa mère. Ce n'est que dans la relation avec son grand-père que Mima trouve un certain bonheur
EN. Set in 1966 in the small port town of Sete, Mima, aged 12 and her sister, who are Italian and from a Calabrian family, live in France with other members of the family. However, one day Mima witnesses her beloved grandfather being taken away by two men, and later he is found dead. She discovers that he was killed because of a long-running family feud with the mafia, and does not tell that she witnessed anything, since, if identified, then her father and brothers would be obliged to seek out the killers and take revenge.
Director: Philomène Esposito.
Cast: Virginie Ledoyen, Nino Manfredi, Margarita Lozano, Vittoria Scognamiglio, Toni Cecchinato, Laura Martel, Patrick Bouchitey, Philippe Fretun, Arnaud Giovaninetti, Anne-Marie Pisani, Gian-Filippo Maione.
France, 1990.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Mima. 1990. 
Mima. 1990. FULL-HD.
Mima. 1990. FULL-HD.


Sunday, 16 February 2025

סיפור חצי רוסי / Sipur Hatzi-Russi / Love & Dance. 2006. HD.

סיפור חצי רוסי / Sipur Hatzi-Russi / Love & Dance. 2006. HD.
Love & Dance (Hebrew: סיפור חצי רוסי‎, translit. Sipur Hatzi-Russi) is a 2006 Israeli drama film directed by Eitan Anner. It was entered into the 28th Moscow International Film Festival.
Chen, a young kid, is battling a cultural conflict between his Russian born mother and Israeli father. She is cultured and used to the finer things in life, including theater and fine dining. He is gruff on the outside but sweet on the inside - a Sabra; and looking to make his young son a man rather than the wimp his mother is raising. One day, Chen stumbles upon a ballroom dance class for young people and sees Natalie, a stunning Russian young girl he falls in love with immediately. His interest in Natalie leads him to taking ballroom dancing and to ultimately bridging the cultural divide of his own family - through the Cha Cha and the Tango. The teachers are a pair of former Russian world champions who never quite fulfilled their potential, but find themselves battling their demons through the instructions of the kids.
Director: Eitan Anner.
Cast: Evgenia Dodina, Avi Kushnir, Oksana Korostyshevskaya, Kirill Safonov, Vladimir Volov, Valeria Voevodina, Talya Raz, David Kogen, Liron Alzrkiy, Daniel Fridman, Aviel Cohen, Andrei Balaban.
Israel, 2006.
Language: Hebrew, German.
Subtitles: English.
1280ч720 HD
Download סיפור חצי רוסי / Sipur Hatzi-Russi / Love & Dance. 2006.
סיפור חצי רוסי / Sipur Hatzi-Russi / Love & Dance. 2006. HD.
סיפור חצי רוסי / Sipur Hatzi-Russi / Love & Dance. 2006. HD.

Friday, 14 February 2025

Jako zajíci / Like Rabbits. 1981. HD.

Jako zajíci / Like Rabbits. 1981. HD.

CZ. Film Karla Smyczka podle scénáře Radka Johna a Ivo Pelanta je námětem velmi podobný o rok staršímu Smyczkovu filmu Jen si tak trochu písknout. Vypráví příběh odehrávající se v rekreační oblasti na Slapech, kde se dva rozdílní chlapci Petr a Michal po počáteční oboustranné nedůvěře stávají kamarády. Jejich vztah je konzultován nejen jejich rozdílnými povahami, ale i různými přístupy rodičů k jejich výchově. Negativní vliv civilizace se zde promítá do života dospělých i dětí, kteří hledají romantiku a odpočinek v rekreační oblasti, přesto se nedokážou oprostit od problémů maloměšťáctví.
EN. The story of two friends who while at first enemies become fast friends at a recreation area Here they try to experience youth friendship and love while trying to avoid the negative influences that society has had on...
Director: Karel Smyczek.
Cast: Michal Dlouhý, Štěpán Kment, Vít Olmer, Zdeněk Svěrák, Jana Drbohlavová, Barbora Srncová, Oldřich Vlach, Jana Břežková, Zbyněk Honzík, Lubomír Kostelka, Jiří Hálek, Bořík Procházka, Jaroslava Kretschmerová, Jiřina Jelenská, Miloslav Štibich, Hana Talpová, Valentina Thielová, Milada Ježková, Miki Kučera, Ladislav Brothánek.
Czechoslovakia, Filmové studio Barrandov, 1981.
Language: Czech.
1280x720 HD
Download Jako zajíci / Like Rabbits. 1981.

Jako zajíci / Like Rabbits. 1981. HD.
Jako zajíci / Like Rabbits. 1981. HD.


Thursday, 13 February 2025

Anthology of short films. Part 104.

Anthology of short films. Part 104.
Today we present to your attention another issue of Anthology of short films number one hundred and four. This time we are very lazy and therefore only the names of minifilms without synopsis and other information, but there are a lot of them - 12 pieces. Almost all shorts are fresh in HD.
1. August. 2014.
2. Provence. 2019.
3. Wildflowers - The Children of Never. 2020.
4. Mousie. 2019.
5. Nina. 2019.
6. Luz da Manhã. 2011.
7. Hondo. 2016.
8. La Espera. 2008.
9. Oh Brother, My Brother. 1979.
10. Are You Wild Like Me? 2018.
11. A comme Azur. 2020.
12. Jonas. 2003.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 104:
2 parts archive:
Anthology of short films. Part 104.
Anthology of short films. Part 104.

Anthology of short films. Part 104.
Anthology of short films. Part 104.

For min brors skyld / For My Brother. 2014. FULL-HD.

For min brors skyld / For My Brother. 2014. FULL-HD.
The two brothers Aske (17 years old) and Bastian (12 years old) live with their father, Lasse. Their mother died seven years earlier. Every day they live in a world where fear, violence and alcohol are huge factors, but where the brothers' strong and close relationship means everything. Aske's fight for survival means that he has to serve his father's sexual needs, which include abuse from the father, but also from paying customers and the father's friend Hans (who has a lot of contacts in the pedophile environment). Aske tries everything to keep his little brother out of it all so that he won't experience the same as himself. But one day Bastian is abused by their father and Aske's entire world is about to fall apart. The brothers choose to move to Norway, far away in the beautiful mountains. Their friendship outshines everything! They are together and far away from their evil father... Yet one morning everything is turned upside down and suddenly their fate from home is brought to Norway, which has fatal consequences for both brothers...
Director: Brian Bang.
Cast: Elias Munk, Christoffer Jensen, Allan Karlsen, Frank Schiellerup, Oliver Bjørnholdt Spottag, Frederik Ingemann Brandt, Tina Nørby, Marie Louise Lund Jensen, Kit Langberg Rasmussen, Lado Hadzic.
Denmark, 2014.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download For min brors skyld / For My Brother. 2014:
2 parts archive:
For min brors skyld / For My Brother. 2014. FULL-HD.
For min brors skyld / For My Brother. 2014. FULL-HD.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Carmen Og Babyface / Carmen & Babyface. 1995. FULL-HD.

Carmen Og Babyface / Carmen & Babyface. 1995. FULL-HD.
Set in 1962, during the Berlin crisis, the film kicks off with the flighty Carmen and her kid brother Adrian, whom she calls Babyface, living blissfully happy lives. Father is a ceramist, Mom a generous, life-embracing Mother Earth character, and they live cozily, if chaotically, in a cluttered house in the Copenhagen suburbs. Their happiness comes abruptly to an end when their parents acrimoniously separate and dad runs off with his female apprentice. The siblings move with their distraught mother to the countryside, where they find a rundown, drafty cottage. They're both taunted at school for being "townies" and different; Carmen responds by simply staying away, while Adrian has to put up with the bullying. After a while, he befriends a boy in the school, but this, too, proves temporary. Eventually, he finds the love he needs in the sympathetic arms of his teacher. An electrical storm brings ominous developments to the little family.
Director: Jon Bang Carlsen.
Cast: Joen Bille, Erich Brandt, Aksel Erhardtsen, Kenneth Friis, Sofie Gråbøl, Ulla Henningsen, Kai Løvring, Rikke Løwenstein, Waage Sandø, Hans Henrik Voetmann, Ove Sprogøe, Jens Jørn Spottag.
Denmark, 1995.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Carmen Og Babyface / Carmen & Babyface. 1995.
Carmen Og Babyface / Carmen & Babyface. 1995. FULL-HD.
Carmen Og Babyface / Carmen & Babyface. 1995. FULL-HD.

Tulennielijä / Fire-Eater. 1998. FULL-HD.

Tulennielijä / Fire-Eater. 1998. FULL-HD.
Fire-Eater (Finnish: Tulennielijä) is a 1998 Finnish film directed and written by Pirjo Honkasalo. It tells a story of two orphaned sisters who end up working in a travelling circus. The film received several international awards, including the Grand Jury prize at the American Film Institute International Film Festival in 1998.
The twin sisters Helena and Irene are born in Helsinki during World War II. A few months later their mother, Sirkka, leaves the girls in the care of their grandmother, an old communist, and runs away with a German soldier. Their life under the protection of their grandmother and the teachings of communism ends first with the death of Stalin, then with that of their grandmother. The girls are eight years old when they are put in an orphanage. Their mother shows up at the orphanage in the company of Ramon, a Spanish trapeze artist. They are on a talent search for a German circus. Ramon trains the reluctant Irene during circus tours in Central Europe. She becomes the trapeze star of the circus. The hard work soon exhausts Irene and she falls from height, as if on purpose. Helena has secretly learned the art of fire-eating. Now she is burdened with both her mother and her sister. The violent life...
Director: Pirjo Honkasalo.
Cast: Elina Hurme, Tiina Weckström, Elena Leeve, Elsa Saisio, Vappu Jurkka, Sari Havukainen, Eeva-Maija Haukinen, Per Ragnar, Jani Volanen, Tõnu Kark, Kristo Salminen.
Finland, Sweden, 1998.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Tulennielijä / Fire-Eater. 1998.
Tulennielijä / Fire-Eater. 1998. FULL-HD.
Tulennielijä / Fire-Eater. 1998. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Elisa / Mother. 2016. FULL-HD.

Elisa / Mother. 2016. FULL-HD.
Very concise short film 'Elisa' portrays the claustrophobic and extremely painful relationship between nine year old Elisa and her mother.
Director:  Kristina Shtubert.
Cast: Anastasia Triller, Susanne Wuest.
Germany, 2016.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Elisa / Mother. 2016.
Elisa / Mother. 2016. FULL-HD.
Elisa / Mother. 2016. FULL-HD.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Wrony / The Crows. 1994. FULL-HD.

Wrony / The Crows. 1994. FULL-HD.
PL. Film Doroty Kędzierzawskiej traktuje przede wszystkim o potrzebie miłości. Bohaterkami są dwie fascynujące, małe dziewczynki. Kędzierzawska często pracująca z dziećmi tak o tym mówi: "Myślę, że trudniej porozumiewać się z dorosłymi, którzy udają, zakładają maski. Dziecko jest szczere: jeśli jest złe to krzyczy, płacze i tupie nogami, jeśli jest głodne - mówi, że chce jeść. Dorośli nie są tak otwarci." "Wrony" to opowieść o samotnej dziewczynce, która pozbawiona czułości matki, porywając inną, młodszą od siebie dziewczynkę wchodzi w rolę matki, tak jak sobie tę rolę wyobraża. Wielkością filmu nie jest postawienie diagnozy społecznej. Problem społeczno-psychologiczny opowiedziany został w innej, z pozoru obcej diagnozom socjologicznym poetyce. Bohaterka filmu porusza się w niezwykłej, poetycznej przestrzeni miasta i w obszarze nieograniczonego obszaru morza. Wolność małej pozwala jej w "magiczny" sposób anektować każdą przestrzeń. Porywając inną małą "wronę", z resztą za jej przyzwoleniem, przeżywają jednodniową przygodę. Kiedyś M. Tournier, wielki wielbiciel dzieci, utrzymywał, że dziecko w sposób naturalny odwraca się od rodziców, kierując się ku podbojom świata zewnętrznego. Reżyserka sytuuje obie bohaterki zarówno w krajobrazie Kultury (miasto), jak i Natury (plaża i morze); z tym, że niezwykłe dzieci, wolne i niebezpieczne dla dorosłych zdecydowanie lepiej egzystują w świecie Natury. Ten typ myślenia jest jedną z uniwersalnych figur wyobraźni naszego widzenia dzieci. Bez wątpienia Dorota Kędzierzawska, tak jak L. Carroll uwielbia dzieci "z wyjątkiem małych chłopców." nagrody:Nagroda Specjalna Jury na FPFF Gdynia 1994; nagroda główna za zdjęcia na MFF "Camerimage" Toruń 1994
EN. Crows (Polish: Wrony) is a 1994 Polish drama film directed by Dorota Kędzierzawska. The film was selected as the Polish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 68th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
A thin child of about 10, nicknamed "Crow" because she mimics the bird, has no friends and rejects a teacher's hug. At home, she is left on her own, her mom locks her out while entertaining a lover or is asleep. One morning, Crow sees a chubby, cherubic child hugged by both parents as the father leaves for work. When the toddler is left alone, Crow lifts her through the fence and kidnaps her. That day, Crow tries to mother the child, alternately playing with and scolding her, taking her to the beach, leaving shore in a boat, pushing her into the sea in a pique, and eventually carrying the sleeping child back home. Crow returns to her own mother and asks for affection.
Director: Dorota Kędzierzawska.
Cast: Karolina Ostrożna, Katarzyna Szczepanik, Małgorzata Hajewska-Krzysztofik, Anna Prucnal, Krzysztof Grabarczyk, Agnieszka Pilaszewska, Antoni Majak, Paul Verkade, Marek Bukowski, Katarzyna Gajewska, Ewa Bukowska, Bartłomiej Topa.
Poland, 1994.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Wrony / The Crows. 1994.
Wrony / The Crows. 1994. FULL-HD.
Wrony / The Crows. 1994. FULL-HD.

Nattlek / Night Games. 1966. FULL-HD.

Nattlek / Night Games. 1966. FULL-HD.
Night Games (Swedish: Nattlek) is a 1966 Swedish movie directed by Mai Zetterling and starring Ingrid Thulin. The film premiered at the 27th Venice International Film Festival where it was considered so controversial that it was shown to the jury in private. The film was also the cause of former child-star Shirley Temple's resignation from the San Francisco International Film Festival. Temple denounced the film as “pоrnоgrаphy for profit” and was against it being shown at the festival.
Jan returns with his fiancеe to his childhood home. While there he flashes back to his childhood, twenty years before when he lived an unfettered life watched over by a strange great-aunt and a hedonistic and often neglectful mother and father. In particular he remembers watching his mother give birth to a stillborn child after refusing to go to the hospital in the middle of a party and his sexual obsession with his mother which included being caught by her while he was masturbating while listening to her read a bedtime story. In the present, his relationship with his fiancée grows more strained as his past begins to affect the way he acts in the present.
Director: Mai Zetterling.
Cast: Ingrid Thulin, Keve Hjelm, Jörgen Lindström, Lena Brundin, Naima Wifstrand, Monica Zetterlund, Lauritz Falk, Rune Lindström, Christian Bratt, Lissi Alandh, Monique Ernstdotter, Ragnar Arvedson.
Sweden, 1966.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Nattlek / Night Games. 1966.
Nattlek / Night Games. 1966. FULL-HD.
Nattlek / Night Games. 1966. FULL-HD.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.

Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.
 Viva Cuba is a 2005 Cuban film, directed by Juan Carlos Cremata and Iraida Malberti Cabrera, and written by Cremata and Manolito Rodriguez. It was the first Cuban film to be awarded the ‘Grand Prix Écrans Juniors’ for children's cinema at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival.
In Viva Cuba, a road movie fairy tale,[2] Cremata tackles localized Cuban problems from the literal point of view of the country's children. He lowers the camera to the eye level of the film's protagonists, Malú (Malú Tarrau Broche) and Jorgito (Jorgito Miló Ávila).
 In a tale akin to Romeo and Juliet, the friendship between two children is threatened by their parents' differences. Malu is from an upper-class family and her single mother does not want her to play with Jorgito, as she thinks his background coarse and commonplace. Jorgito's mother is a poor socialist that is proud of her family's social standing. She places similar restriction on her son. What neither woman recognizes is the immense strength of the bond between Malu and Jorgito. When the children learn that Malu's mother is planning to leave Cuba, they decide to travel to the other side of the island to find Malu's father and persuade him against signing the forms that would allow it.
Directors: Juan Carlos Cremata Malberti, Iraida Malberti Cabrera.
Cast: Malú Tarrau Broche, Jorge Milo, Luisa María Jiménez Rodríquez, Larisa Vega Alamar, Lieter Ledesma Alberto, Sara Cabrera, Pavel García Valdés, Albertico Pujols Acosta, Juan Carlos Cremata Malberti.
Cuba, France, 2005.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.
Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.
Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.

Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.
Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.