Cinema Paradiso


Saturday, 30 March 2024

Underwater. 2022. 4K.

Underwater. 2022. 4K.
FR. Mara, une jeune fille introvertie qui a perdu son père Erik il y a plusieurs années, ne pratique plus la danse aquatique. Hantée par ses angoisses, Mara entre en conflit permanent avec sa petite sœur Lisa et sa mère Sandra qui essaie de refaire sa vie. À travers diverses disputes, cette-dernière est confrontée à sa peur et doit prendre une décision. Continuer de se morfondre ou essayer de tourner la page.
EN. Mara, an introverted girl who lost her father several years ago, doesn't practice water dance anymore. Haunted by her anxieties, she is in constant conflict with her little sister and her mother, who is trying to rebuild her life.
Director: Nicolas Seguel.
Cast: Fanny Baudet, Louann Zalts, Isabelle-Hélène Bourquin, Claude Fiévet, Rose Grosso, Jérôme Brunel, Christian Dustour, Caroline Donzé.
Switzerland, 2022.
Language: French, Spanish, English.
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish.
3840x2160 4K
Download Underwater. 2922.
Underwater. 2022. 4K.
Underwater. 2022. 4K.

Underwater. 2022. 4K.
Underwater. 2022. 4K.

Friday, 29 March 2024

Χλώριο / Hlorio / Chlorine. 2022. FULL-HD.

Χλώριο / Hlorio / Chlorine. 2022. FULL-HD.
The 9-year-old girl spends the day swimming in the pool. Her eyes sting from the chlorine in the water. The man's eyes are red too although he spends the day in the bedroom.
Director: Thanos Psichogios.
Cast: Marilia Florou, Dimitris Lalos, Katerina Papanastasatou, Giolen Marmara.
Greece, 2022.
Language: Greek.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Χλώριο / Hlorio / Chlorine. 2022.
Χλώριο / Hlorio / Chlorine. 2022. FULL-HD.
Χλώριο / Hlorio / Chlorine. 2022. FULL-HD.


Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Agosto / August. 2015. FULL-HD.

Agosto / August. 2015. FULL-HD.
IT. Un bimbo, una bimba e il vagabondare sospeso tra gli indizi dellТestate. Agosto ш unТatmosfera, ш il caldo che dilata il tempo e lascia esplodere i luoghi negli occhi dei due piccoli protagonisti.
FR. Deux enfants, la campagne. Les heures que s’écoulent, lentes dans un chaud mois d’août. Leur désir d’aventure.
EN. For the courageous idea to narrate the magical suspension of childhood expanded time, Agosto received the Jury Special Mention. The short film is the first collaborative work between Adriano Valerio and Eva Jospin. It is about two children and their adventures in the countryside during a very hot month of August spent in Northern Italy.
Directors: Eva Jospin, Adriano Valerio.
Cast: Ada Thoretton, Oscar Thoretton.
France, Italy, 2015.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Agosto / August. 2015.

Agosto / August. 2015. FULL-HD.
Agosto / August. 2015. FULL-HD.


Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986. FULL-HD.

Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986. FULL-HD.
 FR. Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez est un film français de Max Pécas sorti en 1986. C'est le deuxième film de la « trilogie tropézienne » du réalisateur, après Les Branchés à Saint-Tropez et avant On se calme et on boit frais à Saint-Tropez.
Le film débute par la sortie de prison de Paul, condamné à quatre mois de prison à la place de son ami Julius. Afin de changer les idées de Paul, Julius décide de l'emmener à Saint-Tropez. Les deux jeunes hommes "empruntent" au passage une voiture et font sur le trajet la connaissance d'une charmante auto-stoppeuse, Évelyne, dont Julius ne tarde pas à tomber amoureux. Pour Paul, l'amour resurgit sous la forme de son ancienne compagne Milka, aux bras d'un marchand d'art quelque peu désagréable dénommé Saedi. C'est alors qu'on propose à Paul et à Julius de subtiliser deux statuettes pré-colombiennes appartenant à Saedi, qui s'avère en fait être un escroc. Mais le larcin ne se déroulera pas forcément comme prévu par nos deux compères.
EN. Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez (Two bastards in Saint- Tropez) (1986) is movie a French B movie by Max Pécas.
It is the second film of his "Saint-Tropez" trilogy. It is the last success of Max Pécas (the last one being a failure).
Julius takes his best friend Paul, fresh out of prison, to the South of France for a vacation. But new girls, old flames, lies and a couple of stolen statuettes await.
Director: Max Pécas.
Cast: Philippe Caroit, Jean-Michel Noirey, Lillemour Jonsson, Caroline Tresca, Denis Karvil, Claude Bruna, Jean Vinci, Stéphanie Billat, Marie Daëms, Gérard Croce, Daniel Mitrecey, Carole Keeper.
France, 1986.
Language: French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download DVD Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986.
Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986. FULL-HD.
Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez. 1986. FULL-HD.


Pecado Horizontal. 1982. FULL-HD.

Pecado Horizontal. 1982. FULL-HD.
 PT. Após 15 anos sem se verem, três amigos (Marcos, Bruno e Guina) se reencontram durante um casamento na cidadezinha onde foram criados. Cada um dos três conta uma aventura sexual do passado ocorrida com alguma mulher da cidade. A partir daí, o filme é intercalado com passagens em flashback que mostram as histórias de cada um.
EN. In a small town, three men meet after 15 years for a wedding and, instead of attending the ceremony, they go to a bar and start remembering the past, along with their sexual adventures.
Director: José Miziara.
Cast: Mariza Sommer, Matilde Mastrangi, Zilda Mayo, Paulo Ramos, Antônio Fonzar, Danton Jardim, Clayton Silva, Felipe Levy, José Miziara, Renée Casemart, Rubens Moral, Genésio de Carvalho.
Brazil, 1982.
Language: Portuguese.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Pecado Horizontal. 1982.
Pecado Horizontal. 1982. FULL-HD.
Pecado Horizontal. 1982. FULL-HD.

Pecado Horizontal. 1982. FULL-HD.
Pecado Horizontal. 1982. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Il ladro di bambini / The Stolen Children. 1992. FULL-HD.

Il ladro di bambini / The Stolen Children. 1992. FULL-HD.
 IT. Il ladro di bambini è un film del 1992 diretto da Gianni Amelio, vincitore del Grand Prix Speciale della Giuria al 45º Festival di Cannes.
Una donna viene accusata di prostituire la figlia adolescente. Due carabinieri devono condurla in un orfanotrofio insieme al suo fratellino. Uno dei due agenti è una brava persona e si lascia coinvolgere. Alla fine dovrà persino difendersi dall'accusa di aver rapito i bambini. Un film che ha sollevato grande dialettica e ha vinto una quantità di premi: Gran Premio speciale della giuria di Cannes e cinque David di Donatello. Si è parlato di sapori antichi: De Sica, Rossellini e persino di certe atmosfere alla Antonioni. Si è un po' esagerato.
EN. Antonio, a policeman (carabiniere), has an order to take two children (Rosetta and her brother Luciano) from Milan to Sicily to an orphanage. Their mother has been arrested for forcing Rosetta (11 years old) to work as a prostitute. First the relation between Antonio and the children is tough, but it relaxes so they become temporary friends.
Director: Gianni Amelio.
Cast: Enrico Lo Verso, Valentina Scalici, Giuseppe Ieracitano, Florence Darel, Marina Golovine, Renato Carpentieri, Vitalba Andrea, Fabio Alessandrini, Vincenzo Peluso.
Italy, France, Switzerland, 1992.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Il ladro di bambini / The Stolen Children. 1992.
Il ladro di bambini / The Stolen Children. 1992. FULL-HD.
Il ladro di bambini / The Stolen Children. 1992. FULL-HD.


Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped. FULL-HD.

Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped. FULL-HD.
Pretty Baby is a 1978 American historical drama film directed by Louis Malle, and starring Brooke Shields, Keith Carradine, and Susan Sarandon. The screenplay was written by Polly Platt. The plot focuses on a 12-year-old prostitute in the red-light district of New Orleans at the turn of the 20th century.
The title of the film is inspired by the Tony Jackson song, "Pretty Baby", which is used in the soundtrack. Although the film was mostly praised by critics, it caused significant controversy due to its depiction of child prostitution and the nude scenes of Brooke Shields, who was 12 years old.
In 1917, in the red light district Storyville, New Orleans, the prostitute Hattie lives with her twelve year-old daughter Violet in the fancy brothel of Madame Nell, where she works. Photographer Ernest J. Bellocq has an attraction to Hallie and Violet and he is an habitué of the whorehouse. One day, Madame Nell auctions Violet's virginity and the winner pays the fortune of US$ 400 to spend the night with the girl. Then Hattie marries a wealthy client and moves to Saint Louis, leaving Violet in the brothel alone. Violet decides to marry Bellocq and she moves to his house. Until the day that Hattie, who has overcome her past, comes to Bellocq's house with the intention to take Violet with her.
Director: Louis Malle.
Cast: Brooke Shields, Keith Carradine, Susan Sarandon, Frances Faye, Antonio Fargas, Matthew Anton, Diana Scarwid, Barbara Steele, Seret Scott, Cheryl Markovitz, Gerrit Graham, Laura Zimmerman.
USA, 1978.
Language: German.
This is uncropped version in maximum quality.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped:
2 parts archive:

Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped. FULL-HD.
Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped. FULL-HD.

Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped. FULL-HD.
Pretty Baby. 1978. Uncropped. FULL-HD.

Monday, 18 March 2024

Sista leken / Viimeinen kesä. 1984.

Sista leken / Viimeinen kesä. 1984.
Sista leken (Finnish: Viimeinen kesä) is a 1984 Finnish-Swedish drama film directed by Jon Lindström. Sven Wollter won the award for Best Actor at the 20th Guldbagge Awards.
In this somber, psychological drama about the conflict between a man’s innermost feelings and a society that puts these feelings in a strait jacket, the mood is ruminative and depressing throughout. Alone, Viktor (Sven Wolter) heads off for his usual summer vacation to some islands where he can ostensibly look for antiques for his wife’s shop in Stockholm. His marriage is a failure or worse – he raped his wife before he left home, and he is obsessed by erotic imaginings. Once on the islands, he makes friends with a little girl whose mother is mentally disturbed and is kept by her husband in a locked room. The islanders are as tight-lipped as Viktor, and any communication is stiff and artificial. Viktor’s own alienation begins to slip as he takes surprising, violent action to turn around the imprisoned mother’s life – but it does not work, nothing seems to work – and his last actions indicate that he may not be willing to simply give up.
Director: Jon Lindström.
Cast: Sven Wollter, Karolina Korpioja, Aino Seppo, Soli Labbart, Tomas Laustiola, Bibi Andersson, Jacob Hirdwall, Ulf Törnroth, Toni Regner, Christina Indrenius-Zalewski, Sara Paavolainen, Asko Sarkola.
Sweden, Finland, 1984.
Language: Swedish.
Download Sista leken / Viimeinen kesä. 1984.
Sista leken / Viimeinen kesä. 1984.
Sista leken / Viimeinen kesä. 1984.

Sunday, 17 March 2024

ゴンドラ / Gondola. 1987. FULL-HD.

ゴンドラ / Gondola. 1987. FULL-HD.
 JP. 1987年に当時20代の若者たちが中心になり独立プロで製作された作品で、美しい映像と幻想的な色彩でひとりの少女の心の対話を描いた。青森県下北半島から上京し、ゴンドラに乗って高層ビルのガラス拭きをする仕事に就いた青年・良。一方、音楽家の母れい子と高層マンションに2人で暮らす11歳の少女かがりは、仕事で忙しい母のいない部屋で、2羽の白い文鳥と音叉の響きに耳を澄ますことがささやかな遊びになっていた。ある日、学校から帰宅かがりは、文鳥の1羽が傷ついているのを見つける。マンションの窓ガラスを掃除していた良は、窓の外からその様子を知り、文鳥を動物病院に連れて行くかがりに付き添う。しかし、文鳥は死んでしまい、母親に死骸を捨てられたかがりは家を飛び出す。そんな彼女と偶然再会した良は、かがりを故郷の下北半島に連れて行くことにするが……。
EN. When Ryo arrives in Tokyo from the Aomori Prefecture he finds employment cleaning windows of high-rises. Pre-teen girl Kagari lives inside one of the buildings. Ryo and Kagari lock gazes for a moment. It is a moment when one can help the other, but also a moment when two persons who usually cannot communicate do.
Director: Chisho Itoh.
Cast: Hide Demon, Hatsunori Hasegawa, Kenta Kai, Midori Kiuchi, Sumie Sasaki, Hideo Sato, Masayuki Suzuki, Kieko Uemura.
Japan, 1987.
Language: Japanese.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download ゴンドラ / Gondola. 1987:
2 parts archive:
ゴンドラ / Gondola. 1987. FULL-HD.
ゴンドラ / Gondola. 1987. FULL-HD.


Friday, 15 March 2024

S.O.S. Szobafogság! 1987. HD.

S.O.S. Szobafogság! 1987. HD.
 HU. Balázs szülei Bulgáriába mennek nyaralni, s erre az időre a fiút Terus nénihez adják. Balázs teljesen felforgatja az idős asszony életét, mégis a két hét elmúltával Terus néni egészen másként látja a világot.
EN. Balázs' parents go to Bulgaria on holiday, and for this time the boy went to visit to Aunt Terus. Balázs completely reverses the old woman's life, yet after two weeks, Aunt Terus sees the world quite differently.
Director: György Palásthy.
Cast: Ilona Kállay, Erzsi Máthé, Márton Murányi, László Szacsvay, Judit Miklósy, Teréz Bod, Józsa Hacser, Éva Spányik, László Borbély.
Hungary, Magyar Televízió, 1987.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: Hungarian.
960x720 HD
Download S.O.S. Szobafogság! 1987.
S.O.S. Szobafogság! 1987. HD.
S.O.S. Szobafogság! 1987. HD.


Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 2. 2017. HD.

Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 2. 2017. HD.
 Norsk dokumentarserie. Sesong 2. (1:13) Vi drar igjen. Denne gangen skal Ivi og Jack reise til Stillehavet sammen med naboene sine Vilja og Iben. Alle foreldrene, og fetter Jørgen skal også være med. Vi bygger fyrtårn av søppel og gjør oss klare til å dra.
Thomas Lien tilbrakte et halvt år på en liten øy i Stillehavet hvor han laget en barneserie med sine egne barn og barna på øya som drivende karakterer. Hans egen datter er hovedpersonen. Thomas Lien skal lage sesong 2 hvor han tar med barna sine og en annen familie på skipet Infinity, som reiser rundt i Stillehavet med vind som motor. Skuespiller Henrik Mestad med kone og to barn spiller i serien.
Season 2. 13 Episodes x 12 min.
Director: Thomas Lien.
Norway, NRK, 2017.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: Norwegian.
1280x720 HD
Download Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 2. 2017.

Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 2. 2017. HD.
Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 2. 2017. HD.

Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 2. 2017. HD.
Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 2. 2017. HD.

Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 2. 2017. HD.
Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 2. 2017. HD.

Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 1. 2014. HD.

Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 1. 2014. HD.
  Norsk dokumentarserie om en familie som drar til den bittelille øya Tikopia, en bortgjemt perle med litt over 1000 innbyggere. «Lillebror Jack, fetter Jørgen og jeg bor på Tikopia med mamma og pappa og lever et annerledes liv. Her skal vi lære hvordan de som bor her, lever, sier 6 år gamle Ivi.» Serien starter med at Ivi og Jack drar fra barnehagen. Sammen med mamma Susann, pappa Thomas og fetter Jørgen begynner de den lange reisen og tar seerne med på det de opplevde på den vesle øya, som fremstår som selve drømmen av en stillehavsøy.
Season 1. 13 Episodes x 12 min.
Director: Thomas Lien.
Norway, NRK, 2014.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 1. 2014.

Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 1. 2014. HD.
Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 1. 2014. HD.

Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 1. 2014. HD.
Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 1. 2014. HD.

Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 1. 2014. HD.
Flaskepost fra Stillehavet. Season 1. 2014. HD.

Thursday, 14 March 2024

La rabia / Anger. 2008. FULL-HD.

La rabia / Anger. 2008. FULL-HD.
 ES. Una tragedia que tiene lugar en la árida pampa argentina: el adulterio, el odio y varias diferencias acaban en una explosión de rabia y violencia que destroza a dos familias. Cuando Poldo se percata de que su gran camarada, el granjero Pichón, ha ofendido a la pequeña Nati, su hija muda, decide romper por completo la relación que tenían. Poldo también prohíbe a su mujer que vea a Pichón, sin sospechar que ambos mantienen una relación amorosa.
EN. Seх, violence, betrayal and madness coalesce in this disturbing drama from Argentinean filmmaker Albertina Carri. Nati is a disturbed young girl living with her father Poldo and mother Alejandra in a remote, hardscrabble farming community. Nati, who cannot speak and strips off her clothes when she's angry, has few friends and has no one to play with besides Ladeado, the older son of Pichon, who works the neighboring farm. One of the reasons Nati is distraught is Alejandra has been having an affair with Pichon, and the two do little to hide their aggressive, sado-masochistic lovemaking from their children. Witnessing the brutal sex play between Alejandra and Pichon has also had a profound effect on Ladeado, who has taken to capturing and killing wild weasels. Nati begins drawing pictures depicting what she's seen her mother doing, and when Poldo gets a good look at them, he's determined to make his wife pay for her infidelity
Director: Albertina Carri.
Cast: Analía Couceyro, Javier Lorenzo, Víctor Hugo Carrizo, Nazarena Duarte, Gonzalo Pérez, Dalma Maradona.
Argentina, Netherlands, 2008.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download La rabia / Anger. 2008.
La rabia / Anger. 2008. FULL-HD.
La rabia / Anger. 2008. FULL-HD.


Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Kočičí princ / Der Katzenprinz. 1978. FULL-HD.

Kočičí princ / Der Katzenprinz. 1978. FULL-HD.
CZ. V českém filmu pro malé diváky se díky dětské představivosti prolíná realita s pohádkovou fantazií. Začíná v okamžiku, kdy se rodina správce zámku Krále stěhuje na nové působiště. Tatínek, maminka i jejich dvě děti, Radek a pětiletá Terezka, a nakonec kočka Líza. Fantazie obou dětí mění krajinu, kterou projíždějí, v pohádkovou zemi a když nákladní auto uvázne ve sněhové závěji, přijede kouzelný dědeček na saních tažených koňmi a odveze je do zámku, kde se setkají s tajemným černým jezdcem na černém koni. Později zjistí, že je to zámecký restaurátor Albert...
EN. The castle custodian Král is moving to a new place of work with his wife, son Radek and a five - years old daughter Terezka. Radek takes his cat Líza with him. A fully loaded truck moves through the country which is in spring blossoms, gradually changing into a snow-covered land. Children's imagination creates from real experiences magic stories - a fairy-tale grandpa takes them to a new castle, the children fear a black-horse rider who - as the grandpa and the cleaning lady assert she hates cats.
Director: Ota Koval.
Cast: Pavel Hachle, Žaneta Fuchsová, Winfried Glatzeder, Vlastimil Hašek, Jana Andrsová-Večtomová, Bohumil Vávra, Alena Kreuzmannová, Veronika Týblová, Tereza Brodská, Valerie Kaplanová, Boris Hybner, Michal Tučný, Tomáš Tintěra, Zdena Sedláková, Jana Andresíková, Rüdiger Flakus, Martin Janeček, Kurt Sperling, Jiří Petkov, Jaroslava Schallerová, Petr Čepek, Jaroslava Tvrzníková, Michal Tříska, David Ployhar.
Czechoslovakia, DDR, 1978.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Kočičí princ / Der Katzenprinz. 1978.
Kočičí princ / Der Katzenprinz. 1978. FULL-HD.
Kočičí princ / Der Katzenprinz. 1978. FULL-HD.


Sunday, 10 March 2024

Nana / Nana: La vera chiave del piacere / Nana, the True Key of Pleasure. 1982. FULL-HD.

Nana / Nana: La vera chiave del piacere / Nana, the True Key of Pleasure. 1982. FULL-HD.
  Nana, the True Key of Pleasure is a 1982 Italian drama film directed by Dan Wolman based on Émile Zola's novel Nana. The music is by Ennio Morricone.
At only 18 years of age (according to some sources she was 16), German actress Katya Berger plays the title role in Israeli director Dan Wolman's 1982 costume drama Nana. The Italian film was released as Nana: La vera chiave del piacere in Italian and Nana, the True Key of Pleasure in English.
In Zola's Paris, an ingenue arrives at a tony bordello: she's Nana, guileless, but quickly learning to use her erotic innocence to get what she wants. She's an actress for a soft-core filmmaker and soon is the most popular courtesan in Paris, parlaying this into a house, bought for her by a wealthy banker. She tosses him and takes up with her neighbor, a count of impeccable rectitude, and with the count's impressionable son. The count is soon fetching sticks like a dog and mortgaging his lands to satisfy her whims. She bankrupts him, arranges the debauching of his wife, and seduces his son on his wedding day. What else can she accomplish before she leaves Paris airborne?
Director: Dan Wolman.
Writers: Émile Zola (novel), Marc Behm (screenplay).
Cast: Katya Berger, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Yehuda Efroni, Mandy Rice-Davies, Massimo Serato, Debra Berger, Shirin Taylor, Annie Belle, Paul Muller, Marcus Beresford, Robert Bridges.
Italy, 1982.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD /Blu-ray/
Download Nana / Nana: La vera chiave del piacere / Nana, the True Key of Pleasure. 1982:
3 parts archive:

Nana / Nana: La vera chiave del piacere / Nana, the True Key of Pleasure. 1982. FULL-HD.
Nana / Nana: La vera chiave del piacere / Nana, the True Key of Pleasure. 1982. FULL-HD.

Nana / Nana: La vera chiave del piacere / Nana, the True Key of Pleasure. 1982. FULL-HD.
Nana / Nana: La vera chiave del piacere / Nana, the True Key of Pleasure. 1982. FULL-HD.

Friday, 8 March 2024

Den siste våren / The Last Spring. 2023. HD.

Den siste våren / The Last Spring. 2023. HD.
In a small town in northern Norway, Eira tries to follow in the shadow of her brilliant and rebellious older sister Vera. Lately however, something is happening to Vera. In a bid to understand, Eira starts reading her diary. She enters Vera's universe of intense light, glitter, mythology and hopes for a more beautiful world. Yet her diary reveals a darkness that leaves Eira confused.
Director: Franciska Eliassen.
Cast: Keira LaHart, Ruby Dagnall, Idun Benjaminsen, Farhad Farrokhi, Norunn F. Gansmoe, Karl Olof Hallberg, Felix Harrison, Mathias Ingvoldstad, Snorre Aun Sætereng.
Norway, 2023.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Den siste våren / The Last Spring. 2023.
Den siste våren / The Last Spring. 2023. HD.
Den siste våren / The Last Spring. 2023. HD.


Thursday, 7 March 2024

Wrony / The Crows. 1994. HD.

Wrony / The Crows. 1994. FULL-HD.
PL. Film Doroty Kędzierzawskiej traktuje przede wszystkim o potrzebie miłości. Bohaterkami są dwie fascynujące, małe dziewczynki. Kędzierzawska często pracująca z dziećmi tak o tym mówi: "Myślę, że trudniej porozumiewać się z dorosłymi, którzy udają, zakładają maski. Dziecko jest szczere: jeśli jest złe to krzyczy, płacze i tupie nogami, jeśli jest głodne - mówi, że chce jeść. Dorośli nie są tak otwarci." "Wrony" to opowieść o samotnej dziewczynce, która pozbawiona czułości matki, porywając inną, młodszą od siebie dziewczynkę wchodzi w rolę matki, tak jak sobie tę rolę wyobraża. Wielkością filmu nie jest postawienie diagnozy społecznej. Problem społeczno-psychologiczny opowiedziany został w innej, z pozoru obcej diagnozom socjologicznym poetyce. Bohaterka filmu porusza się w niezwykłej, poetycznej przestrzeni miasta i w obszarze nieograniczonego obszaru morza. Wolność małej pozwala jej w "magiczny" sposób anektować każdą przestrzeń. Porywając inną małą "wronę", z resztą za jej przyzwoleniem, przeżywają jednodniową przygodę. Kiedyś M. Tournier, wielki wielbiciel dzieci, utrzymywał, że dziecko w sposób naturalny odwraca się od rodziców, kierując się ku podbojom świata zewnętrznego. Reżyserka sytuuje obie bohaterki zarówno w krajobrazie Kultury (miasto), jak i Natury (plaża i morze); z tym, że niezwykłe dzieci, wolne i niebezpieczne dla dorosłych zdecydowanie lepiej egzystują w świecie Natury. Ten typ myślenia jest jedną z uniwersalnych figur wyobraźni naszego widzenia dzieci. Bez wątpienia Dorota Kędzierzawska, tak jak L. Carroll uwielbia dzieci "z wyjątkiem małych chłopców." nagrody:Nagroda Specjalna Jury na FPFF Gdynia 1994; nagroda główna za zdjęcia na MFF "Camerimage" Toruń 1994
EN. Crows (Polish: Wrony) is a 1994 Polish drama film directed by Dorota Kędzierzawska. The film was selected as the Polish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 68th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
A thin child of about 10, nicknamed "Crow" because she mimics the bird, has no friends and rejects a teacher's hug. At home, she is left on her own, her mom locks her out while entertaining a lover or is asleep. One morning, Crow sees a chubby, cherubic child hugged by both parents as the father leaves for work. When the toddler is left alone, Crow lifts her through the fence and kidnaps her. That day, Crow tries to mother the child, alternately playing with and scolding her, taking her to the beach, leaving shore in a boat, pushing her into the sea in a pique, and eventually carrying the sleeping child back home. Crow returns to her own mother and asks for affection.
Director: Dorota Kędzierzawska.
Cast: Karolina Ostrożna, Katarzyna Szczepanik, Małgorzata Hajewska-Krzysztofik, Anna Prucnal, Krzysztof Grabarczyk, Agnieszka Pilaszewska, Antoni Majak, Paul Verkade, Marek Bukowski, Katarzyna Gajewska, Ewa Bukowska, Bartłomiej Topa.
Poland, 1994.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Wrony / The Crows. 1994.
Wrony / The Crows. 1994. FULL-HD.
Wrony / The Crows. 1994. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Provocadora / Provocateur. 2023. FULL-HD.

Provocadora / Provocateur. 2023. FULL-HD.
ES. Por alguna razón que no sabemos, Vera no parece disfrutar tanto como debería del verano con sus abuelos, de la comida, la piscina y los juegos de mesa. Como recortes que poco a poco se ordenan y toman sentido, este puzle de memorias esconde un secreto oscuro que va volviéndose más claro a medida que avanza. Una película llena de planos magníficos que destila veracidad a través de un tratamiento de imagen y sonido de un extraordinario detallismo.
EN. For some reason we don't know, Vera doesn't seem to enjoy the summer with her grandparents, the food, the pool, and the board games as much as she should. Like cuts that little by little are organized and make sense, this puzzle of memories hides a dark secret that becomes clearer as it progresses. A film full of magnificent shots that exudes truthfulness through an image and sound treatment of extraordinary detail.
Director: Èlia Lorente.
Cast: Carlota Vila Boladeras, Josep Maria Alejandre, Teo Carrión, Carmina Ral.
Spain, 2023.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Provocadora / Provocateur. 2023.
Provocadora / Provocateur. 2023. FULL-HD.
Provocadora / Provocateur. 2023. FULL-HD.


Monday, 4 March 2024

Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981. FULL-HD.

Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981. FULL-HD.
Tree of Knowledge (Danish: Kundskabens træ) is a 1981 Danish coming-of-age drama directed by Nils Malmros. The film details the lives of 17 teenage schoolmates in 1950s Denmark. Shooting on location at the high school which he had attended, Malmros took two years to film the action, so the cast members reflected the real life physical and emotional development of their characters.
Despite critical praise, Tree of Knowledge received only two awards: the Danish Film Critics Bodil Award for Jan Weincke's cinematography and the Audience Award at the Lübeck Nordic Film Festival. Tree of Knowledge is one of the top 100 Danish films listed by the Danish Film Institute and is one of ten films listed in the cultural canon of Denmark by the Danish Ministry of Culture.
End of the 50s in Aarhus, Denmark, the story of a group of children from the 7th to the 9th grade. What they experience are not the grand dramas of life, but the events they do experience affect them more powerfully than at any other time in their lives. The film centers around Elin, the prettiest and most mature girl in the class. She plays on these advantages more or less unconsciously. It makes the girls jealous and the boys unsure. Therefore she becomes the scapegoat for their unresolved sexual awareness.
Director: Nils Malmros.
Cast: Eva Gram Schjoldager, Jan Johansen, Line Arlien-Søborg, Marian Wendelbo, Gitte Iben Andersen, Lone Elliot, Astrid Holm Jensen, Brian Theibel, Bo von Der Lippe, Marin Lysholm Jepsen.
Denmark, 1981.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: Danish, English, Russian.
1920x1080 HD
Download Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981:
2 parts archive:

Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981. FULL-HD.
Kundskabens træ / Tree of Knowledge. 1981. FULL-HD.

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Pornomania. 2024. FULL-HD.

Pornomania. 2024. FULL-HD.
Following a traumatic event at her grandparents' home, 10-year-old Rose embarks on an obsessive quest to see and understand the forbidden world of adults for herself.
Director: Chloé Sirois.
Cast: Anaïs Lalande, Laurence Ménard, Jean Marchand, Markita Boies, Mattis Savard-Verhoeven, Valérie Tellos, Pierre-François Bouffard, Monick Piché.
Canada, 2024.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Pornomania. 2024.
Pornomania. 2024. FULL-HD.
Pornomania. 2024. FULL-HD.


Saturday, 2 March 2024

404. 2019. FULL-HD.

404. 2019. FULL-HD.
404 goes to meet a band of left-by-owners living in a seaside district. During a weekend, we follow the complex relationship between Gregory, an excessive but touching young man, and his daughter Boo, with disproportionately large eyes.
Director: Antoine Besse.
Cast: Ella Ayeni, Theo Christine, Andrée Damant, Mabô Kouyaté, Zoé L'Hôte, Inès Melab, Ruskov.France, 1980.
France, 2019.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download 404. 2019.
404. 2019. FULL-HD.
404. 2019. FULL-HD.