Anthology of short films. Part 121.
Today we are pleased to present to your attention fresh collection of short films number one hundred twenty one. There are 12 mini-films from different countries shot over the past many years - from 1939 to 2022 including rare old documentary shorts from Denmark and Sweden. We are sure that you will like this collection.
Enjoy watching.
1. Skydda barnen.
Propagande för skyddsymning mot difteri. Tecknade bilder från den engelska filmen ”Defeat Diphtheria” (Paul Rotha 1941).
Sweden, 1944.
2. Rolf und Susanne gehen ins Hallenbad. FULL-HD.
Rolf und Susanne besuchen ein Hallenbad. Sie lernen, wie man an der Kasse die Eintrittskarten löst, die Umkleidekabinen und die Duschen auffindet und richtig benutzt und wie man sich in den Becken für Schwimmer und Nichtschwimmer richtig verhält. Motivierende Trickfilmeinstellungen unterbrechen die Realszenen.
Germany, 1974.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
3. Vårt mål. HD.
En socialdemokratisk valfilm från 1946. Bilder från Göteborg och hur det socialdemokratiska kommunala handlingsprogrammet och olika valmanifest presenteras i Göteborg. Dokumentära bilder från andra välrdskriget -- freden -45. Socialdemokratiskt efterkrigsprogram.
1280x720 HD
Sweden, 1946.
4. Sundhedsvæsenet. HD.
Grønlands sundshedsvæsen anno 1939. 10 læger tilser landets 18.000 indbyggere, dels på rejser med motorbåde og slæde, dels på 14 sygehuse spredt over landet, assistereret af 16 danske og 100 grønlandske sygeplejersker. Al lægehjælp, medicin og hospitalsophold er gratis.
960x720 HD
Denmark, 1939.
5. Safari. HD.
It is an ordinary day in an American institute, but this day will not be like the others.
Spain, USA, 2014.
1280x720 HD
6. Monsters. HD.
An 8-year-old troubled boy, Stan, crushed by his dysfunctional family and the daily ordeals he is subjected to by his spiteful and malicious older sister, Mary, finds refuge to the safety of an imaginary world. Inevitably, however, this vicious cycle of abuse, hallucinations and sibling animosity will eventually take its toll on everyone in the family.
UK, 2004.
1280x720 HD
7. Candy Kane. FULL-HD.
The child is locked. Yes, I was one...
Canada, 2022.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
8. Engle hører til i himlen / Angels Belong in Heaven.
Lau is seven years old and lives in an orphanage where he has lived since his father hung himself on Christmas Eve. Now it's Christmas again and Lau is still trying to understand his father and not least himself. Loose method of understanding is dangerous and unthinkable but feels right. At night when everyone sleeps, Lau goes up to the children's home's loft, where he stores all the memories of his father. One day, the girl Esta arrives at the orphanage, and maybe she feels the same way.
Denmark, 2012.
9. Samo gjavolot se plasi od voda. FULL-HD.
Boris and Kira’s friendship is put to a test, when Boris, influenced by his grandmother, starts suspecting that his friend is a representation of the Devil. This will make him doubt her goodness, until Kira reveals to him the sorrowful truth about her life.
North Macedonia, 2022.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
10. 小大人 / Xiao daren / Kids of Paradise. FULL-HD.
It follows a fairy tale about the relationships between the individual and the collective.
China, 2022.
1440x1080 FULL-HD
11. Eventyret om julemærket. FULL-HD.
Siden 1904 er der hvert år udgivet et særligt julemærke, som man kan påklistre sine postforsendelser i forbindelse med juleposten. Salget af julemærker er grundlaget for oprettelsen og driften af julemærkehjemmene rundt om i Danmark. Hjemmene har til formål at huse og hjælpe udsatte og særligt trængende børn. Filmen viser forskellige optagelser fra dagligdagen på syv hjem, herunder Hobro, Juelsminde (nedlagt i 1956), Fjordmark ved Flensborg Fjord, Holbølls Minde i Svendborg, Lindersvold, Mørkøv og Kildemose ved Frederiksværk. Børnenes dag består bl.a. af undervisning, lægebesøg, leg og hygge i haven med husdyr, fællesspisning, let mark- og havearbejde, gåture og strandture. Ved juletid boltrer børnene sig i sneen, og til juleaften danser de om juletræet og får gaver af julemanden.
Denmark, 1956.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
12. Cosas De Chicos. FULL-HD.
The 90's. Summer begins in a rural town. Marta, a happy and innocent 12-year-old girl, enjoys playing football with her friends, riding a bike and building the same hut every year. Everything in her world is perfect, but Marta is different from the other girls in the village: besides being the leader of her gang of friends, she is the only girl in the group. Although gender has never been an obstacle in their friendship, this is about to change: Loren, a 16-year-old boy, arrives in town and approaches Marta's friends, changing their gaze towards her. Loren has come to stay, and with him puberty and gender roles. Will Marta lose her innocence and accept the rules of her new world?
Spain, 2022.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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Anthology of short films. Part 121. |
Anthology of short films. Part 121. |