Today we are glad to present to your attention a new collection of short films number one hundred and fifteen. In this archive we have collected six European mini-movies, mostly fresh, in high definition and with English subtitles.
Enjoy watching!
1. Tjejernas Omklädningsrum / Take Cover. 2017. FULL-HD.Three friends are the only ones left in the girls' locker room after gym class. No one wants to be the third wheel of the group.
Director: Beata Rappe.
Cast: Agnes Mikkeline Hansen, Åsa Hurtig, Emilia Ajanovic Nord.
Denmark, Sweden, 2017.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
2. Plaukike / The Swimmer. 2013. FULL-HD.A ten years old Grete enters the pool in order to start swimming lessons. There she meets a nineteen years old Ariel, a professional swimmer, whose father is also her coach. Ariel is preparing for the upcoming Olympics but she is deeply worried about her leg pain. Despite the age difference, two become friends as Ariel helps Grete to overcome her fear of jumping into the water. However, Ariel's leg ache becomes more and more painful... It is a story about small and big fears, friendship, and passion for swimming, stronger than anything.
Director: Gabriele Urbonaite.
Cast: Ugne Beleckaite, Dainius Gavenonis, Petras Kuneika, Viktorija Kuodyte.
Lithuania, 2013.
Language: Lithuanian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
3. L'île jaune / The Yellow Island. 2016. FULL-HD.11-year-old Ena meets a young fisherman in a port. He gives her an eel and they arrange to meet the following Sunday on the other side of the lake. She has to be there.
Directors: Paul Guilhaume, Léa Mysius.
Cast: Ena Letourneux, Alexandre Branco, Isabelle Coste, Denis Wallon.
France, 2016.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
4. Tilbage til byen / Going Back Home. 2000. HD.10 year old Alice's family moves from the city to the country and leaving her friends proves difficult. Alice wants to return to the city until she makes an unexpected friend and finds that being cool city-style isn't as important as she thought it was.
Director: Michael W. Horsten.
Cast: Vera Nygaary, Emilie Stenov.
Spain, 2000.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Sommarlek / Summer Clouds. 2004.Den lilla flickan, jägaren, tonårsgrabbarna - alla leker de, på gränsen till allvar, medan den ångande svenska sommaren tittar på.
Director: Axel Danielson.
Cast: Anna Åhlander, Josef Cahoon, Niclas Larsson, André Jadeland, Sebastian Pramborg.
Sweden, 2004.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
6. Daan Durft / Go Daan Go! 2014. FULL-HD.Daan Durft is a short film about nine-year-old Daan, who really gets excited about taking up swimming once he discovers his mother's old swimming medals in the attic. When his school teacher encourages him to join the nearest local swimming club, Daan finds out that his mother is definitely not amused. She is afraid that Daan inherited her cardiac problems. She is not at all confident that he can take up physical sports. She suggests that he should take a medical test before he starts training for the Youth Olympic Games of 2018. Despite his mothers fears Daan doesn't wait and starts training behind her back. Will Daan's dream come true? Will his parents support him and is his mother able to deal with a dream that in the past turned out to be a nightmare for her?
Director: Mari Sanders.
Cast: Jorrit de Jong, Marleen Scholten, Bas Keijzer, Gijs Rodolphe, Kees Boot.
Netherlands, 2014.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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Anthology of short films. Part 115. |
Anthology of short films. Part 115. |