Today we present to your attention the first issue of this year's collection of short films number one hundred and eight. This time we have collected eleven mini-films, mostly fresh French ones, but there are also unusual ancient ones from other countries.
Enjoy watching!
1. Sur la tombe de mon père. 2021. HD.
Maïne roule vers un village marocain accompagnée de sa famille et du cercueil de son père. Demain, les hommes l’enterreront et les femmes attendront à la maison. Mais la jeune fille ne l’entend pas de cette manière et compte bien accompagner son père jusqu’à la dernière minute.
Director: Jawahine Zentar.
France, 2021.
1280x720 HD
2. Cloche Petite aux merveilles du pays. 2022. HD.
Cloche is an homeless and clumsy young woman.
She exhausts her companions with her blunders. They end up excluding her from their camp.
Unable to fend for herself, starving, freezing, and afraid, Cloche goes downtown.
A little odyssey begins that will change her life.
Director: Anthony Brinig.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
3. Matapang. 2022.
Mary Ann, a twelve-year-old child born from sex tourism, survives in the slum of Angeles City, Manila. Determined to make it out, she is ready to do anything to find her father.
Director: Léa-Jade Horlier.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
4. Des Tresses. 2022. FULL-HD.
Lili starts fourth grade at a new school and befriends Dado. As the class photo approaches, Lili has her hair braided and Dado has her hair straightened. It's an opportunity to look for something in each other that they don't have, even if it means putting their friendship at risk.
Director: Leïla Macaire.
France, 2022.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
5. Petit poussin. 2020. HD.
Suffering from mutism, 12 year-old Maëline finds it hard to be accepted by others. Sent home from the childcare centre, she has no choice but to stay on her own with Patrick, her butcher step-father.
Director: Nadia Anebri.
France, 2020.
1280x720 HD
6. Amère. 2022. HD.
Mom has two daughters. Léna is in her twenties, but their relationship is strained since something tragic happened a few years ago. And Chloe, eight years old, the biological daughter of a junkie neighbor she looks after as if she were her own child. Mom has always tried to avoid any encounter between her daughters. But, when the two meet for her birthday, masks come off.
Director: Flora Djien.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
7. Ist das denn schon Liebe? 1983.
Dokumentarfilm berichtet über eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen zwischen 14 und 16 Jahren, die während ihres dreiwöchigen Ferienaufenthaltes an der Ostsee nach ihren partnerschaftlichen Beziehungen und ihrem Sexualleben befragt wurden. Mit großer Offenheit berichten die Jungen und Mädchen über ihre frühen Erfahrungen mit dem anderen Geschlecht. Ihr verantwortungsvolles Verhalten, ihre Erlebnisse, Wünsche, Hoffnungen, Gefühle und Vorstellungen werden behutsam mit der Kamera eingefangen und mit den Originaltönen gut zusammen geschnitten. Briefe Jugendlicher an die Zeitung "Junge Welt“ thematisieren die Probleme bei der Partnersuche, mit der Sexualität und in der Partnerschaft.
Director: Helmut Kißling.
DDR, DERA, 1983.
8. Dominique Personne. 2022. HD.
Dominique is a 12-year-old teenager, reserved and far from popular. All weekend, it's the big departmental acrosport tournament, except that this morning Dominique has her period.
Director: Camille Pernin.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
9. Ryhti on terveyttä. 1959.
Mannerheim-liiton ryhtineuvolan valistuselokuva, päähenkilöinä kuvitteellisen Virtasen perheen selkävaivaiset isä ja tytär. Tytär käy Mannerheim-liiton ryhtineuvolassa tutkittavana ja saa ohjeet ryhdin parantamista varten.
Finland, 1959.
10. Nordens arkæologi. Jernalderen. 1958. FULL-HD.
Om jernalderen i norden. Filmen viser, hvordan jernmalmen udvindes og bruges til f.eks. pløjeredskaber. Boligen er ét stort rum med mennesker og husdyr under samme tag. Hverdagslivet er skildret med alle dets gøremål. Bevarede kar og genstande med relieffer og udsmykning, der fortæller om livet i jernalderen og den store historie, fremvises.
Filmen er 3. del af serien "Nordens arkæologi".
Director: Carl Otto Petersen.
Denmark, 1958.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
11. Vlekkeloos / Spotless. 2021.
When 15 year old Ruby realizes she is having her period, she doesn't want to ask her mother to buy her period products, because she knows their financial situation doesn't really allow it. She sets out to solve this problem herself.
Director: Emma Branderhorst.
Netherlands, 2021.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 108.
Enjoy watching!
1. Sur la tombe de mon père. 2021. HD.
Maïne roule vers un village marocain accompagnée de sa famille et du cercueil de son père. Demain, les hommes l’enterreront et les femmes attendront à la maison. Mais la jeune fille ne l’entend pas de cette manière et compte bien accompagner son père jusqu’à la dernière minute.
Director: Jawahine Zentar.
France, 2021.
1280x720 HD
2. Cloche Petite aux merveilles du pays. 2022. HD.
Cloche is an homeless and clumsy young woman.
She exhausts her companions with her blunders. They end up excluding her from their camp.
Unable to fend for herself, starving, freezing, and afraid, Cloche goes downtown.
A little odyssey begins that will change her life.
Director: Anthony Brinig.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
3. Matapang. 2022.
Mary Ann, a twelve-year-old child born from sex tourism, survives in the slum of Angeles City, Manila. Determined to make it out, she is ready to do anything to find her father.
Director: Léa-Jade Horlier.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
4. Des Tresses. 2022. FULL-HD.
Lili starts fourth grade at a new school and befriends Dado. As the class photo approaches, Lili has her hair braided and Dado has her hair straightened. It's an opportunity to look for something in each other that they don't have, even if it means putting their friendship at risk.
Director: Leïla Macaire.
France, 2022.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
5. Petit poussin. 2020. HD.
Suffering from mutism, 12 year-old Maëline finds it hard to be accepted by others. Sent home from the childcare centre, she has no choice but to stay on her own with Patrick, her butcher step-father.
Director: Nadia Anebri.
France, 2020.
1280x720 HD
6. Amère. 2022. HD.
Mom has two daughters. Léna is in her twenties, but their relationship is strained since something tragic happened a few years ago. And Chloe, eight years old, the biological daughter of a junkie neighbor she looks after as if she were her own child. Mom has always tried to avoid any encounter between her daughters. But, when the two meet for her birthday, masks come off.
Director: Flora Djien.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
7. Ist das denn schon Liebe? 1983.
Dokumentarfilm berichtet über eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen zwischen 14 und 16 Jahren, die während ihres dreiwöchigen Ferienaufenthaltes an der Ostsee nach ihren partnerschaftlichen Beziehungen und ihrem Sexualleben befragt wurden. Mit großer Offenheit berichten die Jungen und Mädchen über ihre frühen Erfahrungen mit dem anderen Geschlecht. Ihr verantwortungsvolles Verhalten, ihre Erlebnisse, Wünsche, Hoffnungen, Gefühle und Vorstellungen werden behutsam mit der Kamera eingefangen und mit den Originaltönen gut zusammen geschnitten. Briefe Jugendlicher an die Zeitung "Junge Welt“ thematisieren die Probleme bei der Partnersuche, mit der Sexualität und in der Partnerschaft.
Director: Helmut Kißling.
DDR, DERA, 1983.
8. Dominique Personne. 2022. HD.
Dominique is a 12-year-old teenager, reserved and far from popular. All weekend, it's the big departmental acrosport tournament, except that this morning Dominique has her period.
Director: Camille Pernin.
France, 2022.
1280x720 HD
9. Ryhti on terveyttä. 1959.
Mannerheim-liiton ryhtineuvolan valistuselokuva, päähenkilöinä kuvitteellisen Virtasen perheen selkävaivaiset isä ja tytär. Tytär käy Mannerheim-liiton ryhtineuvolassa tutkittavana ja saa ohjeet ryhdin parantamista varten.
Finland, 1959.
10. Nordens arkæologi. Jernalderen. 1958. FULL-HD.
Om jernalderen i norden. Filmen viser, hvordan jernmalmen udvindes og bruges til f.eks. pløjeredskaber. Boligen er ét stort rum med mennesker og husdyr under samme tag. Hverdagslivet er skildret med alle dets gøremål. Bevarede kar og genstande med relieffer og udsmykning, der fortæller om livet i jernalderen og den store historie, fremvises.
Filmen er 3. del af serien "Nordens arkæologi".
Director: Carl Otto Petersen.
Denmark, 1958.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
11. Vlekkeloos / Spotless. 2021.
When 15 year old Ruby realizes she is having her period, she doesn't want to ask her mother to buy her period products, because she knows their financial situation doesn't really allow it. She sets out to solve this problem herself.
Director: Emma Branderhorst.
Netherlands, 2021.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 108.
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Anthology of short films. Part 108. |
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Anthology of short films. Part 108. |
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Requiem pro panenku / Requiem for a Maiden. 1991. FULL-HD. |
Thursday, 26 January 2023
Al lado del río / By the River. 2020. FULL-HD.
The hours get even longer between the tedium and monotony of the days in the country house by the river. The vacation of a mother with her two daughters has become a tortuous confinement more than an escape in which it is impossible to escape the sadness that accompanies them. The loss, the guilt, the emotions, the relationships, the life that inevitably goes on - there are many feelings that surface next to the river.
Director: Sofia Camargo.
Cast: Silvia De Dios, Angélica Escobar, Julieta Laverde, Josefina Mustafá, Ángel Tique, Angélica Tobar.
Colombia, 2020.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Al lado del río / By the River. 2020.
Director: Sofia Camargo.
Cast: Silvia De Dios, Angélica Escobar, Julieta Laverde, Josefina Mustafá, Ángel Tique, Angélica Tobar.
Colombia, 2020.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Al lado del río / By the River. 2020.
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Al lado del río / By the River. 2020. FULL-HD. |
Wednesday, 25 January 2023
Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.
Based on Claude Jasmin's European bestseller of the same name, Don't Cry Germaine chronicles the often hilarious journey of the Bedard family to their new home in Spain. Following the apparent suicide of their daughter Rolande, Gilles and Germaine have a hard time keeping the rest of their family together. Germaine persuades the overbearing Gilles to take the family back to her hometown in the Spanish Pyrenees, where a new life will hopefully await them. Packing into the car their laconic teenage son, increasingly rebellious teenage daughter, and young twins, Gilles and Germaine embark on a road trip that, not surprisingly, quickly turns into a test of nerves. The kids have conveniently packed their dead dog in with the luggage, Gilles encounters a man who may be responsible for Rolande's death, and the whole family bickers with a force and intensity that would do justice to their American counterparts, National Lampoon's Griswold clan.
Director: Alain de Halleux.
Cast: Rosa Renom, Dirk Roofthooft, Catherine Grosjean, Benoit Skalka, Iwana Krzeptowski, Simon de Thomaz, Valérie Ancel, Dominique Baeyens, Sjarel Branckaerts, Joan Dalmau.
Belgium, France, Spain, 2000.
Language: French, Catalan.
Download Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.
Director: Alain de Halleux.
Cast: Rosa Renom, Dirk Roofthooft, Catherine Grosjean, Benoit Skalka, Iwana Krzeptowski, Simon de Thomaz, Valérie Ancel, Dominique Baeyens, Sjarel Branckaerts, Joan Dalmau.
Belgium, France, Spain, 2000.
Language: French, Catalan.
Download Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.
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Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000. |
Sunday, 22 January 2023
Paulina 1880. 1972.
In 1880's Italy, young Paulina must join a monastery to escape a doomed relationship with a married count. However, neither she, nor the count can just move on and all elements for a tragedy are there.
Director: Jean-Louis Bertuccelli.
Cast: Olga Karlatos, Maximilian Schell, Michel Bouquet, Sami Frey, Romolo Valli, Nora Ricci, Jean-Marie Robain, Léa Gray, Francine Bergé, Christian De Sica, René Clermont, Eliana De Santis, Michel Beaune, Michel Auclair.
France, 2021.
Language: French.
Download Paulina 1880. 1972.
Director: Jean-Louis Bertuccelli.
Cast: Olga Karlatos, Maximilian Schell, Michel Bouquet, Sami Frey, Romolo Valli, Nora Ricci, Jean-Marie Robain, Léa Gray, Francine Bergé, Christian De Sica, René Clermont, Eliana De Santis, Michel Beaune, Michel Auclair.
France, 2021.
Language: French.
Download Paulina 1880. 1972.
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Paulina 1880. 1972. |
Un monde / Playground. 2021. HD.
Playground (French: Un monde) is a 2021 Belgian drama film directed by Laura Wandel. In June 2021, the film was selected to compete in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2021 Cannes Film Festival. At Cannes, it won the FIPRESCI Prize in the Un Certain Regard section.
When Nora witnesses Abel being bullied by other kids, she rushes to protect him. But Abel forces her to remain silent. Caught in a conflict of loyalty, Nora tries to find her place, torn between children's and adult's worlds.
Director: Sylke Enders.
Cast: Maya Vanderbeque, Günter Duret, Lena Girard Voss, Simon Caudry, Thao Maerten, James Seguy, Naël Ammama, Émile Salamone, Karim Leklou, Laura Verlinden, Laurent Capelluto, Anne-Pascale Clairembourg.
Belgium, 2021.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Download Un monde / Playground. 2021.
When Nora witnesses Abel being bullied by other kids, she rushes to protect him. But Abel forces her to remain silent. Caught in a conflict of loyalty, Nora tries to find her place, torn between children's and adult's worlds.
Director: Sylke Enders.
Cast: Maya Vanderbeque, Günter Duret, Lena Girard Voss, Simon Caudry, Thao Maerten, James Seguy, Naël Ammama, Émile Salamone, Karim Leklou, Laura Verlinden, Laurent Capelluto, Anne-Pascale Clairembourg.
Belgium, 2021.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Download Un monde / Playground. 2021.
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Un monde / Playground. 2021. HD. |
Thursday, 19 January 2023
Marcel! 2022. FULL-HD.
FR. La jeune fille, une insomniaque. La mère, une artiste. Le chien, nommé Marcel. La petite fille aime sa mère passionnément, mais sa mère aime Marcel plus que tout au monde. Est-ce qu'un événement imprévu permettra à ces cercles d'amours de se reconnecter ?
EN. The young girl, an insomniac. The mother, an artist. The dog, named Marcel. The little girl loves her mother immensely, but her mother loves Marcel more than anything else. Will an unpredictable event allow those circles of love to reconnect?
Director: Jasmine Trinca.
Cast: Dario Cantarelli, Giuseppe Cederna, Valentina Cervi, Maayane Conti, Valeria Golino, Umberto Orsini, Giovanna Ralli, Alba Rohrwacher.
Italy, France, 2022.
Languages: Italian, French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Marcel! 2022.
EN. The young girl, an insomniac. The mother, an artist. The dog, named Marcel. The little girl loves her mother immensely, but her mother loves Marcel more than anything else. Will an unpredictable event allow those circles of love to reconnect?
Director: Jasmine Trinca.
Cast: Dario Cantarelli, Giuseppe Cederna, Valentina Cervi, Maayane Conti, Valeria Golino, Umberto Orsini, Giovanna Ralli, Alba Rohrwacher.
Italy, France, 2022.
Languages: Italian, French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Marcel! 2022.
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Marcel! 2022. FULL-HD. |
Camping Cosmos. 1996.
Camping Cosmos is a 1996 Belgian satirical comedy film and a sequel to La Vie seхuelle des Belges 1950-1978, directed by the same director: Jan Bucquoy.
The movie's tagline is: Revolution, football, beer and frites. It is an unconventional and non-conformist story of the sexual habits of Belgians. Cosmos refers to the eternity of heaven in full contrast with this little campsite where so many people live together with their problems and limited view of the world. It also refers to the Russian cosmonauts who explored space, but who as communists did not believe in an afterworld. And last, the name of this Campsite Cosmos is referring to the sky without limit above the heads of its residents. The picture became a cult film.
The summer of 1986. On a campsite at the Belgian coast - where everybody wants to live in complete freedom and forget the obligations of everyday life - Jan Bucquoy, the delegate of the Ministry of Culture, must bring culture nearer to the working class. He presents things like Bertolt Brecht's play, Mother Courage and Her Children or an interview with the famous writer Pierre Mertens, but the vacationers at this caravan park are more interested in low-brow distractions, like soccer, boxing matches or beauty contests, as well as sexual adventures and temporary romances. One of the actors is dressed up to resemble Tintin.
Director: Jan Bucquoy.
Cast: Jean-Henri Compère, Fanny Hanciaux, Lolo Ferrari, Jean-Paul Dermont, Noe Francq, Claude Semal, Noël Godin, Jacques Calonne, Arno, Herman Brusselmans, Jan Decleir, Jean-Pierre Coopman.
Belgium, 2015.
Languages: French, Dutch.
Subtitles: English, Dutch.
Download Camping Cosmos. 1996.
The movie's tagline is: Revolution, football, beer and frites. It is an unconventional and non-conformist story of the sexual habits of Belgians. Cosmos refers to the eternity of heaven in full contrast with this little campsite where so many people live together with their problems and limited view of the world. It also refers to the Russian cosmonauts who explored space, but who as communists did not believe in an afterworld. And last, the name of this Campsite Cosmos is referring to the sky without limit above the heads of its residents. The picture became a cult film.
The summer of 1986. On a campsite at the Belgian coast - where everybody wants to live in complete freedom and forget the obligations of everyday life - Jan Bucquoy, the delegate of the Ministry of Culture, must bring culture nearer to the working class. He presents things like Bertolt Brecht's play, Mother Courage and Her Children or an interview with the famous writer Pierre Mertens, but the vacationers at this caravan park are more interested in low-brow distractions, like soccer, boxing matches or beauty contests, as well as sexual adventures and temporary romances. One of the actors is dressed up to resemble Tintin.
Director: Jan Bucquoy.
Cast: Jean-Henri Compère, Fanny Hanciaux, Lolo Ferrari, Jean-Paul Dermont, Noe Francq, Claude Semal, Noël Godin, Jacques Calonne, Arno, Herman Brusselmans, Jan Decleir, Jean-Pierre Coopman.
Belgium, 2015.
Languages: French, Dutch.
Subtitles: English, Dutch.
Download Camping Cosmos. 1996.
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Camping Cosmos. 1996. |
Monday, 16 January 2023
Drømmen / We Shall Overcome. 2006. FULL-HD.
Drømmen (Danish "The Dream", English: We Shall Overcome) is a 2006 Danish film based on a true story about a young boy's crusade against a dictatorial headmaster of the "old school".
Denmark 1969. When 13 year old Frits is caught in the girls locker room, school principal Svendsen almost tears Frits' ear off. It has to be stitched in the hospital. The doctor says this time the principal has gone a step too far. Parents, colleagues, and class mates react affected by the incident. But it's not that easy to file a child abuse charge against the powerful principal who is highly esteemed in the small community. When the police say it's a school matter, Frits' parents are hesitant about going to the school board because other parents had to move away after their child abuse charge was turned down. But with the help of young hippie teacher Freddie and some of Frits' classmates, the determination of Frits' parents grows to bring down the violent principal.
Director: Niels Arden Oplev.
Cast: Bent Mejding, Anders W. Berthelsen, Jens Jørn Spottag, Anne-Grethe Bjarup Riis, Peter Hesse Overgaard, Sarah Juel Werner, Janus Dissing Rathke, Elin Reimer, Kurt Ravn, Daniel Ørum, Steen Stig Lommer.
Denmark, 2006.
Language: Danish, German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Drømmen / We Shall Overcome. 2006.
Denmark 1969. When 13 year old Frits is caught in the girls locker room, school principal Svendsen almost tears Frits' ear off. It has to be stitched in the hospital. The doctor says this time the principal has gone a step too far. Parents, colleagues, and class mates react affected by the incident. But it's not that easy to file a child abuse charge against the powerful principal who is highly esteemed in the small community. When the police say it's a school matter, Frits' parents are hesitant about going to the school board because other parents had to move away after their child abuse charge was turned down. But with the help of young hippie teacher Freddie and some of Frits' classmates, the determination of Frits' parents grows to bring down the violent principal.
Director: Niels Arden Oplev.
Cast: Bent Mejding, Anders W. Berthelsen, Jens Jørn Spottag, Anne-Grethe Bjarup Riis, Peter Hesse Overgaard, Sarah Juel Werner, Janus Dissing Rathke, Elin Reimer, Kurt Ravn, Daniel Ørum, Steen Stig Lommer.
Denmark, 2006.
Language: Danish, German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Drømmen / We Shall Overcome. 2006.
Sunday, 15 January 2023
Papá Oso. 2021. 2K.
A story about Eva, a 12-year-old girl who doesn't have a good relationship with her father Jorge after the first day of her parents' divorce.
Director: Verónica Valladares.
Cast: Aina López Mollà, David Morilla.
Spain, 2021.
Language: Spanish.
2880x2160 FULL-HD
Download Papá Oso. 2021.
Director: Verónica Valladares.
Cast: Aina López Mollà, David Morilla.
Spain, 2021.
Language: Spanish.
2880x2160 FULL-HD
Download Papá Oso. 2021.
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Papá Oso. 2021. 2K. |
What grows out of pink. 2015. FULL-HD.
Pink: charm, courtesy, sensitivity, tenderness, sweetness, childhood, feminine and romantic. Moa does not fit into any of her friends’ clothes, they are too big. Her friends convince her that she has anorexia. Moa has never gotten so much attention and compliments before and starts to like her new illness. Perhaps anorexia can be a good thing? At least you stay thin - and if you are thin you are happy?
Director: Sunniva Eir Tangvik Kveum.
Cast: Synne Melling Sæther, Erle Bjørgaas, Sara Kaspersen, Ihne Lysvold.
Norway, 2015.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download What grows out of pink. 2015.
Director: Sunniva Eir Tangvik Kveum.
Cast: Synne Melling Sæther, Erle Bjørgaas, Sara Kaspersen, Ihne Lysvold.
Norway, 2015.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download What grows out of pink. 2015.
No Bikini. 2007. HD.
Robin takes us back to that glorious time when she was seven years old and shows us how it defined her for the rest of her life.
Director: Claudia Morgado Escanilla.
Cast: Matreya Fedor, Christine Lippa, Apollonia Vanova, Nicholas Frost, Andrew French.
Canada, 2007.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download No Bikini. 2007.
Director: Claudia Morgado Escanilla.
Cast: Matreya Fedor, Christine Lippa, Apollonia Vanova, Nicholas Frost, Andrew French.
Canada, 2007.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download No Bikini. 2007.
Saturday, 14 January 2023
Adiós, Alicia / Goodbye Alicia. 1977. FULL-HD.
ES. Tras la muerte de su madre, Alicia vive con su padre y la vieja criada Emilia que les ha acompañado desde tiempo inmemorial. Su padre administra un viejo cine en una ciudad de provincias situada en los Andes venezolanos, y allí marcha todos los días Alicia, después de clase. Por detrás de la pantalla, en el destartalado escenario, se entrega a la visión repetida de películas de todo tipo. Producto de esta soledad y del contacto insistente con estos universos de fantasía, la imaginación de Alicia empieza a frecuentar un mundo insólito de imágenes forjadas en un profundo e intenso deseo de evasión.
EN. There is a certain consistency in Alicia's dreary life. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her upbringing was handled by her pious Catholic father, who ran a movie theater. After living in a fantasy world for much of her childhood, she finds boarding school an uncomfortable way to come awake. Unhappy as an adult, she dies suddenly while resisting a date rape.
Directors: Liko Pérez, Santiago San Miguel.
Cast: Isabel Mestres, Carlos Márquez, Cecilia Villarreal, Nélida Quiroga, Xiomara Pérez, Jose Mantilla, Erich Juhasz, Juan Parejo, Chela Montoya, Santiago San Miguel, Maribal González.
Spain, Venezuela, 1977.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Adiós, Alicia / Goodbye Alicia. 1977.
EN. There is a certain consistency in Alicia's dreary life. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her upbringing was handled by her pious Catholic father, who ran a movie theater. After living in a fantasy world for much of her childhood, she finds boarding school an uncomfortable way to come awake. Unhappy as an adult, she dies suddenly while resisting a date rape.
Directors: Liko Pérez, Santiago San Miguel.
Cast: Isabel Mestres, Carlos Márquez, Cecilia Villarreal, Nélida Quiroga, Xiomara Pérez, Jose Mantilla, Erich Juhasz, Juan Parejo, Chela Montoya, Santiago San Miguel, Maribal González.
Spain, Venezuela, 1977.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Adiós, Alicia / Goodbye Alicia. 1977.
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Adiós, Alicia / Goodbye Alicia. 1977. FULL-HD. |
Friday, 13 January 2023
Au bras du lac / The Cove. 2022. FULL-HD.
FR. À 11 ans, Claudia vit des évènements bouleversants durant une journée pourtant imprégnée du plaisir d’être à la plage. Dans une ambiance sensuelle et aquatique faite de promenades sur le lac, de baignade et de jeux entre cousins, la succession de petits drames et une rencontre improbable transformeront Claudia.
EN. Claudia (11) experiences upsetting events during a day filled with the pleasure of being at the beach. In a spooky and sensual atmosphere, between swimming and games, the invasive aquatic nature and the mystery of the forbidden cove, the explosion of her family and an unlikely encounter will transform Claudia. It is the story of a child who grows up.
Director: Caroline Mailloux.
Cast: Viviane Audet, Robin-Joël Cool, Ludovic Larose, Jeanne Madore, Anik Vermette.
Canada, 2022.
Language: French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Au bras du lac / The Cove. 2022.
EN. Claudia (11) experiences upsetting events during a day filled with the pleasure of being at the beach. In a spooky and sensual atmosphere, between swimming and games, the invasive aquatic nature and the mystery of the forbidden cove, the explosion of her family and an unlikely encounter will transform Claudia. It is the story of a child who grows up.
Director: Caroline Mailloux.
Cast: Viviane Audet, Robin-Joël Cool, Ludovic Larose, Jeanne Madore, Anik Vermette.
Canada, 2022.
Language: French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Au bras du lac / The Cove. 2022.
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Au bras du lac / The Cove. 2022. FULL-HD. |
Wednesday, 11 January 2023
Vihollinen sisälläni / The Enemy Within Me. 2019. HD.
Cutting is a globally growing phenomenon among today's youth. Physical pain seems to ease internal anxiety. You can look outwardly balanced and healthy yet experience deep anxiety and loneliness. They might see their own body as the only thing they can influence and control. The pain and blood from the cut can create a positive feeling of independence and existence. The pain releases endorphins, which increase pleasure and soothe the mind - you can quickly get hooked. But there is hope - it is possible to leave this dangerous, mind- and body-damaging habit behind.
Director: Milja Viita.
Finland, 2019.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Vihollinen sisälläni / The Enemy Within Me. 2019.
Director: Milja Viita.
Finland, 2019.
Language: Finnish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Vihollinen sisälläni / The Enemy Within Me. 2019.
Monday, 9 January 2023
L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978. HD.
IT. L'immoralità è un film drammatico del 1978 diretto da Massimo Pirri.
In una villa solitaria, posta in un parco a qualche chilometro di distanza dall'abitato, vivono la signora Vera, suo marito da tempo immobilizzato su di una sedia a rotelle e la dodicenne Simona. Mentre la madre cerca evasioni con gli uomini dei dintorni e in casa passa il tempo a bisticciare con il marito, la ragazzina trascorre molte ore nel parco o nascosta in casa a spiare i genitori. Un giorno Simona si imbatte in Federico, un giovane ferito e inseguito perché ha ucciso una bambina dopo averla violentata. La piccola nasconde il fuggitivo, ma ben presto la madre si accorge della presenza dell'uomo e intreccia con lui una relazione. Vera, avendo capito di chi si tratta, ha la ben precisa intenzione di servirsi di Federico per eliminare il marito. Simona, maturata in fretta, desidera un figlio da Federico. La situazione precipita, anche perché i sospetti della polizia e dei "vigilanti" si stanno accentrando sulla villa...
EN. Federico is a child-killer running from the law. Wounded, he is taken in by a 12 year old girl named Simona. Their strange love affair is interrupted by Simona's depressed, oversexed mother Vera, who concocts a plan with Federico to kill her wheelchair-bound, reclusive husband. Simona does not take kindly to this new relationship between Federico and Vera.
L'Immoralita is a film that is difficult to pigeon hole into one 'type' of film, but suffice to say it's an entertaining and well worked thriller with enough substance to satisfy most viewers, providing they can stomach the sometimes uncomfortable tone of the movie. Almost everything about the film really is rather detestable and as such the characters are hard to care for; making watching the film akin to watching a car crash at times. The film begins with a scene that sees a man carrying the body of a dead girl before burying her, and then being pursued by a bunch of people with guns. This man turns out to be Federico; a murderer and paedophile, wanted for killing children. Wounded, he bumps into a young girl who he befriends after she offers him shelter. The girl lives with her parents; the mother, lauded as the town slut, and her dilapidated father who is rotting away in a wheelchair. The murderer and the child grow closer together despite the law being after him and the pair develops a friendship that is shattered when the mother discovers the sheltered criminal.
Director: Massimo Pirri.
Cast: Lisa Gastoni, Howard Ross, Karin Trentephol, Andrea Franchetti, Wolfango Soldati, Franco Ferri, Deborah Lupo, Ida Meda, Mel Ferrer, Angela Luce.
Italy, 1978.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978.
In una villa solitaria, posta in un parco a qualche chilometro di distanza dall'abitato, vivono la signora Vera, suo marito da tempo immobilizzato su di una sedia a rotelle e la dodicenne Simona. Mentre la madre cerca evasioni con gli uomini dei dintorni e in casa passa il tempo a bisticciare con il marito, la ragazzina trascorre molte ore nel parco o nascosta in casa a spiare i genitori. Un giorno Simona si imbatte in Federico, un giovane ferito e inseguito perché ha ucciso una bambina dopo averla violentata. La piccola nasconde il fuggitivo, ma ben presto la madre si accorge della presenza dell'uomo e intreccia con lui una relazione. Vera, avendo capito di chi si tratta, ha la ben precisa intenzione di servirsi di Federico per eliminare il marito. Simona, maturata in fretta, desidera un figlio da Federico. La situazione precipita, anche perché i sospetti della polizia e dei "vigilanti" si stanno accentrando sulla villa...
EN. Federico is a child-killer running from the law. Wounded, he is taken in by a 12 year old girl named Simona. Their strange love affair is interrupted by Simona's depressed, oversexed mother Vera, who concocts a plan with Federico to kill her wheelchair-bound, reclusive husband. Simona does not take kindly to this new relationship between Federico and Vera.
L'Immoralita is a film that is difficult to pigeon hole into one 'type' of film, but suffice to say it's an entertaining and well worked thriller with enough substance to satisfy most viewers, providing they can stomach the sometimes uncomfortable tone of the movie. Almost everything about the film really is rather detestable and as such the characters are hard to care for; making watching the film akin to watching a car crash at times. The film begins with a scene that sees a man carrying the body of a dead girl before burying her, and then being pursued by a bunch of people with guns. This man turns out to be Federico; a murderer and paedophile, wanted for killing children. Wounded, he bumps into a young girl who he befriends after she offers him shelter. The girl lives with her parents; the mother, lauded as the town slut, and her dilapidated father who is rotting away in a wheelchair. The murderer and the child grow closer together despite the law being after him and the pair develops a friendship that is shattered when the mother discovers the sheltered criminal.
Director: Massimo Pirri.
Cast: Lisa Gastoni, Howard Ross, Karin Trentephol, Andrea Franchetti, Wolfango Soldati, Franco Ferri, Deborah Lupo, Ida Meda, Mel Ferrer, Angela Luce.
Italy, 1978.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978.
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L'immoralità / Cock Crows at Eleven. 1978. HD. |
Saturday, 7 January 2023
Akademiya. 2014. HD.
A two-part documentary about the Russian ballet school, about how the best ballerinas are brought up.
Director: Ilya Ulyanov.
Russia, 2014.
Language: Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Akademiya. 2014.
Director: Ilya Ulyanov.
Russia, 2014.
Language: Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Akademiya. 2014.
Friday, 6 January 2023
Olyan mint otthon / Just Like at Home. 1978. FULL-HD.
HU. A Mészáros Márta rendezte filmben András, a tanár disszidálásról tér haza. De. ahogy odakint, itthon sem találja helyét. Tapasztalja, hogy kapcsolatai felbomlottak, régi szerelme máshoz ment feleségül. Egyre fokozódik benne a tehetetlenség és a fölöslegesség érzése. Megismerkedik egy tízéves kislánnyal, aki ösztönösen megérzi a férfi magányát, megérti örlődéseit. Kettőjük kapcsolatának, közös életük indulásának története a film. Főszereplő: a nagy sikerű Árvácska című filmből ismert Czinkóczi Zsuzsa.
EN. When a wayward husband returns from America to his native Hungary, mostly because he was homesick, his former wife is not inclined to have him back in her life. He is swiftly embroiled, however, in the schemes of a pre-teen girl, who wants him for her father.
Director: Márta Mészáros.
Cast: Zsuzsa Czinkóczi, Jan Nowicki, Anna Karina, Ildikó Pécsi, Kornélia Sallay, Ferenc Bencze, Mária Dudás, Éva Gyulányi, Zsolt Horváth, András Szigeti, Éva Szabó, Hédi Temessy, László Szabó.
Hungary, 1978.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Olyan mint otthon / Just Like at Home. 1978.
EN. When a wayward husband returns from America to his native Hungary, mostly because he was homesick, his former wife is not inclined to have him back in her life. He is swiftly embroiled, however, in the schemes of a pre-teen girl, who wants him for her father.
Director: Márta Mészáros.
Cast: Zsuzsa Czinkóczi, Jan Nowicki, Anna Karina, Ildikó Pécsi, Kornélia Sallay, Ferenc Bencze, Mária Dudás, Éva Gyulányi, Zsolt Horváth, András Szigeti, Éva Szabó, Hédi Temessy, László Szabó.
Hungary, 1978.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Olyan mint otthon / Just Like at Home. 1978.
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Olyan mint otthon / Just Like at Home. 1978. FULL-HD. |
Thursday, 5 January 2023
Girls Alone. 2003. FULL-HD.
A 'social experiment' fly-on-the-wall documentary following 10 12-year girls left alone to fend for themselves in a house without adult supervision.
Director: Kim Flitcroft.
Cast: Peter England (Narrator).
United Kingdom, 2003.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Girls Alone. 2003.
Director: Kim Flitcroft.
Cast: Peter England (Narrator).
United Kingdom, 2003.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Girls Alone. 2003.
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