Cinema Paradiso


Friday, 30 September 2022

At Play in the Fields of the Lord. 1991. HD.

At Play in the Fields of the Lord. 1991. HD.
At Play in the Fields of the Lord is a 1991 adventure drama film directed by Héctor Babenco, adapted from the 1965 novel of the same name by American author Peter Matthiessen. The screenplay was written by Babenco and Jean-Claude Carrière, and stars Tom Berenger, John Lithgow, Daryl Hannah, Aidan Quinn, Tom Waits and Kathy Bates.
Director and producer James Cameron stated that At Play in the Fields of the Lord was used as a reference for the 2009 blockbuster film Avatar.
Martin and Hazel Quarrier are small-town fundamentalist missionaries sent to the jungles of South America to convert the Indians. Their remote mission was previously run by the Catholics, before the natives murdered them all. They are sent by the pompous Leslie Huben, who runs the missionary effort in the area but who seems more concerned about competing with his Catholic 'rivals' than in the Indians themselves. Hazel is terrified of the Indians while Martin is fascinated. Soon American pilot Lewis Moon joins the Indian tribe but is attracted by Leslie's young wife, Andy. Can the interaction of these characters and cultures, and the advancing bulldozers of civilization, avoid disaster?
Director: Hector Babenco.
Cast: Tom Berenger, John Lithgow, Daryl Hannah, Aidan Quinn, Tom Waits, Niilo Kivirinta, S. Yriwana Karaja, Jose Renato Lana, Ione Machado, Carlos Xavante, Ruy Polanah, José Dumont.
USA, Brazil, 1991.
Language: English, Portuguese.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download At Play in the Fields of the Lord. 1991.
At Play in the Fields of the Lord. 1991. HD.
At Play in the Fields of the Lord. 1991. HD.

At Play in the Fields of the Lord. 1991. HD.
At Play in the Fields of the Lord. 1991. HD.


Friday, 23 September 2022

Frühreifen-Report / Early awakening report / 14 and Under. 1973. DVD.

Frühreifen-Report / Early awakening report / 14 and Under. 1973. DVD.
DE. Frühreifen-Report (auch Der Frühreifen-Report) ist ein deutscher Erotikfilm aus dem Jahr 1973. Er ist nach dem Schulmädchen-Report-Schema entstanden und kann als Pseudo-Report angesehen werden, da der Wahrheitsgehalt eher gering ist. In neun Episoden werden dem Zuschauer die Erlebnisse einiger frühreifer Jugendlicher geschildert, wobei zwischen den einzelnen Geschichten ein Erzähler auftritt, der davon berichtet, was er als Mitarbeiter der Fürsorge erleben und mit welch teils unfassbaren Fällen er sich beschäftigen musste. Das Filmplakat warb allerdings mit folgenden Worten für den Film: „Ein freimütiger, ungeschminkter Bericht über das Sexleben junger Leute.“
Die 12-jährige Gisela badet gerade, als der Architekt der Mutter vorbeikommt, die noch unterwegs ist. Er will ihre Rückkehr abwarten, nutzt die Gelegenheit jedoch, ins Badezimmer zu kommen und Gisela auch an den intimen Stellen ihres Körpers zu berühren, was ihr scheinbar gefällt. Dieser Fall dient am Schluss des Films als Fallbeispiel dafür, wie Eltern auf frühreife Kinder richtig reagieren sollten.
Die Mutter der elfjährigen Birgit Seifarth hat einen Liebhaber nach dem anderen, wird jedoch immer wieder verlassen. Als sie ihre Tochter dabei beobachtet, wie sie an sich herumspielt, verlangt sie von ihrem Liebhaber, dass er sie züchtigt. Von da ab setzt es jedes Mal eine Tracht Prügel, wenn ihr Galan da ist. Dann jedoch will er mehr und vergreift sich während der Abwesenheit der Mutter an der Kleinen. Um ihn zu behalten, hilft sie dem Kind nicht, sondern erklärt sich einverstanden.
Zwei Mädchen, die noch Jungfrauen sind, wollen ihre Freundin Topsy dabei beobachten, wie sie mit einem Jungen schläft. Als das Pärchen zur Sache kommen will, legt es sich in einen Ameisenhaufen und läuft, den Akt unterbrechend, schimpfend auseinander.
Das Bauernmädchen Resi hat erotische Träume und wird von Peppi dafür bezahlt, dass er sie im Heu lieben darf. Daraus zieht sie die Erkenntnis, dass Männer bereit sind, für gewisse Leistungen zu zahlen, was sie sogleich an dem Ladenbesitzer Hintermoser ausprobiert und in der Folge an weiteren Männern.
EN. This episodic film is a close relative of Wolf Hartwig's schoolgirl report movies, made by the same people, in a similar style, around similar topics. However, this one specifically focuses on the coming-of-age aspects, to an extent that it also touches on delicate issues such as paedophilia.
13-year-old Gisela Hoffmeister (Christine von Stratowa) is home alone and enjoying a bath when family friend and architect Werner/Walter Heimbach drops by for a meeting with Gisela's mother, who is out shopping. Werner is lending a helping hand in the bathroom when Gisela's mother returns home. What should she do?
14-year-old Klaus/Hans is caught shoplifting and forced by Mrs. Jäger (Elke Deuringer), the manager, to sign a confession. She then uses the confession to blackmail young Klaus into having sex with her. One day she demands he do it in her own bed while her husband's away on a job -- until he comes home unannounced, and the quick-witted Mrs. Jager accuses Klaus of being a peeping Tom.
Two young children, Hansi and Rosi, watch their parents, Fritz and Elise (Marie Luise Lusewitz), having sex through the bedroom keyhole. When the two rascals relate what they saw to their parents over breakfast, Fritz flips out and starts slapping the little tykes around.
11 year-old Birgit Seifarth's divorced mother (Marlene Rahn) wants desperately to hold on to her latest boyfriend, Walter, who has become bored with her. When she discovers that her loathsome friend enjoys beating Birgit, she finds every opportunity for him to do so. One day she comes home to find Walter sexually abusing Birgit, but after weighing her options, decides to offer her daughter to Walter in exchange for getting a little something, herself. This disturbing vignette is cut from the English language version.
Edgar, a spoiled rich teen, lusts after his sexy new maid, Erna/Annette (Marisa Feldy). He eventually forces her to having sex with him -- after which she falls madly in love with the wretched boy.
Two naked girls (Sonja Embriz - sandy hair) hide in the woods, waiting to see if their friend Topsy (Ulrike Butz) will show up with her sex partner, since they have a bet as to whether she'll take his virginity. Topsy arrives with the nerdy 15 year-old "ball of fire", and they start going at it -- unaware that they're on top of an anthill.
To realize her "healthy adolescent dreams", pigtailed milkmaid Resi/Rosie Huber (Sonja Jeannine) sells herself for 20 Marks a pop, blows a shopkeeper for a dress, and eventually accumulates a sufficient nest egg to leave the farm. When the police raid an elderly playboy's estate and find the 13 year-old Resi among the other naked young things, it's off to the reformatory for our slutty little milkmaid.
Director: Ernst Hofbauer.
Cast: Harald Baerow, Hans Billian, Ulrike Butz, Elke Deuringer, Sonja Embriz, Marisa Feldy, Judith Fritsch, Enzi Fuchs, Peter Hamm, Sonja, Jeannine, Heinz Kopitz, Carina Kreisch, Marie Luise Lusewitz, Ralph Martens, Rosl Mayr.
West Germany, 1973.
Language: German.
Format : DVD9 / 720 x 576
Duration : 83 min
File Size : 6,18 GB
Download DVD Frühreifen-Report / Early awakening report / 14 and Under. 1973:
2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2

Language: German.
Subtitles: English.
Format : MKV / 720 x 464
Duration : 83 min
File Size : 1,27 GB
Download DVDRip Frühreifen-Report / Early awakening report / 14 and Under. 1973.
Frühreifen-Report / Early awakening report / 14 and Under. 1973. DVD.
Frühreifen-Report / Early awakening report / 14 and Under. 1973. DVD.

Frühreifen-Report / Early awakening report / 14 and Under. 1973. DVD.
Frühreifen-Report / Early awakening report / 14 and Under. 1973. DVD.


Thursday, 22 September 2022

Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017. FULL-HD.

Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017. FULL-HD.
ES. Tras la muerte de Evaristo, un viejo obrero de la salina de Las Cumaraguas, el cumplimiento de su última voluntad se convierte en un rito inicial para sus dos únicos hijos: María y Enrique. Ellos creen que ser adultos es un juego de roles. Sin embargo, se darán cuenta que madurar y crecer es, finalmente, inevitable.
EN. In Cumaragues, Venezuela an elderly father, Evaristo and his pubescent children, Enrique (13) and Maria (16) survive by harvesting salt from the sea. After the father dies, they live alone. Isolated from the outside world they become increasingly distanced, whilst their lust starts to blossom. Their lives get a lot harder. The brutal reality of harvesting sea salt coincides with their blossoming sexuality. Their lives of solitude drive them further apart whilst awakening lust makes itself known.
Directors: Andrés Eduardo Rodríguez, Luis Alejandro Rodríguez.
Cast: María Alejandra Jiménez, Terry Goitía, Anibal Grunn, José Torres, Yixi Alejandra Villegas.
Venezuela, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017.
Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017. FULL-HD.
Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017. FULL-HD.


Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Laurita. 2009. HD.

Laurita. 2009. HD.
Laura and her mother are spending their vacation on the seashore, in Sao Paulo, at a middle-class beach house. Laura's adolescent body is changing but not in harmony with her coming of age. She's less bothered by that than the situation the two of them find themselves in.
Directors: Roney Freitas, Thais Fujinaga.
Cast: Ana Andreatta, Bete Correia, Felipe de Abreu, Fernanda Donnabella, Weber Fonseca, Helena Gullo, Heloísa Reis Miranda.
Brazil, 2009.
Language: Portuguese.
1280x720 HD
Download Laurita. 2009.
Laurita. 2009. HD.
Laurita. 2009. HD.


Howling. 2020. HD.

Howling. 2020. HD.
Together with her mother Iris and her half-sister Rani, nine-year-old Bo moves to the countryside. Slightly bored in the new environment of fields and farms, the sisters look forward to the weekend when their fathers come to pick them up. Bo's father, however, doesn't show up again. While Rani spends the weekends at her dad's, Bo stays home alone. In the isolated landscape, she has to start to rely on herself and become more independent.
Director: Laura Van Haecke.
Cast: Natali Broods, Bo Van Langenhoven, Rani Van Langenhoven.
Belgium, 2020.
Language: Flemish
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Howling. 2020.

Howling. 2020. HD.
Howling. 2020. HD.

Prolifilm. 1979. HD.

Prolifilm. 1979. HD.
Middle-aged man takes his mother to Lake Balaton, where she always wanted to go but never made it. As he had a bad night asks mom to speak to him, not let him fall asleep while driving. They bring back memories from his childhood when they all lived in a bombed house, the widowed young mom and her three rascal sons, in the new communist era of the after war Budapest.
Director: László Nemere.
Cast: Emil Györy, Lili Monori, Péter Beke, László Kobolák, Szilárd Schir, Péter Benkö, Ferenc Bencze, Mária Garamszegi, György Györffy, Margit Ladomerszky.
Hungary, Magyar Televízió, 1979.
Language: Hungarian.
960x720 HD
Download Prolifilm. 1979.
Prolifilm. 1979. HD.
Prolifilm. 1979. HD.


Friday, 16 September 2022

Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.

Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.

 IT. Un dentista separato con due figli piccoli decide un'estate di farsi una crociera sulla "barca" (acquistata a rate) assieme ai figlioli. Ma è talmente imbranato che la moglie decide di imbarcarsi anche lei per evitare che i figli affoghino. La crociera si rivela comunque disastrosa: la famiglia è presa in ostaggio da due evasi, il cabinato affonda. Ma intanto è rinato l'amore fra i due coniugi, con gran sollievo dei ragazzi.
EN. I'm Getting a Yacht (Italian: Mi faccio la barca) is a 1980 Italian comedy film directed by Sergio Corbucci.
As an ex-husband, his wife and their two children take a vacation on the ex's new yacht, the scene is set for disaster when it becomes clear that the ex-husband knows absolutely nothing about yachting. The crew quickly find out that the Mediterranean has its own challenges, and the wife discovers her particular nemesis in a thoroughly unlikeable playboy who has his sights set a little too firmly on her alone. The interaction between the triad of wife, ex-husband, and playboy reaches a final resolution as the yacht moves closer to its own special fate.
Director: Sergio Corbucci.
Cast: Laura Antonelli, Johnny Dorelli, Cariddi McKinnon Nardulli, Marco Massoni, Christian De Sica, Itaco Nardulli, Daniela Poggi, West Buchanan, Franco Giacobini, Daniele Formica, Sal Borgese.
Italy, 1980.
Language: Italian.
Download DVD Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980:
2 parts archive:

Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.
Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD.
And another version of this film: higher quality DVD-Rip.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD-Rip.
Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD-Rip.
Mi faccio la barca / I'm Getting a Yacht. 1980. DVD-Rip.


Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Territory. 2022. FULL-HD.

Territory. 2022. FULL-HD.
DK. En sammenbragt familie giver sammenbragte følelser i dette visuelt følsomme drama af sensuelle sommer toner i sex og sværhed.
EN. A united family gives united emotions in this visually sensitive drama of sensual summer tones in seх and difficulty.
Director: Mette Carla Albrechtsen.
Cast: Clara Rosager, Lior Cohen, Charlie Andersson.
Denmark, 2022.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Territory. 2022.
Territory. 2022. FULL-HD.
Territory. 2022. FULL-HD.


Sunday, 11 September 2022

Resurrection. 2022. FULL-HD.

Resurrection. 2022. FULL-HD.
Ten-year-old Magda loses her younger brother. Her father is grief-ridden, and her mother becomes cold and distant. Magda decides to bring Marcel back to life and has a brilliant idea that can’t go wrong.
The film is a directing debut.
Director: Luiza Budejko.
Cast: Maria Dudaref, Marcin Bosak, Justyna Bartoszewicz.
Language: Polish.
Subtitles: English.
Poland, 2022.
1920x1080  FULL-HD
Download Resurrection. 2022.
Resurrection. 2022. FULL-HD.
Resurrection. 2022. FULL-HD.


Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Här kommer Pippi Långstrump / Pippi Goes on Board. 1973. FULL-HD.

Här kommer Pippi Långstrump / Pippi Goes on Board. 1973. FULL-HD.
Pippi Goes on Board (original German title: Pippi geht von Bord, Swedish title: Här kommer Pippi Långstrump) is a 1969 Swedish/West German movie, based on the eponymous children's books by Astrid Lindgren with the cast of the 1969 TV series Pippi Longstocking. The film consisted of re-edited footage from the TV series. It was produced by Beta Film, one of the German co-producers of the TV series after the success of their first compilation movie Pippi Longstocking, using scenes and episodes not used in the first film. Despite its title, the film has little-to-nothing to do with the book of the same name in terms of story. The movie was eventually released in Sweden in 1973, where it has been poorly received, due to its disjointed continuity compared to the TV series.
The further adventures of super-strong girl Pippi Longstocking and her friends, Tommy and Annika, in this sequel compilation film of the classic Swedish TV series.
Director: Olle Hellbom.
Cast: Inger Nilsson, Maria Persson, Pär Sundberg, Paul Esser, Margot Trooger, Hans Clarin, Ulf G Johnsson, Göthe Grefbo, Fredrik Ohlsson, Öllegård Wellton, Beppe Wolgers.
Sweden, West Germany, 1969 / 1973.
Languages: Swedish, German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Här kommer Pippi Långstrump / Pippi Goes on Board. 1973.

Här kommer Pippi Långstrump / Pippi Goes on Board. 1973. FULL-HD.
Här kommer Pippi Långstrump / Pippi Goes on Board. 1973. FULL-HD.

Här kommer Pippi Långstrump / Pippi Goes on Board. 1973. FULL-HD.
Här kommer Pippi Långstrump / Pippi Goes on Board. 1973. FULL-HD.

Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån. 1993. FULL-HD.

Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån. 1993. FULL-HD.
Also known as "A Clever Little Girl Like Lotta 2".
SE. Svensk familjefilm från 1993 efter Astrid Lindgrens historia. Lotta är en käck och busig femåring. Den här morgonen ser allt ut att vara som vanligt. Men Lotta är alldeles rasande, för mamma har sagt att hon ska ta på sig den otäcka jumpern som killar och sticks. Fy, vad mamma är dum! Alldeles tyst tar Lotta saxen och klipper ett stort hål i jumpern.
EN. Lotta flyttar hemifrån is a Swedish film which was released to cinemas in Sweden on 18 September 1993, directed by Johanna Hald. It's the 2nd film based on the books about Lotta på Bråkmakargatan written by Astrid Lindgren.
A feisty five-year-old girl Lotta decides to move away from home. And no, she doesn't want to put on the stupid sweater.
Director: Johanna Hald.
Writer: Astrid Lindgren.
Cast: Grete Havnesköld, Linn Gloppestad, Martin Andersson, Beatrice Järås, Claes Malmberg, Margreth Weivers, Gunvor Pontén, Sten Ljunggren, Pierre Lindstedt, Johan Rabaeus, Renzo Spinetti.
Sweden, 1993.
Language: Swedish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån. 1993.
Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån. 1993. FULL-HD.
Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån. 1993. FULL-HD.

Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån. 1993. FULL-HD.
Lotta 2 - Lotta flyttar hemifrån. 1993. FULL-HD.

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Nuwebe / Termitaria. 2013. HD.

Nuwebe / Termitaria. 2013. HD.
Inspired by the true story of one of the youngest mothers in the history of the Philippines. Krista was only 9 years old when she became pregnant. Her mother believes that she was impregnated by evil supernatural creatures called nuno sa punso but the real story is more complicated than it seems.
Director: Joseph Israel Laban.
Cast: Barbara Miguel, Jake Cuenca, Nadine Samonte, Anita Linda, Manny Castañeda, Archi Adamos, Inna Tuason, Mike Liwag, Renerich Ocon, Blair Arellano, Roderick Cabrido.
Philippines, 2013.
Languages: Tagalog.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Nuwebe / Termitaria. 2013.
Nuwebe / Termitaria. 2013. HD.
Nuwebe / Termitaria. 2013. HD.


Thursday, 1 September 2022

Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns / Gritta vom Rattenschloß / Gritta of the Rats' Castle. 1986. FULL-HD.

Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns / Gritta vom Rattenschloß / Gritta of the Rats' Castle. 1986. FULL-HD.
DE. Gritta lebt alleine mit ihrem Vater in einem alten Schloss. Als eine Prinzessin in das Schloss kommt, wird sie in eine Klosterschule gebracht. Dort erfährt sie den Plan des Gouverneurs Pekavus, den König zu stürzen. Nachdem sie wieder zu Hause ist, geht sie mit ihrem Vater zum König. Es gelingt ihr, die Pläne von Pekavus zu vereiteln.
Awards: Bei den Internationalen Filmfestspielen Berlin 1986 erhielt dieser Film die Ehrende Anerkennung der UNICEF.
EN. The tale of young Gritta who lives with her father, an unsuccessful inventor. When her new stepmother tries to put her away in a convent she discovers some dark secrets there.
Director: Jürgen Brauer.
Cast: Nadja Klier, Hermann Beyer, Suher Saleh, Fred Delmare, Marc Lubosch, Wolf-Dieter Lingk, Peter Sodann, Ilja Kriwoluzky, Heide Kipp, Peter Dommisch, Horst Papke, Kay Fingerle, Anna-Laura Sylvester.
DDR, DEFA, 1986.
Language: German.
Subtitles: English, German, Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns / Gritta vom Rattenschloß / Gritta of the Rats' Castle. 1986.

Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns / Gritta vom Rattenschloß / Gritta of the Rats' Castle. 1986. FULL-HD.
Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns / Gritta vom Rattenschloß / Gritta of the Rats' Castle. 1986. FULL-HD.

Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns / Gritta vom Rattenschloß / Gritta of the Rats' Castle. 1986. FULL-HD.
Gritta von Rattenzuhausbeiuns / Gritta vom Rattenschloß / Gritta of the Rats' Castle. 1986. FULL-HD.