Cinema Paradiso


Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Jørgen + Anne = sant / Totally True Love. 2011. FULL-HD.

Jørgen + Anne = sant / Totally True Love. 2011. FULL-HD.
 NO. Det er noen voksne som ikke tror man kan bli forelsket når man bare går i femte klasse. Men det kan man. Jørgen + Anne = sant fikk femmere av et samlet norsk kritikerkorps, og er en varm barnefilm for hele familien.
Ti år gamle Anne Lunde har aldri brydd seg om forelskelse. Inntil hun møter den nye gutten i klassen, Jørgen Ruge. I tillegg har han flyttet inn i det forlatte og mystiske Helgahuset. Et hus som rommer mange hemmeligheter og et rykte om at Helga ble murt inn i veggen av sin egen far fordi hun gjorde alt, og mye hun ikke burde, for kjærligheten. Fra å være mest opptatt av ryktene om Helgahuset, ser Anne plutselig historien med nye øyne. For når Anne selv har vært mest opptatt av å slå guttene i håndbak eller løpe fra dem, tilspisses situasjonen når skolens peneste jente også forelsker seg i Jørgen Ruge. Og i motsetning til Anne har Ellen verdens lengste, vakreste hestehale, alltid pene, rene klær og jobb som skuespiller i en reklamefilm på TV. Kjærester siden barnehagen har hun også hatt. Men Anne har bestemt seg. Oddsene er kanskje ikke på hennes side, men Jørgen Ruge skal bli hennes kjæreste, ikke Ellens.
EN. Totally True Love, also known as Jørgen + Anne er Sant, is a 2011 Norwegian film based on the 1984 novel Jørgen Anne er Sant by Vigdis Hjorth.
Anne, 10 years old, is an energetic girl with more important affairs than falling in love. But when she meets Jørgen, the new boy in class, she falls in love immediately. Some grown-ups do not think you can fall in love for real when you are 10 years old, but Anne knows better: You can! Jørgen is moving into the mysterious and scary Bandit House. A house none of the kids dare to come close. But that is of no hinder for Anne, she is willing to go further than most to win him over. When done in the name of love, everything is allowed, isn't it?
Director: Anne Sewitsky.
Cast: Maria Annette Tanderø Berglyd, Otto Garli, Aurora Bach Rodal, Vilde Fredriksen Verlo, Kristin Langsrud, Peter Holene, Sigurd Saethereng, Torkil Høeg, Adrian Holte Kristiansen, Anna Jahr Svalheim, Emir Mulasmanovic, Silje Breivik.
Norway, 2011.
Language: Norwegian, English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Jørgen + Anne = sant / Totally True Love. 2011.
Jørgen + Anne = sant / Totally True Love. 2011. FULL-HD.
Jørgen + Anne = sant / Totally True Love. 2011. FULL-HD.


Thursday, 25 November 2021

Hei jun ma / A Mongolian Tale. 1995.

Hei jun ma / A Mongolian Tale. 1995.
A Mongolian Tale (simplified Chinese: 黑骏马; traditional Chinese: 黑駿馬; pinyin: Hēi jùn mǎ) is a 1995 Chinese film directed by Xie Fei and adapted by the novelist and ethnographer Zhang Chengzhi from his novel, Black Steed.[
Bayinbulag and Somiya are brought up, from a young age, as brother and sister by their adoptive grandmother. The three live happily in a yurt on the Mongolian steppes. Just before Bayinbulag is to leave for the city, to be trained as a vet, the grandmother suggests that Bayinbulag and Somiya should eventually marry. Bayinbulag, now training to be a musician, stays away for long periods of time without communicating with Somiya. He finally comes back expecting to marry her.
Director: Fei Xie.
Cast: Dalarsurong, Aojirdai, Bayirtcya, Gangbater, Ganghulag, Jirigelasahan, Lasurong, Maxirdun, Renhua Na, Narengima, Tengger, Wendilya.
Hong Kong, China, 1995.
Language: Mongolian.
Subtitles: English, Chinese.
Download Hei jun ma / A Mongolian Tale. 1995:
2 versions of the video file.
Version 1:
mkv, 480x352
Version 2:
mp4, 854x470
Hei jun ma / A Mongolian Tale. 1995. Version 1.
Hei jun ma / A Mongolian Tale. 1995. Version 1.

Hei jun ma / A Mongolian Tale. 1995. Version 2.
Hei jun ma / A Mongolian Tale. 1995. Version 2.


Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Heli. 2013. FULL-HD.

Heli. 2013. FULL-HD.
Love story between a 12 year old girl and a police man, both of them had connections with drugs but in opposite ways. This will create a conflict that love will try to overcome. A dark and twisted tale set in Mexico with beautiful cinematography. It might be very hard to watch for its long takes and some incredibly disturbing scenes. "Heli" tells the tragic story of main character (Heli), a teenager, and his sister's boyfriend, a soldier, who gets Heli's family in trouble when he tries to steal some cocaine.
Director: Amat Escalante.
Cast: Armando Espitia, Andrea Vergara, Linda González, Reina Torres, Ramon Alvarez, Gabriel Reyes, Felix Alberto Pegueros Herrera, Kenny Johnston, Juan Eduardo Palacios, Eduardo Rene Salazar Güereca, Antonio de Jésus Espinoza Medrano.
Mexico, Netherlands, Germany, France, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Heli. 2013.
Heli. 2013. FULL-HD.
Heli. 2013. FULL-HD.



Thursday, 18 November 2021

Erotic clips from films. Part 74.

Erotic clips from films. Part 74.
Erotic clips from films. Part 74.
Collection of clips number seventy-four. Today this issue contains the most piquant scenes from the Asian movies 1996-2011 - Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan...
All clips have the names of the movies from which they are cut.
9 clips in 720x480 - 1920x1080.
Download Erotic clips from films. Part 74.
Erotic clips from films. Part 74.
Erotic clips from films. Part 74.


Friday, 12 November 2021

Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974. DVD.

Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974. DVD.
EE. "Värvilised unenäod" on 1974. aastal valminud Tallinnfilmi mängufilm.
Väikese Kati mängukaaslasteks maal vanaema juures on nii külapoisid kui kogu loodus - loomad ja lilled, tuul ja kivid. Kati loitsib välja päikese ja hõljub lilleväljade ja kogu ilmamaa kohal. Tegelikkuse ja võlumaailma vahel ei ole siin piire. Kas sama mäng on ka linnakodus võimalik?
EN. A 1974 Estonian language family film directed by Virve Aruoja and Jaan Tooming, starring Katrin Zilinska, Meelis Küttim and Laur Pihel. The film screened at Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in 2020.
Directors: Virve Aruoja, Jaan Tooming.
Cast: Katrin Zilinska, Meelis Küttim, Laur Pihel, Raine Loo, Jaan Tooming, Helene Pihel.
USSR, Tallinnfilm, 1974.
Language: Estonian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974.
Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974. DVD.
Värvilised unenäod / Colorful Dreams. 1974. DVD.


Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Rookie of the Year. 1973.

Rookie of the Year. 1973.
This very rare TV movie is of interest only to fans of Jodie Foster as it has no artistic value.
A story about sex discrimination that focuses on the experiences of Sharon Lee, a sports-loving eleven-year-old girl who triggers a rash of controversy among players, parents, and game officials when she wins the chance to play on her brother's all-boy baseball team.
Director: Larry Elikann.
Cast: Jodie Foster, Ned Wilson, Dennis McKiernan, David Perkins, Stephen Gustafson, Michael Schear, Barbara Andres, Kenneth Kimmins, Ralph Strait, Ed Crowley, Vicky Dawson.
USA, 1973.
Language: English.
Download Rookie of the Year. 1973.
Rookie of the Year. 1973.
Rookie of the Year. 1973.