EE. Mari ema on surnud ja isa joob. Elu lastekodus tundub talle võimatu, kuid minna pole kuhugi. Tal tuleb harjuda elama kodusoojuseta, jõhkravõitu kaaskasvandike seas. Õnneks on seal Tauri, kes käitub hästi, kuid keda miskipärast eriti ei armastata. Robi, kes rikub reegleid, on seevastu kõigi lemmik, kuigi Mari meelest peaks teda vihkama. Õppetund sellest, kuidas näha enda ümber teisi inimesi ja kuidas näha nende välise koore alla, on tütarlapsele peaaegu talumatu, kuid sellest sõltub tema saatus.
EN. Games for Schoolchildren or Well, Come On, Smile; (Estonian: Naerata ometi) is a 1985 Soviet Estonian drama film directed by Arvo Iho and Leida Laius.
1. After the death of her mother, high school student Mari ends up in an orphanage. Three days later, the girl returns home, but her drunken father makes it clear almost from the door that she doesn't belong here.
The night spent at the train station ends for Mari with an acquaintance with an aggressive group of teenagers, led by Robi, and being driven to the police. In the morning, the fugitive leaves the cell: the orphanage teacher came for her.
The orphanage has its own internal hierarchy. The dashing guy Robi is considered the informal leader. The guys obey him and readily obey. The polite, intelligent Tauri, who, unlike the other pupils, has a respectable and very busy father, takes custody of the newcomer. Among the girls, the harsh, nervous Katrin, who ended up in an orphanage after her mother was imprisoned, dominates.
2. Teenage Mari is sent to an orphanage. It's an awful and unfriendly place to be. But soon two rival leading boys both show up their interest against the girl. Which one should she fall in love with, the good or the bad one ? Unbelivable realistic picture of an orphanage-life in Soviet Union is given.
Directors: Leida Laius, Arvo Iho.Cast: Monika Järv, Hendrik Toompere Jr., Tauri Tallermaa, Katrin Tamleht, Kerttu Aaving, Edith-Helen Kuusk, Siiri Sisask, Janika Kalmus, Helle Kuningas, Evald Hermaküla.
USSR, Tallinnfilm, 1985.Language: Russian (Estonian).
Download Naerata ometi / Igry dlya detey shkolnogo vozrasta / Well, Come On, Smile. 1985.