Cinema Paradiso


Monday, 29 June 2020

Du und icke und Berlin. 1978.

Du und icke und Berlin. 1978.
 Du und icke und Berlin ist ein deutscher Fernsehfilm von Eberhard Schäfer aus dem Jahr 1977.
Der heitere Fernsehfilm von 1977 bot den Zuschauern ein Wiedersehen mit beliebten Darstellern in einer Geschichte über zwei Freunde, die durch den Einfluss der Liebe in einige Verwirrungen geraten, an deren Ende aber die wahre Liebe den rechten Weg weist. Schauplatz des ganzen war Berlin, die Hauptstadt der DDR, deren Straßen und Plätze, Häuser und Wohnungen.
Und mitten drin in diesem Milieu lebt Ulrike Busch (Susanne Linser), ein zehnjähriges Mädchen, dass mit Energie und Zielstrebigkeit nach einem neuen Vater sucht. Als Ulrike zusammen mit ihrem Schulfreund den aus Mühlhausen stammenden Bauarbeiter Dieter Körber (Jürgen Heinrich) kennen lernt, ist sie überzeugt, dass dieser ihr neuer Vater sein könnte. Nun gilt es, Ulrikes Mutter (Micaëla Kreißler) mit sanfter Hand zu ihrem neuen Glück zu führen. Dass dabei auch der sympathische Großvater Karl (Gerhard Bienert) mit einbezogen wird, darf an dieser Stelle nicht unerwähnt bleiben.
Diese TV-Produktion galt in der Zeit ihres Entstehens als gelungenes Werk, vom realen Sozialismus zu berichten, von der Geborgenheit und Zukunftsgewissheit der Menschen in der DDR, und sie war zudem der wiederholte Versuch, der Hauptstadt Berlin eine Liebeserklärung zu offerieren.
Director: Eberhard Schäfer.
Cast: Jürgen Heinrich, Susanne Linser, Micaela Kreißler, Gerhard Bienert, Ursula Braun, Rolf Herricht, Elvira Schuster, Jürgen Zartmann, Evelyn Opoczynski, Ingeborg Krabbe, Werner Senftleben, Klaus Bamberg.
DDR, DEFA, 1977.
Language: German.
Download Du und icke und Berlin. 1978.
Du und icke und Berlin. 1978.
Du und icke und Berlin. 1978.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

The Devil's Playground. 1976.

The Devil's Playground. 1976.
 The Devil's Playground is a 1976 Australian drama film written, produced and directed by Fred Schepisi. It is a semi-autobiographical film which tells the story of a boy growing up and going to school in a Catholic juniorate administered by De La Salle Brothers. Its focus is on the trials of the flesh and the tensions that arise, for both Brothers and students, from the religious injunction to control one's sexuality.
Fred Schepisi's film, 'The Devil's Playground' is an intimate portrait of Tom, a thirteen-year-old struggling in spirit and body with the constraints of living in a Catholic seminary. It is also the story of the Brothers and how they cope with the demands of their faith.
Director: Fred Schepisi.
Cast: Charles McCallum, John Frawley, Arthur Dignam, Nick Tate, Peter Cox, Jonathan Hardy, Gerry Duggan, Thomas Keneally, Sheila Florance, Simon Burke, John Diedrich.
Australia, 1976.
Language: English.
Download The Devil's Playground. 1976.
The Devil's Playground. 1976.
The Devil's Playground. 1976.

El nido / The Nest. 1980. Full version. DVD.

El nido / The Nest. 1980. Full version. DVD.
 The Nest (Spanish: El Nido) is a 1980 Spanish drama film written and directed by Jaime de Armiñán, starring Héctor Alterio and Ana Torrent. The plot follows the emotionally intense relationship between an old widower and a precocious thirteen-year-old girl. The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 53rd Academy Awards.
In a town near Salamanca, an eccentric widower, aged 60, is captivated by an imp, a precocious 13 year old. Alejandro is wealthy and alone, passing time with music, chess, and his shotgun. Gregoria (Goyita) the daughter of a weak-willed policeman and his bullying wife, is a budding naturalist who conspires to meet Alejandro. Even though he knows the village is talking, Alejandro spends time with Goyita, on walks, horseback rides, and dinners. He's enchanted and tells his friend the village priest that he's living for the first time. Goyita makes new demands on Alejandro, and he must decide how to be true to his ethics and to this Platonic yet highly-charged relationship.
Director: Jaime de Armiñán.
Cast: Héctor Alterio, Ana Torrent, Luis Politti, Agustín González, Patricia Adriani, María Luisa Ponte, Mercedes Alonso, Luisa Rodrigo, Amparo Baró, Ovidi Montllor, Mauricio Calvo, Arantza, Bernabé.
Spain, Argentina, 1980.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
• Tráiler;
• Galería;
• Filmografías;
• Ficha técnica;
• Ficha artística.
Menu: animated, voiced, in Spanish.
This is the full version of the movie, including cut scenes. 104 min.
Download DVD El nido / The Nest. 1980. Full version:
2 parts archive:
El nido / The Nest. 1980. Full version. DVD.
El nido / The Nest. 1980. Full version. DVD.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Dziewczyna i chlopak. 1978. TV Series. 6 Episodes.

Dziewczyna i chlopak. 1978. TV Series. 6 Episodes.
 Dziewczyna i chłopak – polski serial telewizyjny w reżyserii Stanisława Lotha z roku 1978, luźna adaptacja filmowa książki Dziewczyna i chłopak, czyli heca na 14 fajerek Hanny Ożogowskiej.
W Warszawie mieszka dwójka bliźniaczo podobnego do siebie rodzeństwa: Tomek i Tosia (w ich role wcieliło się rodzeństwo, nie bliźniacze Anna Sieniawska i rok starszy Wojciech Sieniawski). Przed wyjazdem na wakacje, w tajemnicy przed rodzicami rodzeństwo zamienia się rolami. Tomek jako Tosia trafia do ciotki na wieś, podczas gdy Tosia jako Tomek udaje się do leśniczówki będącej we władaniu ich krewnego. Damsko-męskie qui pro quo prowadzi do rozlicznych, często komicznych, epizodów.
Episode list:
1. Poprawka
2. Tosiek i Tomka
3. Szef i inni
4. Dochodzenie
5. Oliwa do ognia
6. Tomek i Tosia
Director: Stanisław Loth.
Cast: Anna Sieniawska, Wojciech Sieniawski, Stanisław Mikulski, Barbara Sołtysik, Michał Sumiński, Teresa Lipowska, Anna Milewska, Bogusz Bilewski, Tadeusz Pluciński.
Poland, 1978.
Language: Polish.
6x45 min.
Download Dziewczyna i chlopak. 1978. TV Series. 6 Episodes:
2 parts achive:
Dziewczyna i chlopak. 1978. TV Series. 6 Episodes.
Dziewczyna i chlopak. 1978. TV Series. 6 Episodes.
Dziewczyna i chlopak. 1978. TV Series. 6 Episodes.
Dziewczyna i chlopak. 1978. TV Series. 6 Episodes.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Bambuľkine dobrodružstvá. TV Series. 1982. 30 Episodes.

Bambuľkine dobrodružstvá. TV Series. 1982. 30 Episodes.
A better quality version of this series has been found 720x576.
EN. Bambulka's adventures is Czechoslovakian family 30-parts TV Series from 1982.
CZ. Bambuľkine dobrodružstvá je česko-slovenský rodinný 30-dielny televízny seriál z roku 1982.
Malá 5-ročná Bambuľka (hrá Monika Haasová) sa dostane k pánovi Dedovi Jozefovi (hrá Július Pántik), ktorý ju začne vychovávať. V každom dieli je na rôznych príhodách deťom vysvetlené, ako sa v danej situácii správne zachovať. Film sprevádzajú detské pesničky.
Episode list:
1. „Prekvapenie“
2. „Marhuľový koláč“
3. „Čistota pol života“
4. „Veľké upratovanie“
5. „Výlet“
6. „Zázračné slovíčka“
7. „Cukríková choroba“
8. „Rozprávkový kufrík“
9. „Dobrú chuť“
10. „Kamaráti“
11. „Sedmospáč“
12. „Gól“
13. „Siláci“
14. „Zvedavec“
15. „Exhibícia“
16. „Haló, tu Bambuľka“
17. „Maškara“
18. „Straka“
19. „Dve srdiečka“
20. „Chorá opička“
21. „Rožky“
22. „Slivkový lekvár“
23. „Primabalerína“
24. „Fialky“
25. „Najlepší obed“
26. „Dubák“
27. „Autíčko“
28. „Motýlik“
29. „Ďurko“
30. „Narodeniny“
Director: Juraj Lihosit.
Cast: Július Pántik, Monika Haasová, Peter Guldan, František Laca, Július Tunčík, Viera Bálintová, Vladimír Bartoň, Soňa Ulická, Milada Rajzíková, František Kovár, Helena Húsková, Ján Kákoni, Vladimír Kostovič, Eva Galandová, Jaroslav Gažovič, Slávo Zahradník.
Czechoslovakia, Ceskoslovenská Televízia Bratislava, 1982.
Language: Slovak.
30x10 min.
Download Bambuľkine dobrodružstvá. 1982:
Episodes 1-10
Episodes 11-20
Episodes 21-30
Bambuľkine dobrodružstvá. TV Series. 1982. 30 Episodes.
Bambuľkine dobrodružstvá. TV Series. 1982. 30 Episodes.
Bambuľkine dobrodružstvá. TV Series. 1982. 30 Episodes.
Bambuľkine dobrodružstvá. TV Series. 1982. 30 Episodes.

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Mort un dimanche de pluie / Death on a Rainy Sunday. 1986.

Mort un dimanche de pluie / Death on a Rainy Sunday. 1986. FULL-HD.
FR. Mort un dimanche de pluie est un thriller français, adapté du roman de Joan Aiken, réalisé par Joël Santoni et sorti en 1986.
Un couple psychopathe cherche à se venger d'un architecte que le mari tient pour responsable d'un accident de chantier lui ayant coûté son bras et ayant causé la mort de sept ouvriers.
Par une journée pluvieuse, une roulotte vient s'installer devant la maison des Briand. Ses occupants, les Bronsky et leur fille, ne se sont pas arretés là par hasard. Ils ont un but : squatter la maison des Briand et prendre leur place.
EN. Thriller about a psycho looking for revenge. Bronsky is a paraplegic because of an accident at a construction site that was partly due to the head architect, David Briand. Many years after the accident, Bronsky shows up at Briand's residence with his family and his trailer looking for assistance. He and his wife insinuate themselves into the household without revealing their true identity. They start to work for Briand and his wife Elaine as a gardener and a babysitter with the sole objective of wreaking havoc on their lives and avenging Bronsky's disabilities.
Director: Joël Santoni.
Cast: Nicole Garcia, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Dominique Lavanant, Jean-Pierre Bisson, Etienne Chicot, Jean-Pierre Malo, Marshall Titus, Cerise Leclerc, Celine Vauge, Christine Laurent.
France, Switzerland, 1986.
Language: French, German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Mort un dimanche de pluie / Death on a Rainy Sunday. 1986.
Mort un dimanche de pluie / Death on a Rainy Sunday. 1986. FULL-HD.
Mort un dimanche de pluie / Death on a Rainy Sunday. 1986. FULL-HD.

Igra / Le jeu. 1988.

Igra / Le jeu. 1988.
 Somewhere in the desert, a war is being waged. Ahmed’s father must return to the front, after a day spent with his wife and son. Meanwhile, the children play at war.
Director: Abderrahmane Sissako.
Cast: A. Hodjaev, H. Norliev, Bechim Nouriev.
USSR, Mauritania, 1988.
Language: Russian.
Download Igra / Le jeu. 1988.
Igra / Le jeu. 1988.
Igra / Le jeu. 1988.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Geheimnis Geschichte: Die Nackten und die Macht. 2009.

Geheimnis Geschichte: Die Nackten und die Macht. 2009.
 Im letzten Sommer bricht zwischen Deutschen und Polen der Hoschenkrieg aus. Nach dem Wegfall der EU-Binnengrenze sorgen ausgerechnet deutsche FKK-Bader am polnischen Ostseestrand fur Streit und politische Verstimmung. Hinweisschilder sollen diesen Konflikt jetzt entscharfen. Die Polen werden vor den Nackten gewarnt und an die Deutschen wird appelliert, sich beim Grenzubertritt zu bedecken. Der Hoschenkrieg ist nicht nur ein gefundenes Fressen fur die Boulevardblatter sondern vor allem Ausdruck eines uber 150 Jahre langen Kampfes von Befurwortern und Gegnern der Freikorperkultur. Wo liegen die Ursprunge dieses Konfliktes? Wer hat ihn gefuhrt? Warum? Fast alles, was heute mit Nacktsein zu tun hat, wird schnell unter dem Begriff Freikorperkultur vereinnahmt. Doch was wollten die FKK-Anhanger wirklich? Die Nackten und die Macht - Geheimnis Geschichte beleuchtet ein spannendes Kapitel der deutschen Historie.
Alles beginnt in den engen Arbeiterwohngebieten Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Menschen wollen raus in die Natur. Zum Baden in Licht und Luft. Auch Gutburgerliche legen das Korsett wilhelminischer Anstandsregeln ab. 1888 wird der Lebensreformer Karl-Wilhelm Diefenbach ins Gefangnis gesteckt. Die FKK-Bewegung hat ihren ersten Martyrer. Warum landete der Munchner hinter Schloss und Riegel? Einen regelrechten Boom gibt es nach dem ersten Weltkrieg. Am Motzener See bei Berlin tummeln sich die unterschiedlichsten Gruppierungen. Adolf Kochs sozialistische Freikorperbewegung erhalt Zulauf genauso wie die volkisch-rassisch ausgerichtete Lebensreformbewegung von Hans Suren, der wahrend der Herrschaft der Nationalsozialisten die Idee vom durch Sport und Disziplin gestahlten germanischen Volkskorper verwirklichen will. Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg wird Deutschland auch beim FKK geteilt. Im Westen wird das »Schund- und Schmutzgesetz« erlassen. Wer nackt uber Wiesen spazieren will, darf das nur in einem Verein. Im Osten ist Freikorperkultur in Vereinsform verboten. Die DDR-Fuhrung erlasst am Ostseestrand sogar ein allgemeines Nacktbadeverbot. Es kommt zu Protesten und Polizeiaktionen.
»Geheimnis Geschichte« beleuchtet ein uberaus spannendes und amusantes Kapitel rund um die Freikorperkultur in Deutschland. Eine Reise, die vom wilhelminischen Kaiserreich bis ins Heute fuhrt.
Germany, 2009.
Language: German.
Download Geheimnis Geschichte: Die Nackten und die Macht. 2009.
Geheimnis Geschichte: Die Nackten und die Macht. 2009.
Geheimnis Geschichte: Die Nackten und die Macht. 2009.
Geheimnis Geschichte: Die Nackten und die Macht. 2009.
Geheimnis Geschichte: Die Nackten und die Macht. 2009.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Préparez vos mouchoirs / Get Out Your Handkerchiefs. 1978. DVD.

Préparez vos mouchoirs / Get Out Your Handkerchiefs. 1978. DVD.
Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (French: Préparez vos mouchoirs) is a 1978 French romantic comedy film directed by Bertrand Blier and starring Carole Laure, Gérard Depardieu, Patrick Dewaere and Riton Liebman. The film won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 51st Academy Awards.
The film tells the story of a ménage à trois in which two men share a woman to cure her of an unexplained depression, with many symptoms. Eventually, she begins an affair with an underage boy. The film employs heavy references to historical musician Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, combined with the music of the film's composer Georges Delerue, who won the César Award for Best Original Music. Get Out Your Handkerchiefs was a critical success.
Solange is depressed: she's stopped smiling, she eats little, she says less. She has fainting fits. Her husband Raoul seeks to save her by enlisting Stephane, a stranger, to be her lover. Although he listens to Mozart and has every Pocket Book arranged in alphabetical order, Stephane fails to cheer Solange. She knits. She does housework. Everyone, including their neighbor a vegetable vendor, agrees that she needs a child, yet she fails to get pregnant by either lover. The three take a job running a kids' summer camp where they meet Christian, the precocious 13-year-old son of the local factory manager. It is Christian who restores Solange to laughter.
Director: Bertrand Blier.
Cast: Gérard Depardieu, Carole Laure, Patrick Dewaere, Michel Serrault, Eléonore Hirt, Jean Rougerie, Sylvie Joly, Liliane Rovère, Michel Beaune.
France, Belgium, 1978.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download DVD Préparez vos mouchoirs / Get Out Your Handkerchiefs. 1978:
2 parts archive:
Préparez vos mouchoirs / Get Out Your Handkerchiefs. 1978. DVD.
Préparez vos mouchoirs / Get Out Your Handkerchiefs. 1978. DVD.

Monday, 15 June 2020

Ogon / Fire. 2016. HD.

Ogon / Fire. 2016. HD.
 A vivid example of the new Russian independent cinema, a documentary film by a young director, artist, photographer Nadya Zakharova. This film - uncompromising poetic essay about people who are not burdened with the rules of life and the laws of civilization. They live in rhythm and harmony with nature and - with themselves.
Small stories, the change of movement of which arises from the inside of the visual image: the poet reads poems through a barred window, a Mongolian girl lights a fire in a furnace and blows into the flame as if it were a wolf howl in the steppe. Like fire, a film grows out of itself in a rhythm of editing.
Director: Nadia Zakharova.
Russia, 2016.
Language: Russian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Ogon / Fire. 2016.
Ogon / Fire. 2016. HD.
Ogon / Fire. 2016. HD.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Viaggio segreto / Secret Journey. 2006.

Viaggio segreto / Secret Journey. 2006.
 IT. Leo fa lo psicanalista, sua sorella Ale la modella. Abitano a Roma nello stesso palazzo ed entrano l'uno nella vita dell'altro con la stessa facilità con cui penetrano nei rispettivi appartamenti. Ne possiedono la chiave.
La notizia che la loro villa d'infanzia, in Sicilia, è stata messa in vendita s'intreccia alla decisione di Ale di sposare Harold, un artista serbo che ha perso la testa per lei, al punto che vorrebbe regalarle la casa dove è nata. È per impedire che questo avvenga che Leo intraprende un viaggio segreto a Siracusa, per riacquistare la proprietà ed evitare che il delitto che ha segnato la loro infanzia torni a insidiare la memoria della sorella.
In Viaggio Segreto, Roberto Andò sposta l'azione dall'Irlanda, dove è ambientato il romanzo di partenza "Ricostruzioni" di Josephine Hart, alla Sicilia, sua terra d'origine, per narrare ancora, come già nel precedente "Sotto Falso Nome", di esistenze (ri)costruite sotto il segno di un lutto e di relazioni famigliari condannate da un pesante non detto.
EN. Secret Journey (Italian: Viaggio segreto) is a 2006 Italian romance-drama film directed by Roberto Andò. It won the Nastro d'Argento for Best Cinematography.
When Leo & Ale are children, they witnesses their mother's murder in the family villa. When the house is about to be sold 30 years later, old memories resurface.
Director: Roberto Andò.
Cast: Alessio Boni, Donatella Finocchiaro, Valeria Solarino, Claudia Gerini, Marco Baliani, Emir Kusturica, Roberto Herlitzka, Giselda Volodi, Fausto Russo Alesi.
Italy, France, 2006.
Language: Italian.
Download Viaggio segreto / Secret Journey. 2006.
Viaggio segreto / Secret Journey. 2006.
Viaggio segreto / Secret Journey. 2006.

Saturday, 13 June 2020

Sol del llano / Sun. 2019. HD.

Sol del llano / Sun. 2019. HD.
 ES. Ligia busca refugio con sus hijos de nueve y dos años en la casa de su mamá en los llanos. Inmersa en la naturaleza, Meli observa a su madre, incapaz de lidiar con sus emociones, y busca cambiar su situación.
EN. Immersed in the natural landscape of the Colombian plains, Meli tries to find a way to pull her mother out of her emotional crisis.
Director: Manuela Irene Espitia.
Cast: Luciano Aguilar, Clara Espitia, Tatiana Gaviria, Javiera Valenzuela.
Mexico, Colombia, 2019.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
2048x1080 HD
Download Sol del llano / Sun. 2019.
Sol del llano / Sun. 2019. HD.
Sol del llano / Sun. 2019. HD.

楊梅洲 / Yang mei zhou / Song of Silence. 2012.

楊梅洲 / Yang mei zhou / Song of Silence. 2012.

CN. 楊梅洲(Song of Silence)是由中國大陸導演陳卓所執導的一部獨立電影
EN. Teenaged Xiao Jing lives in a tucked away town in Hunan Province, isolated by both geography and her deafness. Her only real emotional connection is with her uncle, an artist that she occasionally poses for. That slightly awkward hobby gives rise to a minor scandal involving the uncle, which results in Jing being packed off to the city to live with her resentful father, cop Haoyang. Rounding out the makeshift family is Haoyang's pregnant girlfriend Xiao Mei, an aspiring rock star.
Director: Zhuo Chen.
Cast: Li Qiang, Yin Yaning, Wu Bingbin, Yu Xuan.
China, 2012.
Language: Mandarin.
Subtitles: Chinese, English.
Download 楊梅洲 / Yang mei zhou / Song of Silence. 2012.
楊梅洲 / Yang mei zhou / Song of Silence. 2012.
楊梅洲 / Yang mei zhou / Song of Silence. 2012.

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Anthology of short films. Part 91.

Anthology of short films. Part 91.
We present to your attention the following, number ninety-one, Issue of Anthology of Short Films. This time in the collection there are only 4 mini-films, but all are fresh and in high resolution.
1. Minjonja njanjonja / Boo-boo Boo hoo hoo. 2015. HD.
HR. Kao i gotovo svakom 13-godišnjaku, Antunu mlađi brat ide na živce. Minjonja njanjonja snimljen je prema pobjedničkom uratku prošlogodišnje Palunkove radionice kratkometražnog igranog filma.
EN. Just like any other 13-year-old, Antun is irritated by his younger brother.
Director: Josip Lukić.
Cast: Marko Nazlić, Andrija Nazlić, Nola Milaković, Melinda Bečić.
Croatia, 2015.
Language: Croatian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
2. Magie noire / Midnight Sun. 2019. HD.
Solwei, 10, and her brother Louis, 18, have a car accident and find themselves in the middle of the night in an unknown small town. There they meet Alma, a mystical woman whose contact has been given to them. A strange night begins then...
Director: Zoé Cauwet.
Cast: Cyrille Mairesse, Racha Baroud, Félix Lefebvre.
France, 2019.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English, German.
1280x720 HD
3. 댄스영화 / Dance Film. 2019. HD.
Yuwol is a boy who never stops to dance even for a moment. One day, dance virus begins to spread in his private elementary school and he is accused as the culprit. Yuwol is now being chased by his uptight home room teacher and other members of the faculty.​
Director: Beff.
Korea, KNUA, 2019.
Language: Korean.
1280x720 HD
 4. August. 2014. HD.
August is a carefree boy who likes to discover the world and to play outside with his best friend Lize. One day, he encounters the seamy side of life and suddenly Lize doesn't want to see him anymore.
Director: Jeroen Perceval.
Cast: Mo Bakker, Aagje Claes, Mil Sinaeve, Tyïan Govaert, Ruth Becquart, Inge van Bruystegem.
Belgium, 2014.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Anthology of short films. Part 91.
Anthology of short films. Part 91.

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Agua fria de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010.

Agua fria de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010.
 A child with an over-active imagination startles both strangers and herself in this drama from Costa Rican filmmaker Paz Fabrega. Karina is a seven-year-old girl who goes with her father and mother and three siblings on a camping trip near the seaside. After Karina is woken up in the night by a band of noisy horseback riders, she decides to take a walk and falls asleep far from the campsite. Karina is found by another pair of campers, Mariana and Rodrigo, and when they ask her where her parents are, she tells them a startling lie - that her family has been murdered and she ran away from her seхually abusive uncle. Mariana and Rodrigo plan to take the child back to the city with them in the morning for her safety, but before they awake Karina has left and made her way back to her parents' tent. All would seem to be normal again, but when Karina awakes from a nap later the same day, she finds herself in a blind panic she can't shake for reasons she can't fathom.
Director: Paz Fábrega.
Cast: Monserrat Fernández, Lil Quesada Morúa, Luis Carlos Bogantes, Adriana Alvarez.
Costa Rica, France, Spain, Netherlands, Mexico, 2010.
Language: Spanish, English, Russian.
Download Agua fria de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010.
Agua fria de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010.
Agua fria de mar / Cold Water of the Sea. 2010.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Anthology of short films. Part 90.

Anthology of short films. Part 90.
 One more issue of Anthology of Short Films number ninety is ready for viewing. Today in this issue are 11 mini-films from around the world both feature and documentary over the past 50 years.
1. Lolo. HD.
Germany, 2019.
2. Madison - Midt imellem. HD.
Denmark, 2019.
3. These Things Take Time.
USA, 2018.
4. Minä, siili ja trumpetti / The Hedgehog, the Trumpet and Me.
Finland, 1983.
5. Have You Seen Charlie.
USA, 2015.
6. Iver.
Norway, 2004.
7. Opatrnê! / Julia. HD.
Czech Republic, Sweden, 2004.
8. The Sea Children.
UK, 1973.
9. Rebyonok.
USSR, 1967.
10. Klein / Small.
Netherlands, 2011.
11. Einschlafgeschichten - Brücken / Bedtime Stories - Bridges. HD.
Germany, 1977.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 90.
Anthology of short films. Part 90.
Anthology of short films. Part 90.
Anthology of short films. Part 90.
Anthology of short films. Part 90.

Odveta / Revenge. 1979.

Odveta / Revenge. 1979.
CZ. První, zpola ještě dětské lásky mohu být vážnější, než by se na první pohled zdálo. Ústřední hrdince je teprve čtrnáct, ale již závistivě pokuje po dívkách jen nepatrně starších, které se již mají s kým objímat. I ona se posléze citově upne na kluka, aniž tuší, že její vyvolený prochází složitým obdobím - vyrovnává s pocitem viny za zranění svého kamaráda. Rádoby poetický, něžný film je však vyprávěn těžkopádně a bez věrohodného zaujetí, výchovné aspekty z něj příliš často zbytečně trčí.
EN. A teenager gets into a difficult situation due to several causes and tries to hide. His relations to others will decide his further life course.
Director: Ivan Húšťava.
Cast: Július Vašek, Zdena Grúberová, Jozef Adamovič, Emil Horváth ml., Božidara Turzonovová, Pavol Mikulík, Zuzana Frenglová, Oľga Zöllnerová, Andrej Šeban.
Czechoslovakia, 1979.
Language: Slovak.
Odveta / Revenge. 1979.
Odveta / Revenge. 1979.

ปัญญา เรณู / Panya Raenu. 2011.

ปัญญา เรณู / Panya Raenu. 2011.
TH. ปัญญา เรณู เป็นภาพยนตร์ไทย เริ่มออกฉายวันที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554 กำกับภาพยนตร์ เขียนบท และบริหารงานสร้างโดย บิณฑ์ บรรลือฤทธิ์ เป็นภาพยนตร์สะท้อนกลิ่นอายวัฒนธรรม วีถีชีวิตความเป็นอีสาน และเป็นภาพยนตร์ที่ใช้ภาษาอีสานเป็นหลักด้วย ภาพยนตร์ทำรายได้ 12.82 ล้านบาท
EN. Set in a village in Northeastern Thailand, "Panya Raenu" is a story of friendship and dream that centers on a young boy named Panya who has a talent to sing, but who is too poor to afford a local music contest. However, with his endeavor and the support from friends, Panya becomes determined to win while at the same time fending off the advances of a chubby girl named Raenu. One day, a bus carrying students from the capital breaks down near their village and the rich city kids have to spend the night with the rural poor ones.
Director: Bin Bunluerit.
Cast: Chothiwat Phonratsamee, Suthida Hongsa, Salinee Duangta, Yeong Lookyee, Worawut Manorat, Supachai Polrassami, Petchtai Wongkamlao.
Thailand, 2010.
Language: Thai, Lao.
ปัญญา เรณู / Panya Raenu. 2011.
ปัญญา เรณู / Panya Raenu. 2011.