Cinema Paradiso


Sunday, 31 May 2020

Child Bride / Child Bride of the Ozarks. 1938.

Child Bride / Child Bride of the Ozarks. 1938.
 Child Bride, also known as Child Brides, Child Bride of the Ozarks, and Dust to Dust (USA reissue titles), is a 1938 American film directed by Harry Revier and produced by Raymond L. Friedgen. The film was promoted as educational and as an attempt to draw attention to the lack of laws banning child marriage in many states.
The film is set in a remote town in the Ozarks. It was very controversial at the time—both for its theme and because of a topless and nude swimming scene by then-12-year-old Shirley Mills. The film bypassed the ban of onscreen nudity under the Hays Code by being produced and distributed independently of the studio system, and by claiming to be educational. Although the film was banned in many areas, the movie's controversial nature gave it a certain infamy and it played on the so-called exploitation circuit for many years.
Jennie is a twelve-year-old girl living with her parents in extremely rural mountain country. Her schoolteacher, Miss Carol, though a mountain girl herself, has gone off to be educated and returned in hopes of stopping the tradition of child marriage which permeates the culture. Jennie's father Ira is a good man who tries to protect Miss Carol from the men who threaten her if she doesn't call off her crusade. One of these men, Jake Bolby, has his eye on little Jennie and plots to make her his bride.
Director: Harry Revier.
Cast: Shirley Mills, Bob Bollinger, Warner Richmond, Diana Durrell, Dorothy Carrol, George Humphreys, Frank Martin, George Morrell, Angelo Rossitto, Al Bannon .
USA, 1938.
Language: English.
Download Child Bride / Child Bride of the Ozarks. 1938.
Child Bride / Child Bride of the Ozarks. 1938.
Child Bride / Child Bride of the Ozarks. 1938.

Weiser. 2001.

Weiser. 2001. FULL-HD.
PL. Posiadający nadprzyrodzone zdolności żydowski chłopiec, Dawid Weiser, staje się przywódcą grupy rówieśników. Pewnego dnia konstruuje bombę, która niespodziewanie wybucha. Chłopiec przepada bez wieści. Jego przyjaciele wciąż żyją wydarzeniami z dzieciństwa. Po trzydziestu latach Paweł Heller postanawia rozwikłać zagadkę zniknięcia Dawida. Stopniowo traci zainteresowanie pracą i rodziną. Zaczyna obsesyjnie wierzyć, że odszyfrowanie tajemnicy Weisera pomoże mu nadać sens własnemu życiu i wewnętrznie pogodzić się z sobą.
EN. A man struggles to come to terms with a mystery that has haunted him throughout his adult life in this drama from Poland. In 1967, a 13-year-old boy named Dawid discovered a cache of explosives and began experimenting with them; one day, several of his friends saw Dawid wave to them shortly before a massive explosion went off near a railway tunnel, and no one ever saw the young man again. Thirty years later, one of Dawid's close friends, Pawel, returns to Poland for the first time in 11 years to visit Juliane, a woman he used to love. As Pawel returns home, he discovers his thoughts keeps drifting back to Dawid and what might have happened to him that day. Pawel keeps replaying the explosive incident in his mind, and goes so far as to track down Elka, Dawid's girlfriend, who was with him moments before the explosion, though then as now she refuses to talk about what happened. Pawel is unable to determine for sure just what happened or how Dawid died -- or if he did in fact die at all. Weiser was nominated for the Golden Bear award at the 2001 Berlin Film Festival.
Director: Wojciech Marczewski.
Cast: Marek Kondrat, Krystyna Janda, Juliane Köhler, Teresa Marczewska, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Krzysztof Globisz, Michael Mendl, Mariusz Benoit, Marian Opania, Janusz Gajos, Jaroslaw Gajewski, Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska, Piotr Fronczewski, Ewa Wencel, Magdalena Cielecka, Krzysztof Szczerbiński, Zbigniew Waleryś.
Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, France, 2001.
Language: Polish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Weiser. 2001.
Weiser. 2001. FULL-HD.
Weiser. 2001. FULL-HD.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.

Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
 Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
Here are 3,100 photos in three color options: Color, Black & White, Sepia and three resolution options: Large, Medium, Small. Also scans of photo magazines and photo albums of 1971-1999.
Format: jpg
Amount: 4500 photos
Download Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.
Addition to the complete collection of photographs by David Hamilton.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Die oben ohne Story / The Topless Story. 1965.

Die oben ohne Story / The Topless Story. 1965.
 DE. Ein arbeitsmüder New Yorker Modeschöpfer wird auf seiner Weltreise nach Europa und Fernost heimlich von der Sekretärin und einer Modejournalistin verfolgt, die überall sofort den nächsten Nudistenstrand aufsuchen. Primitives Filmchen, das seine FKK-Propaganda mit Reisebildern von New York bis Tokio dekoriert.
EN. A male fashion designer gets ticked off at a female magazine editor and flees New York. The editor and a friend follow him. Everywhere the designer goes, some woman or other strolls around with an exposed breast or two.
Director: Wolfgang Selnig.
Cast: Dolly Doreac, Bambi Miller, Birgit Nielsen, John Wala.
Switzerland, 1965.
Language: English.
Download Die oben ohne Story / The Topless Story. 1965.
Die oben ohne Story / The Topless Story. 1965.
Die oben ohne Story / The Topless Story. 1965.

Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.

Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.
 Saint Monica is a 2002 Canadian film written and directed by Terrance Odette. It was nominated for Best Lead Performance by a Female actress (Genevieve Buechner) in a Feature Length Drama at the 2002 Leo Awards and won Best Achievement in Music for an Original Song ("Com Estas Asas" by Carlos Lopes) at the 2003 Genie Awards.
Portuguese-Canadians Icelia and her ten year old daughter Monica have just moved from the Portuguese neighborhood in Toronto's inner city to a small basement suite in the outer suburbs following Icelia's acrimonious break-up with Monica's father, Vincent. While Icelia tries to make ends meet by doing housekeeping work, her brother Albert, who also lives with them sleeping on their living room sofa, is Monica's reluctant guardian and chauffeur. "Reluctant" as he would rather sleep or watch videos than take care of his niece. Icelia is unaware that Albert still associates with Vincent in order to receive what he believes are small favors from Vincent. Meanwhile, Monica, often left to her own devices, is a solitary girl whose primary fascination and focus is Catholicism, most specifically its rituals and symbols...
Director: Terrance Odette.
Cast: Genevieve Buechner, Clare Coulter, Maurizio Terrazzano, Krista Bridges, Brigitte Bako, Conrad Coates, Oscar Goncalves, Matt Gordon, Sadie LeBlanc     Sadie LeBlanc.
Canada, 2002.
Language: English, Portuguese.
Download Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.
Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.
Saint Monica / Angel of Saint Monica. 2002.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Hugo. 2016. HD.

Hugo. 2016. HD.
 ES. HUGO, la historia de un niño invidente que pasara unas vacaciones en un camping donde acompañada de Maria su mejor amiga, vivirán una experiencia llena de amor, amistad, celos, acosos y envidia. No te lo puedes perder.
Tras dos meses de verano rodando y esperando que el famoso viento de levante nos dejase, al final ha merecido la pena. doy las gracias a todos los que han colaborado pero en especial a los actores. UNA AMISTAD SINCERA, PUEDE CAMBIARTE LA VIDA.
EN. HUGO, the story of a blind child who will spend a vacation in a camping where accompanied by Maria his best friend, they will live an experience full of love, friendship, jealousy, harassment and envy.
Director: Agustin Claros.
Cast: Sasha Cócola, Samara Claros, Monica Ferrer, Pablo Pereyra, Irene Lopez, Jose Caba, Victoria Luco, Ana Rivas y Lucia, Andrea, Noelia, Alberto, Olga.
Spain, 2016.
Language: Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Download Hugo. 2016.
Hugo. 2016. HD.
Hugo. 2016. HD.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Niklas och Figuren. 1971.

Niklas och Figuren. 1971.
 The full version of this movie has been found.
SE. Niklas och Figuren är en svensk familjefilm från 1971 i regi av Ulf Andrée. I rollerna som Niklas och Figuren ses Peter Malmsjö respektive Stefan Grybe. Förlagan är Bengt Anderbergs barnbok med samma namn.
”Niklas och Figuren” är en sprakande och överdådigt rolig berättelse om hur Niklas anlitas som ”hundkorrespondent” av morfadern, redaktör Pudelström, som driver en lokaltidning som vid jämförelse får Grönköpings Veckoblad att framstå som en annan New York Times. En hund har försvunnit från en hundgård, förmodligen på jakt efter sin mamma, och Niklas skickas att leta efter den och därtill skriva rapporter från sökandet. Till hjälp tar han sin märklige vän Figuren, ett slags kombination av troll och människa. Tillsammans ger de sig ut på äventyr - i Vilda skogen möter de Figurens festliga släktingar och i Uppochnervända världen konfronteras de bokstavligen med sådant som är uppochner - här får man pengar när man handlar och alla ord skrivs baklänges, katter och kor till och med låter baklänges. Och så vidare.
Det kommer till en konflikt mellan Niklas och Figuren som för ett slag hotar vänskapen, men det reder upp sig och till sist hittar de hunden, eller hunden har hittat dem, eftersom han redan befinner sig hemma hos Niklas familj. Hunden blir dessutom Niklas hett åtrådda artikelhonorar.
EN. Niklas, 9, lives with her parents and her grandfather in the country in a yellow house. He longs for a dog and this summer, father, mother and grandfather has decided to get him one.
Director: Ulf Andrée.
Writers: Bengt Anderberg (novel), Ulf Andrée.
Cast: Peter Malmsjö, Stefan Grybe, Albert Wickman, Birgitta Andersson, Gösta Ekman, Martin Ljung, Cornelis Vreeswijk, Håkan Serner, Margareta Krantz, Janne Carlsson, Bengt Berger, Erik Strandell.
Sweden, 1971.
Language: Swedish.
Download Niklas och Figuren. 1971.
Niklas och Figuren. 1971.
Niklas och Figuren. 1971.

Monday, 18 May 2020

...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987. DVD.

...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987. DVD.
 DE. Die elfjährige Lena fährt zum ersten Mal in ein Ferienlager. Direkt auf der Hinfahrt verguckt sie sich in den älteren Wolfgang, und in den folgenden Tagen entwickelt sich eine innige Vertautheit zwischen den beiden. Allerdings treten bald Probleme auf, die ihre Freundschaft auf eine harte Probe stellen. So hat die frühreife Antonia ein Auge auf den hübschen Wolfgang geworfen, außerdem missbilligen sowohl Heimleiter Eichler als auch Lehrerin Busse die Annäherung ihrer Zöglinge.
Um zu verhindern, dass die beiden Kinder zu viel Zeit miteinander verbringen, steckt man sie in unterschiedliche Gruppen, wodurch der Heimleiter den Zorn von Lena auf sich zieht. Der Konflikt spitzt sich zu, und nach einer Disco-Veranstaltung verschwindet Lena plötzlich. Alle Nachforschungen bleiben zunächst erfolglos, doch Wolfgang glaubt zu wissen, wo Lena ist. Er geht auf die Suche und bringt sie schließlich zurück.
EN. 11-year old Lena is on her first trip to a vacation camp. Already on the trip to the camp, she develops a crush for the older Wolfgang, and in the following days they become deeply acquainted with each other. But soon, problems arise that put their friendship to a hard test. Precocious Antonia has cast an eye on the good-looking Wolfgang; furthermore housemaster Eichler and teacher Busse disapprove of the relationship of their pupils. To prevent that both children spend too much time with each other, they are put into different groups. Thus, Lena becomes angry with the housemaster. The conflict escalates, and after a disco event, Lena suddenly disappears. Every attempt to find Lena fails until Wolfgang remembers where Lena might be hiding. He starts to look for her and brings her back to the camp.
Director: Hannelore Unterberg.
Cast: Ulrike Dräger, Sören Lißner, Cindy Scholp, Ulrike Knabe, Sebastian Hattop, Peter Kube, Susanne Lüning, Günter Naumann, Barbara Dittus, Patrick Bahnemann.
DDR, DEFA, 1987.
Language: German.
Download DVD ...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987:
2 parts archive:
...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987. DVD.
...und ich dachte, du magst mich. 1987. DVD.

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Gyerekbetegsegek / Children's Sicknesses. 1965.

Gyerekbetegségek / Children's Sicknesses. 1965.
A Gyerekbetegségek 1965-ben készült színes magyar film, amelyet Kardos Ferenc és Rózsa János rendezett. Készült a Magyar Filmgyártó Vállalat műtermeiben.
Egy első osztályba lépő kisfiú és osztálytársai a film hősei. Hétköznapjaikat és ünnepeiket látjuk, mindvégig gyermekszemmel. Bepillantást nyerünk a kisfiú családjának életébe, megismerkedünk elfoglalt és kissé szórakozott édesapjával, aranyos édesanyjával és nagymamájával, aki roppant jól tud főzni. Megtudjuk, nem olyan könnyű gyereknek lenni, mint ahogyan azt a felnőttek elképzelik. Sok bonyodalom éri a kislegényt, mire az első iskolaév véget ér, s ő rádöbben: egyedül Zizi, kis barátnője érdemes arra, hogy feleségül vegye.
Directors: Ferenc Kardos, János Rózsa.
Cast:  István Géczy, Tünde Kassai, Emil Keres, Judit Halász, Béla Horváth, Éva Tímár, Dóri Bánfalvi, Mária Mamusich, Irma Patkós, Márta Bakó, Rita Baranyai, László Hável.
Hungary, 1965.
Language: Hungarian.
Gyerekbetegségek / Children's Sicknesses. 1965.
Gyerekbetegségek / Children's Sicknesses. 1965.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton / And Next Year at Balaton. 1980.

Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton / And Next Year at Balaton. 1980.
 Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton ist ein im Jahr 1980 veröffentlichter Spielfilm der DEFA. Er basiert auf der Erzählung Ich bin nun mal kein Yogi von Joachim Walther.
Jonas wollte eigentlich allein mit seiner Freundin Ines verreisen. Aber ihre Eltern haben andere Pläne: spießiger Familienurlaub am Schwarzen Meer. Nicht mit Jonas. Er steigt unterwegs aus und trampt allein weiter. Er trifft Kumpels aus seiner Werkstatt und schließt sich Shireen, einem holländischen Mädchen an, das bis nach Indien zur Sekte der Tahtras gelangen will. An der bulgarisch-türkischen Grenze nehmen sie wehmütig Abschied. In Nessebar trifft Jonas wieder auf Ines und erfährt von der Familienreise mit Hindernissen. Der Vater musste sich um einen gestohlenen Koffer kümmern und die Mutter hatte den Zug verpasst. Am Ende gibt es doch noch einen versöhnlichen Urlaub zu Viert.
Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
Cast: Gudrun Ritter, Peter Bause, Fred Delmare, Kareen Schröter, Günter Schubert, René Rudolph, Odette Bereska, Thomas Kieper, Bernd Chill, Silke Hollender.
DDR, DEFA, 1979 (1980).
Language: German.
Download Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton / And Next Year at Balaton. 1980.
Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton / And Next Year at Balaton. 1980.
Und nächstes Jahr am Balaton / And Next Year at Balaton. 1980.

Anthology of short films. Part 89.

Anthology of short films. Part 89.
 Another issue of Anthology of Short Films number eighty nine is ready for viewing. Today in this issue are 5 mini-films of various countries both feature and documentary.
1. Sports Kids: Varicella.2015. HD.
A portrayal of two talented sisters, aspiring ballerinas who were selected from over 5000 kids to become students at the prestigious Academy of Russian Ballet.
Director: Viktor Kosakovskiy.
Cast: Nastya Sosimova, Polina Sosimova.
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, 2015.
Language: Russian, English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
2. Bilet v detstvo. 1969.
The film is dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Folk Song and Dance Ensemble of the Central House of Children of Railway Workers. The artistic director of the ensemble is Semyon Dunaevsky. Dance, choral, orchestral numbers are connected by a story line.
Director: Vladimir Akopov.
Cast: Young participants of the folk song and dance ensemble of the Central House of Children of Railway Workers.
USSR, Ekran, 1969.
Language: Russian.
3. Anime. 2017. HD.
Two dirty ragged orphan children sit on stairs of an abandoned building entrance. The smaller boy (Alexi Charron) has one eye bandaged and eats food out of a can. The older girl (Ève Lemieux) smokes and reads a discarded magazine. A car on fire rolls by as three other orphans chase it. Music plays from an outdated boom box. The younger orphan dances to the music but then violently smashed the boom box against the pavement. To amuse themselves, they toss bottles off the highway embankment...
Director: Arnaud Brisebois.
Cast: Ève Lemieux, Alexi Charron.
Canada, 2017.
1920x1080 HD
4. Baby. 2014. HD.
6-year-old Nadjaline would do anything to help her mother, who is grieving sorely after a miscarriage late in her pregnancy. So, when Nadjaline sees a baby all alone in a baby carriage in front of a kiosk, she takes the infant home to her mother.
Director: Camilla Ramonn.
Cast: Nynne Filipsen, Ulla Vejby Kristensen, Johan & Viktor Brogaard Dyg, Ibrahim Abou-Ardi, Dagmar Vejby Assmann.
Denmark, 2014.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 HD
5. Syndromes. 2011. HD.
A young girl with mysterious talents finds herself unwillingly entwined in an elite underworld that only the ailing wealthy are ever aware of.
Directors: The Golden Filter, Kristoffer Borgli.
Cast: Emma Aars, Runa Buran Nærdal, Edward Raison, Enok moen, Inge Alexander Karstensen, Kathlyn Baird.
Norway, 2011.
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 89.
Anthology of short films. Part 89.
Anthology of short films. Part 89.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Konec léta. 1967.

Konec léta. 1967.
 Film podle scénáře F. Pavlíčka a v režii V. Hudečka divákům nabídne hrubínovsky laděný letní obrázek malé vesnice a jejích obyvatel, kde se prolíná několik milostných vztahů. Na léto ke svému otci přijíždí mladá vdova s dospívající dcerou. Matka má románek s místním hajným. Ten se její dceři také líbí, jí ale nadbíhá stejně starý místní mládenec. Další dvojici tvoří dvě malé děti školního věku a jejich dětská zalíbení. Letní lásky se vyvíjejí a zanikají, léto končí…
Director: Václav Hudeček.
Cast: Blanka Bohdanová, Jaroslava Tvrzníková, Josef Kemr, Karel Pavlík, Ilja Racek, Rudolf Jelínek, David Schneider, Lucie Žulová, Zuzana Tomková.
Czechoslovakia, 1967.
Language: Czech.
Download Konec léta. 1967.
Konec léta. 1967.
Konec léta. 1967.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. HD.

Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. HD.
The architect and head of the family Markus Larsen secretly lives out his bisexual tendencies while his wife Christine and their 11-year-old daughter Elisabeth drown in unbearable loneliness. When Markus gets to know the 12-year-old son of a colleague, he feels an immediate affection for the boy. Slowly, Markus begins to approach Johannes and creates an intimacy of which he increasingly loses control. While his wife and daughter are damagingly affected by their symbiotic relationship, Johannes is playing his own secret game which, in the end, leads to disaster for every family member.
Director: Curtis Burz.
Cast: Sten Jacobs, Anna Altmann, Jaspar Fuld, Nina Splettstosser, Stephan Burgi, Natascha Zimmermann, Felix Witzlau, Tobias Frieben, Leon Delor.
Germany, Focusing Films, 2014.
Language: German.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. HD.
Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. HD.
Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. HD.
Das Sommerhaus / The Summer House. 2014. HD.

Anthology of short films. Part 88.

Anthology of short films. Part 88.
 Another issue of Anthology of Short Films number eighty eight is ready for viewing. Today in this issue are 8 mini-films of various countries mostly old and almost forgotten.
1. Karine. 1976.
Two hundred photographs of a child taken between birth and her sixth birthday, filmed and edited without respecting any chronology, retrace this history of ‘irreversible change’.
Director: Robert Cahen.
France, 1976.
2. Hitlerjugend. Die fahne hoch. HD.
Some footage which shows how hitler was the schemer of Aryan Survival.
Germany, 194*.
1280x720 HD
3. Charlotje.  1998.
Lien Willaert graduated in 1998 with the fiction short Charlotje. She continued making films alongside developing her culinary interests, which resulted in the television shows ‘Vlaanderen Culinair’ and ‘Aan tafel’.
Director: Lien Willaert.
Belgium, 1998.
4. Innozenz. 2017. HD.
A point of view on clergy sexual abuse.
Director: Joakim Reveman.
1920x1080 HD
Lithuania, 2017.
5. Danskeppnin. 2005.
A little short about a dance competition.
Director: Egill Eðvarðsson.
Iceland, Sjónvarpið, 2005.
6. Sirkka. 2001.
A sensitive short film about a first kiss. It is a story about Ville, a twelwe-year-old boy, who receives a letter from Sirkka. Sirkka wants to meet and to kiss him.
Director: P.V. Lehtinen.
Finland, 2001.
7. Gull-Pian. 1989.
A touching tale about a little girl (Eva), her mean cousin (Berit) and her uncaring aunts. Eva's mother is in the hospital and might not make it, and her aunt's aren't exactly making it easy for her. Add the cruelty of her cousin, and you've got an interesting story about how a little girl fights injustice in her own special way.
Director: Staffan Götestam.
Sweden, 1989.
8. Tikhoye utro. 1976.
In the early morning, two friends - the country boy Yasha and the city boy Volodya, who was visiting the village, went fishing ...
Director: Nikolay Rauzhin.
USSR, 1976.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 88. 
Anthology of short films. Part 88.
Anthology of short films. Part 88.
Anthology of short films. Part 88.
Anthology of short films. Part 88.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. DVD.

Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. DVD.
A writer returns home from World War I. He has developed a very bad case of post traumatic stress disorder. His genitalia was also blown away during the war. He contemplates suicide, but becomes interested in the 12 year old niece of the innkeeper at the place where he is recuperating. He doesn't seem to mind that he is spending so much time with her. He becomes deeply infatuated with her, but can't physically consummate any kind of relationship with her. She brightens his day, but her sexuality is just beginning to bud. When she begins to prefer a male closer to her age than the writer, the finality of the plot is set.
Director:  Mimmo Cattarinich.
Cast:  Pierre Clémenti, Katya Berger, Ugo Bologna, Michele Soavi, Raf Baldassarre, José Luis López Vázquez, Bárbara Rey, Tom Felleghy, Cesare Di Vito, Walter Colombaioni, Eros Buttaglieri, Paul Muller, Maria Monti.
Italy, Spain, 1978.
Language: English, Russian.
Deleted Scenes.
Historia de Eva.
Download DVD Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978:
2 parts archive:
Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. DVD.
Piccole Labbra / Little Lips. 1978. DVD.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Anthology of short films. Part 87.

Anthology of short films. Part 87.
 The newest issue of Anthology of Short Films number eighty seven. Today in this issue will be 8 mini-films of various countries almost all new. The content of the films is absent, let it be a little surprise.
1. Personne ne s'aimera jamais comme on s'aime / There's No Love Stronger Than Ours. HD.
France, 2018.
2. Valehtelija / Liar Girl. HD.
Finland, 2017.
3. Alt Brenner. HD.
Norway, 2017.
4. Hondsdagen / Dog days. HD.
Belgium, Netherlands, 2015.
5. Gronde marmaille / Rain, Rain, Run Away. HD.
France, 2019.
6. Hadyushonok.
Russia, 2005.
7. Monsters in the Closet.
USA, 1994.
8. Sportegn. HD.
Norway, 2019.
Anthology of short films. Part 87.
Anthology of short films. Part 87.
Anthology of short films. Part 87.
Anthology of short films. Part 87.
Anthology of short films. Part 87.

Fulaninha. 1986.

 Fulaninha. 1986.
 PT. Bruno (Cláudio Marzo), um cineasta carioca, está em crise existencial. Até que ele percebe uma jovem (Mariana de Moraes) que passa todos os dias pelo mesmo local e fica obcecado por ela, nomeando-a de Fulaninha, junto a seus amigos do boteco. Mas o que ele mal imagina é que Fulaninha, na verdade, Ana Maria, é filha de Rose (Kátia D'Angelo), uma mulher com quem ele terá uma chance de relacionamento estável.
EN. Movie director in his forties and in existencial crisis falls in love with an unknown teen girl he sees walking down the streets, without knowing she's the daughter of the woman he's having a relationship with.
Fulaninha is a typical carioca comedy, with all the characteristic figures of Rio de Janeiro. All the "malicia"and "gingado" of the people of south zone of the city, in a delicious comedy. A beautiful romantic theme sung by Paulinho da Viola. Light and charming.
Director: David Neves.
Cast: Roberto Bonfim, Kátia D'Angelo, Nelson Dantas, José de Abreu, Mariana de Moraes, Adele Fátima, Monique Lafond, Claudio Marzo, Flávio São Thiago, Paschoal Villaboin.
Brazil, 1986.
Language: Portuguese.
Download Fulaninha. 1986.
 Fulaninha. 1986.
 Fulaninha. 1986.