Cinema Paradiso


Monday, 28 October 2019

Mustang. 2015. HD.

Mustang. 2015. HD.
 Mustang is a 2015 internationally co-produced drama film directed by Turkish-French film director Deniz Gamze Ergüven in her feature debut. The film is set in a remote Turkish village and depicts the lives of five young orphaned sisters and challenges they face growing up as girls in a conservative society. The event that triggers the family backlash against the five sisters at the beginning of the film is based on Ergüven's personal life.
Early summer. In a village in northern Turkey, Lale and her four sisters are walking home from school, playing innocently with some boys. The immorality of their play sets off a scandal that has unexpected consequences. The family home is progressively transformed into a prison; instruction in homemaking replaces school and marriages start being arranged. The five sisters who share a common passion for freedom, find ways of getting around the constraints imposed on them.
Director: Deniz Gamze Ergüven.
Cast: Günes Sensoy, Doga Zeynep Doguslu, Elit Iscan, Tugba Sunguroglu, Ilayda Akdogan, Nihal G. Koldas, Ayberk Pekcan, Bahar Kerimoglu, Burak Yigit, Erol Afsin, Suzanne Marrot, Aynur Komecoglu, Enes Sürüm.
Turkey, France, Qatar, Germany. 2015.
Language: Turkish.
Subtitles: French.
1920x1080 HD
Download Mustang. 2015. HD.
Download Mustang. 2015. HDRip.
Mustang. 2015. HD.
Mustang. 2015. HD.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Yuke yuke nidome no shojo / Go, Go, Second Time Virgin. 1969.

Yuke yuke nidome no shojo / Go, Go, Second Time Virgin. 1969.
 Go, Go, Second Time Virgin (ゆけゆけ二度目の処女 Yuke Yuke Nidome no Shojo) is a 1969 Japanese film by Kōji Wakamatsu.
Poppo, a teenage girl, is raped by four boys on the roof of a seven-story apartment building. She asks them to kill her, but they mock her and leave. Tsukio, a teenage boy, has been watching the rape passively. Over the course of a day and a night, Poppo and Tsukio begin a relationship, telling each other of their troubled past and philosophizing about their fate. Poppo describes an earlier rapes shown in flashback. In a color flashback, Tsukio tells of his own recent sexual abuse at the hands of a neighboring foursome, all of whom he has stabbed to death. Poppo repeatedly asks Tsukio to kill her, but he refuses.
When the gang returns and again rapes Poppo, Tsukio kills each of them and their three girlfriends. While he is doing this, Poppo follows him complaining that he refuses her request, yet is killing the gang. The story ends with Poppo and Tsukio both jumping off the apartment roof to their deaths.
Director: Kôji Wakamatsu.
Cast: Mimi Kozakura, Michio Akiyama, Yôko Yamamoto.
Japan, 1969.
Language: Russian (Japanese).
Subtitles: English.
Download Yuke yuke nidome no shojo / Go, Go, Second Time Virgin. 1969.
Yuke yuke nidome no shojo / Go, Go, Second Time Virgin. 1969.
Yuke yuke nidome no shojo / Go, Go, Second Time Virgin. 1969.

Friday, 25 October 2019

Der tapfere Schulschwänzer. 1967. DVD.

Der tapfere Schulschwänzer. 1967. DVD.
Der tapfere Schulschwänzer ist ein vom DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, Künstlerische Arbeitsgruppe (KAG) „Berlin“, produzierter Kinderfilm aus dem Jahr 1967. Regie führte inmitten der „kulturellen Eiszeit“, die im Dezember 1965 nach dem XI. Plenum des ZK der SED mit einschneidenden Verboten und Beschränkungen hereinbrach, der Dokumentarfilmer Winfried Junge. Der Kinderfilm blieb des Regisseurs einzige Spielfilminszenierung.
Der Streifen wurde am 17. Dezember 1967 erstmals im Berliner Filmtheater Kosmos gezeigt und am 12. Dezember 1973, am Vorabend des Pioniergeburtstages, erstmals im Fernsehen der DDR ausgestrahlt. 
An einem schönen Sonnentag muss Thomas aus der Klasse 4a wie immer eine Station mit der Berliner U-Bahn fahren, um zur Schule zu gelangen. Doch der Tag ist zu schön, um ihn auf der Schulbank zu verbringen. So beschließt er, noch ein Stück weiter mit der U-Bahn zu fahren und durch Berlin zu bummeln. Dabei entdeckt er einen Wohnungsbrand und alarmiert die Feuerwehr. So wird er zum Lebensretter für zwei kleine Kinder, die in der Wohnung waren.
Als die Feuerwehr seinen Namen notieren will, rennt er davon. Die Zeitung bringt am nächsten Tag einen Bericht über die Heldentat des unbekannten Jungen und auch in Thomas’ Klasse wird von der Lehrerin darüber gesprochen. Thomas jedoch kann sich nicht offenbaren, da er der Lehrerin vorgelogen hat, dass er wegen Zahnschmerzen am Vortag nicht in die Schule habe kommen können.
Am Ende kann die Feuerwehr ihn zusammen mit den zwei geretteten Kindern ausfindig machen. Sie wollen ihm für seine Tat danken und Thomas gibt nun zu, die Schule geschwänzt und sogar die Lehrerin belogen zu haben.
Director: Winfried Junge.
Cast: Andre Kallenbach, Günter Ott, Ilse Voigt, Hartmut Tietz, Susanne Weser, Ingo Kallenbach, Jessy Rameik, Christoph Engel, Lutz Erdmann, Karl-Heinz Liedko, Dieter Stark.
DDR, DEFA, 1967.
Language: Russian (German).
Der tapfere Schulschwänzer. 1967. DVD.
Der tapfere Schulschwänzer. 1967. DVD.

Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003.

Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003. FULL-HD.
I'm Not Scared (Italian: Io non ho paura) is a 2003 Italian crime mystery thriller film directed by Gabriele Salvatores. Francesa Marciano and Niccolò Ammaniti wrote the script, basing it on Niccolò Ammaniti's successful 2001 Italian novel with the same name. The story is set during Italy's "Years of Lead", a time in the 1970s riddled with terrorism and kidnapping, and tells the story of a nine-year-old boy who discovers a terrible crime committed by the entire population of his southern Italian town.
While playing outside one day, nine-year-old Michele discovers Filippo, who is chained to the ground at the bottom of a hole. Michele witnesses town baddie Felice nearby and suspects something bad is happening. Michele is unsure whom he should tell about his discovery, eventually spilling the beans to his closest friend.
Director: Gabriele Salvatores.
Cast: Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Dino Abbrescia, Giorgio Careccia, Riccardo Zinna, Michele Vasca, Susi Sánchez, Antonella Stefanucci, Diego Abatantuono, Giuseppe Cristiano, Mattia Di Pierro, Adriana Conserva, Fabio Tetta, Giulia Matturro.
Italy, Spain, UK, 2003.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003:
2 parts archive:

Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003. FULL-HD.
Io non ho paura / I'm Not Scared. 2003. FULL-HD.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Interior. 2018. HD.

Interior. 2018. HD.
 NO. Det anstrengte forholdet mellom en ensom gutt og hans mor når et klimaks en kveld i et hjem som har blitt et fengsel for dem begge.
EN. The fraught relationship between a lonely boy and his mother comes to a head within the home that has become a prison to them both.
Director: Reed Van Dyk.
Cast: Ane Dahl Torp, Jens Askær Iversen, Sebastian Bull Sarning, Stein Grønli, Albert Bendix, Annemette Andersen, Nikolas Kontomanolis.
USA, Norway, 2018.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
2048x858 HD
Download Interior. 2018.
Interior. 2018. HD.
Interior. 2018. HD.

Monday, 21 October 2019

La miel / Honey. 1979.

La miel / Honey. 1979.
 ES. "La miel" cuenta la historia de un sacerdote que ejerce la profesión de maestro, Don Agustín. El profesor siente especial predilección por un alumno, Paco, no obstante las travesuras que éste suele cometer. El niño es listo, pero necesita una ayuda extra si quiere estudiar una carrera, así que su madre convence a su antiguo profesor para que le de clases particulares, algo que está prohibido en el colegio. Don Agustín acaba accediendo, por las súplicas de la madre y también por la presión de su hermana, aunque al final confunde la verdadera intención de ir a casa del joven. No es tanto por el afán pedagógico que se dirige hasta allí, sino por la atracción que despierta por la madre del niño, interpretada por Jane Brikin, una mujer de dudosa profesión. Imaginen el escándalo de la época, un sacerdote que asiste casi prohibidamente a casa de un alumno y termina casándose con una supuesta prostituta.
EN. Don Agustín, a school teacher, visit the family of his former student Paco. Paco's mother asks don Agustín to exert influence over her son to make him being successful. The old professor accepts the challenge pressured by his sister, eager to spend all her money playing bingo. But don Agustín soon begins to suspect that the mother of Paco holds the oldest profession in the world.
Director: Pedro Masó.
Cast: Jane Birkin, José Luis López Vázquez, Jorge Sanz, Agustín González, Amelia de la Torre, Guillermo Marín, Eugenia Roca, Anastasia Campoy, Lorenzo Ramírez, Alfonso Castizo, Coral Pellicer, Joaquín Solís, Manuela Camacho, Lola Marín, Ernesto Bañes, Raquel Lando, Alexia Cobos, Pepe Yepes, Antonio del Real.
Spain, 1979.
Language: Spanish.
Download La miel / Honey. 1979.
La miel / Honey. 1979.
La miel / Honey. 1979.

Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.

Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.
 Takashi and four of his classmates, fourth-grade students, cannot succeed in doing a back pullover around a horizontal bar. Their gym teacher warns them: they have one week to succeed; if they resign now, then, tomorrow, facing life difficulties, they will always run away and become bums. Furthermore, all five must succeed, if one of them cannot do it, then all of them fail. Takashi is really worried and wonders if he won't be always the looser who couldn't succeed in the back pullover bar exercise.
Director: Tetsuya Nakashima.
Cast: Hidaka Yoshitomo, Nagi Noriko, Maki Ishikawa, Hiroko Taguchi, Rina Komuro, Fumiya Ôgane, Hironobu Mori, Airin Aoki, Toshikazu Suzuki, Masayuki Itô, Ayumi Itô.
Japan, 1997.
Language: Russian (Japanese).
Download Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.
Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.
Natsu jikan no otonatachi / Happy-Go-Lucky. 1997.

Sunday, 20 October 2019

Shanghai. 1996.

Шанхай / Shanghai. 1996.
 A nostalgic, slightly sad film about the fall of the empire through the eyes of simple former Soviet people: the Soviet Union has already collapsed, but people of different nationalities still cling to each other in a small street of the old one intended for demolition of the district called "Shanghai"...
Director: Aleksandr Baranov.
Cast: Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Zhanas Iskakov, Dimash Ahimov, Amina Umurzakova, Artur Zagidullin, Ekaterina Petlyakova, Elena Doronina, Kasym Zhakibayev, Stanislav Chernyshev, Oksana Boychenko, Irina Miller, Vadim Efimov, Farhat Abdraimov.
Kazakhstan, Kazakhfilm, 1996.
 Language: Russian.
Шанхай / Shanghai. 1996.
Shanghai. 1996.

Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy. 2006.

Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy. 2006.
14 year old Leander is being teased by the other boys at school because he thinks his willy is too small. The teasing gets worse when he falls in love with Martina who is helping him with his geometry homework. As a result the boys play a game in the changing room and use their protractor triangle from geometry to measure completely different things...
Director: Luzius Wespe.
Cast: Felix Tunger, Maja Bader, Manuel Neuburger, Kilian Hurschler, Andy Knezic, Benedikt Lustenberger, Katharina Medic, Salomo Schweizer, Patrick Mölleken.
Switzerland, 2006.
Language: Swiss German.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy. 2006.
Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy. 2006.
Schnäbi / Schniedel / Willy. 2006.

Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988.

Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988.
 SE. Dårfinkar & dönickar är en svensk barn- och ungdomsserie som ursprungligen sändes i SVT under perioden 25 december 1988,-29 januari 1989 efter Ulf Starks bok med samma namn från 1984. Den har visats i repris flera gånger och finns sedan 2008 utgiven på DVD.
Simone är en flicka i 12-årsåldern. När hennes mamma flyttar ihop med nye killen Yngve och hennes hund Kilroy försvinner i själva flytten så klipper hon av sig håret i protest. I den nya skolan som hon börjar blir hon av misstag från början tagen för att vara kille och heta Simon, en situation som hon finner sig i direkt. Ganska snabbt blir hon accepterad av klassens övriga grabbar, och blir även föremål för tjejernas intresse, något som får vissa konsekvenser i hennes omgivning. Simones oförmåga att kunna förklara kombinerat med mammans och Yngves oförmåga att kunna förstå bäddar för komplikationer.
EN. Simone has just moved to a new town with her mother and it is the first day of school...a new school. Her mom bugs her about her hair and Simone simply cuts it of so that it looks boyish like. When she gets to school and the teacher calls up her name she thinks that there has been a misunderstanding so instead of calling Simone she calls Simon. Simone doesn't understand at first but then she answers and just like that everybody thinks she's a boy, all because of that hairdo. The story continues with what she has to deal with being a new kid and all, she falls in love...with a boy of course.
Director: Rumle Hammerich.
Cast: Lena Strömberg, Gunnel Fred, Magnus Bergkvist, Mats Öberg, Christine Schiött-Quist, Jimmy Millberg, Sofie Tham, Jon Nilsson, Lasse Pöysti, Margreth Weivers, Henrik Hultman, Karl-Fredrik Bothén, Ulf von Zweigbergk, Stig Olin, Jakob Setterberg.
Sweden, 1988.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
Download Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988.
Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988.
Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988.
Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988.
Dårfinkar & dönickar. 6 Episodes. 1988.

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama. 1985.

Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama. 1985.
8-year old Alek's parents are divorced and he lives with his mother. He can feel that after the divorce there has been a big void in her life. He decides to help her by finding a suitable husband. He first decides on an athlete, then a driver but none of them seem to be good enough for her. Then he runs into Chony, who immediately feels as the perfect fit for mum. Alek has to figure out how to make the two of them meet and at the same time divert mum's attention from uncle Mincho. All of his plans eventually fail but Alek comes to realize that he should not meddle with his mother's personal life and let her choose for herself.
Director: Mariana Evstatieva-Biolcheva.
Cast: Veselin Prahov, Mario Petrov, Ognyan Simeonov, Tsvetana Maneva, Bogdan Glyshaw, Emil Markov, Paul Poppadom, Emilia Grueva, Alexander Kotsev, Hristo Totev, Emil Dzhurov, Alexander Dimitrov.
Bulgaria, 1985.
Language: Bulgarian, Russian.
Download Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama. 1985.
Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama. 1985.
Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama. 1985.

Friday, 18 October 2019

Sexy Baby. 2012. HD.

Sexy Baby. 2012. HD.
 Sexy Baby is the first documentary film to put faces to a seismic cultural shift: the cyber age is creating a new sexual landscape. While doing research for the film, we had intimate and candid conversations with kids in middle school classrooms, suburban shopping malls, nightclubs, college dorms, and even conducted an informal roundtable during a high school house party. While chronicling trends among small town and big city kids, we discovered this: Having pubic hair is considered unattractive and gross. Most youngsters know someone who has emailed or texted a naked photo of themselves. Many kids have accidentally or intentionally had their first introduction to sex be via hardcore online porn. Facebook has created an arena where kids compete to be liked and constantly worry about what image to portray much of what was once private is now made public. And the list goes on.
Director: Jill Bauer, Ronna Gradus.
USA, Two to Tangle Productions, 2012.
Language: English.
Subtitles: Russian.
1280x720 HD
Sexy Baby. 2012. HD.
Sexy Baby. 2012. HD.

Pollyanna. 1919.

Pollyanna. 1919.
 When Pollyanna is orphaned, she is sent to live with her crotchety Aunt Polly. Pollyanna discovers that many of the people in her aunt's New England home town are as ill-tempered as her aunt. But Pollyanna's incurable optimism - exemplified by her "glad game," in which she looks for the bright side of every situation - bring a change to the staid old community.
Director: Paul Powell.
Cast: Mary Pickford, Wharton James, Howard Ralston, Katherine Griffith, Helen Jerome Eddy, William Courtleigh, Herbert Prior, Doc Crane, Joan Marsh.
USA, 1919.
Silent film, intertitles: English.
Subtitles: Russian.
Pollyanna. 1919.
Pollyanna. 1919.

Do-ga-ni / Silenced. 2011.

Do-ga-ni / Silenced. 2011.
 Gang In-ho, who is working to earn money for his daughter's surgery, is appointed to a school for hearing-impaired children in Gwangju. But what he discovers there is an ugly truth: the children are being physically and sexually abused by their teachers. When he decides to fight for the children's rights and expose the crimes being committed at the school, In-ho teams up with human rights activist Seo Yu-jin. But he and Yu-jin soon realize the school's principal and teachers, and even the police, prosecutors and churches in the community are actually trying to cover up the truth.
Director: Hwang Dong-Hyuk.
Cast: Gong Yoo, Jeong Yu-mi, Jang Gwang, Kim Hyeon-soo, Jeong In-seo, Baek Seung-hwan, So-yeon Jang.
South Korea, 2011.
Language: Korean.
Subtitles: Russian.
Do-ga-ni / Silenced. 2011.
Do-ga-ni / Silenced. 2011.

Monday, 14 October 2019

Du bout des lèvres / On the Tip of the Tongue. 1976.

Du bout des lèvres / On the Tip of the Tongue. 1976.
 FR. Du bout des lèvres est un film belge réalisé par Jean-Marie Degèsves, sorti en 1976.
Fernand est solitaire, observateur, différent des autres adolescents de son âge tout en leur étant si proche. Il a quinze ans, l'âge des regards furtifs, du mensonge et des rêves infinis.
Madame Boirin est elle aussi solitaire, fugitive, ambiguë à l'encontre des amies de Fernand, Georgette la douce et Christine l'allumeuse. Répondra-t-elle a l'intérêt que Fernand lui porte ? Elle qui pourrait être sa jeune mère.
Fernand guette, espionne, observe les allées et venues du corps épanoui de cette femme qui, en certaines circonstances, teint de l'ignorer. Avec précision, astuce, Fernand s'approche, s'élance et lui parle.
Gentiment amusée, dupe ou non, Madame Boirin, l'écoute, sourit et surtout, s'intéresse à lui. Au fil de leurs rencontres et la jalousie aidant, cet amour quasi filial se transformera en attrait physique irrésistible : Fernand vibrera par et pour elle. Elle, tendrement émue, compréhensive ou si seule, acceptera ses avances jusqu'à ce que, devenu son 'petit Dieu'. Elle l'initie.
EN. The love story between a withdrawn and taciturn teenager and a lonely woman of 20 years older. An endearing painting of an awakening to sensuality, against the backdrop of everyday life of the small provincials: Fernand, fifteen the age of stealthy glances, lies and infinite dreams is a solitary, observant, different boy from other teenagers of his age while being so close to them. Locked in his room, he collects pictures of beautiful naked actresses to drown his boredom. His desire will come true in the presence of Catherine, a rich and mysteriously lonely woman next door. As a worker's son, withdrawn and taciturn, will discover a world that is new to him. He watches, spies, observes the comings and goings of the body of hers who, in certain circumstances ignores him. Through their encounters and helping jealousy, this almost filial love will turn into an irresistible physical attraction.
Director: Jean-Marie Degèsves.
Cast: Marie Dubois, Olivier de Saedeleer, Francine Blistin, Georges Aubrey, Martine Regnier, Véronique Bailly, Nathalie Clausse, Gabriel Discry, René Hainaux.
Belgium, 1976.
Language: French.
Download Du bout des lèvres / On the Tip of the Tongue. 1976.
Du bout des lèvres / On the Tip of the Tongue. 1976.
Du bout des lèvres / On the Tip of the Tongue. 1976.

7 ½ Frauen. 2006.

7 ½ Frauen. 2006.
 DE. Ein Mann, gefangen in einem endlosen Korridor mit nur einer Tür, wird nacheinander von sieben nackten Frauen aufgesucht.
Er lässt sie in seine klaustrophobische Welt eintreten, doch scheint kurz darauf an dieser weiblichen Heimsuchung zu verzweifeln.
EN. A man is haunted successively by seven women who have lost their keys. He reacts to the request that he be allowed to use the toilet with increasing helplessness and despair, which is discharged in violence.
Director: Bidzina Kanchaveli.
Cast: Ivan Shvedoff, Anna Noack, Francesca Strauss, Caroline Castner, Anne von Keller, Sara Sommerfeldt.
Germany, 2006.
Language: German.
Subtitles: English.
Download 7 ½ Frauen. 2006.
7 ½ Frauen. 2006.
7 ½ Frauen. 2006.

De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone. 2012.

De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone. 2012.
 Put in charge of his young son, Ali leaves Belgium for Antibes to live with his sister and her husband as a family. Ali's bond with Stephanie, a killer whale trainer, grows deeper after Stephanie suffers a horrible accident.
Director: Jacques Audiard.
Cast: Marion Cotillard, Matthias Schoenaerts, Armand Verdure, Céline Sallette, Corinne Masiero, Bouli Lanners, Jean-Michel Correia, Mourad Frarema, Yannick Choirat, Fred Menut, Duncan Versteegh.
France, Belgium, 2012.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian, English.
Download De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone.
De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone. 2012.
De rouille et d'os / Rust and Bone. 2012.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996.

Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.
 FR. Le Bel Été 1914 est un film français réalisé par Christian de Chalonge, sorti le 21 août 1996. Le scénario est adapté d'après le roman de Louis Aragon, Les Voyageurs de l'impériale.
À la veille de la guerre de 14-18, Pierre et Paulette Mercadier partent en vacances avec leur fils Gabriel encore dans la pré-puberté.
C'est dans le château de leur oncle ruiné, le comte de Sainteville, qu'ils se rendent en vacances, le comte a dû louer une partie de sa demeure à des roturiers lyonnais, Ernest, Blanche et leurs filles, Suzanne et Yvonne.
Les enfants font la découverte des premiers émois de la sensualité et de l'érotisme, alors que Pierre tombe amoureux de la belle Blanche...
Ce vieux château a su garder tout son charme et ses souvenirs, l'été torride est lumineux, et la campagne est bucolique…
EN. A couple take their son for the holidays to an uncle, so short of money that he rents part of his big isolated house to a businessman whose wife and daughters are there on holiday too. An affair develops among the adults, while the children start their own explorations. Deaths, disappearances and financial ruin follow as the world drifts into war.
Director: Christian de Chalonge.
Cast: Claude Rich, Maria Pacôme, Hippolyte Girardot, Judith Henry, Marianne Denicourt, Philippe Torreton, Emmanuel Salinger, Julia Maraval, Robinson Stévenin, Pauline De Boever, Marie-Joséphine Crenn, Maria Lhande, Stéphanie Petiot.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD
Download Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996.
Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.
Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.

Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.
Le bel été 1914 / 1914 the Glorious Summer. 1996. HD.

A Child Went Forth. 1941.

A Child Went Forth. 1941.
 A line from Whitman, "There was a child went forth every day," starts this film: a visit to a farm that's a summer camp and progressive school for exploration and discovery. The children, as young as two or three, have room and time to question, wonder, and learn. We build a wading pool, use tools, climb and swing, bath a dog - and learn to live together. There are spats, and little adult interference. A tree house sparks children's imagination. They visit a neighboring farm, play with the animals and ride on a tractor that's plowing. They eat and nap. There's story time, easels for art, and a lollipop. It's the perfect place for city children to be safe from bombardment, says the narrator.
Director: Joseph Losey.
USA, 1941.
Language: English.
Download A Child Went Forth. 1941.
A Child Went Forth. 1941.
A Child Went Forth. 1941.

Punťa a čtyřlístek. 1955.

Punťa a čtyřlístek. 1955.
 I děti by měly mít rády zvířátka - tak jako kamarádi z tohoto filmu, kteří se vzorně starají o nalezeného pejska. Je jim líto, když se o něho přihlásí skutečná majitelka a zmatek ještě vnese ztracená psí známka. Svou výchovnou dikcí film nezastře, že vznikl v polovině 50. let - a nepomohla ani účast slavného režiséra Jiřího Weisse, jenž zde stěží mohl uplatnit svůj pověstný smysl pro drobnokresbu mezilidských vztahů.
Director: Jiří Weiss.
Cast: Josef Bek, Jarmila Smejkalová, Aleš Košnar, Nataša Gollová, Václav Postránecký, Ema Skálová, František Roland, Zdeněk Dítě, Miroslav Koukal, Radovan Lukavský, Věra Srbková, Rudolf Deyl ml., Vladimír Pucholt, Běla Jurdová, Jiří Vršťala, Miloš Vavruška, Jan Maška, Gustav Heverle, Rudolf Princ, Rudolf Křivánek, Dáša Neblechová, Libuše Matějová, Karla Svobodová, Jarmila Pucholtová, Čestmír Studna, Věra Kleinhamplová, Libuše Zemková, Ruppert Dubský, V. Bobková, J. Turek, J. Holub, J. Šubrt, J. Vacek, Chalupník, J. Zelenka, V. Mikulášková.
Czechoslovakia, 1955.
Language: Czech.
Subtitles: Czech, Russian.
Download Punťa a čtyřlístek. 1955.
Punťa a čtyřlístek. 1955.
 Punťa a čtyřlístek. 1955.

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Pleurer des larmes d'enfance / Childhood Tears. 2015. HD.

Pleurer des larmes d'enfance / Childhood Tears. 2015. HD.
 FR. La dernière journée d'une petite fille, heureuse, et la première nuit de ce qui cassera sa vie pour toujours...
EN. The last pure day of a happy young girl, the first night of a broken life...
Directors: Emilie Barbault, Sarah Barbault.
Cast: Bruno Campelo Navarro, Maëlle Genet, Sylvie Huguel, Tennessee Maquignon, Yoann Sover.
France, 2015.
Language: French.
1920x1080 HD
Download Pleurer des larmes d'enfance / Childhood Tears. 2015.
Pleurer des larmes d'enfance / Childhood Tears. 2015. HD.
Pleurer des larmes d'enfance / Childhood Tears. 2015. HD.

Pierwszy milion. 2000.

Pierwszy milion. 2000.
PL. Pierwszy milion – polski film fabularny w reżyserii Waldemara Dzikiego, wyprodukowany w roku 2000. Plenery: Warszawa, Łódź, Paryż.
Czasy rodzącej się III RP. Frik (Szymon Bobrowski), Kurtz (Przemysław Sadowski) i Piki (Aleksander Semchev) to przyjaciele z podwórka. Zaczynali w dzieciństwie od sprzedawania makulatury do skupu, później szukają kolejnych pomysłów na zarobienie pieniędzy. Prawdziwe interesy zaczynają robić dopiero na powstającej polskiej giełdzie papierów wartościowych. W ten sposób w ciągu kilku miesięcy dorabiają się tytułowego pierwszego miliona. Przy okazji zadzierają z niejakim Kajzarem (Jarosław Gajewski), działającym na giełdzie prominentem z półświatka. Przyjaźń Frika, Kurtza i Pikiego zostaje wystawiona na próbę, na dodatek dwaj pierwsi rywalizują o Dominikę (Agnieszka Warchulska) - w której podkochiwali się od czasów dzieciństwa.
EN. Two friends from childhood work on a clever plan to get rich...and while putting their plan into action, they get involved in a conflict with the mob. Soon it appears that making a fortune costs much more than they expected.
Director: Waldemar Dziki.
Cast: Szymon Bobrowski, Przemyslaw Sadowski, Aleksandr Semchev, Agnieszka Warchulska, Joanna Orleanska, Malgorzata Jarmalkowicz, Edyta Lukaszewicz-Lisowska, Jan Wieczorkowski.
Poland, 2000.
Language: Polish, Russian.
Download Pierwszy milion. 2000.
Pierwszy milion. 2000.
Pierwszy milion. 2000.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Podarok. 1983.

Podarok. 1983.
 The film is about the first and pure love of three boys of twelve - Ismat, Oleg and Mumin to more senior than them, the girl Salem. Competing with each other to attract the attention of Salima, they tried to buy gifts for her, getting into different comic situations. Unexpected for lovers boys final: Salem marries.
Director: Batur Arabov.
Cast: Firuz Boboev, Eugene Kraskovich, Sergei Zokirov, Kamol Karimov, Lyudmila Supinskaya.
USSR, Tajikfilm, 1983.
Language: Russian.
Podarok. 1983.
Podarok. 1983.

The Swimmer. 2013. HD.

The Swimmer. 2013. HD.
 Perth, Western Australia. Shark Attacks 10 year-old boy leaving a scar that will never heal.
Director: Giovanni Basso.
Cast: Olivia Charlotte, Finleigh Dignam, Tommaso Puccini, Adam T Perkins, Daniel Wilkins.
Australia, 2013.
Language: English.
Subtitles: Russian.
1920x800 FULL HD
The Swimmer. 2013. HD.
The Swimmer. 2013. HD.