Cinema Paradiso


Monday, 28 January 2019

Meisterschaft. 1996.

Meisterschaft. 1996.
Hallo, Onkel Doc! ist eine deutsche Krankenhausserie. Sie wurde von 1994 bis 2000 von Sat.1 produziert und erstmals ausgestrahlt.
Dr. Markus Kampmann returns from the USA to his native Germany, where he starts work in the children's hospital in his home town. The series follows his career as sympathetic doctor and his personal life with family and friends, and some not so friendly old and new acquaintances.
Season 2. Episode 9. Meisterschaft.
Die elfjährige Laura Kramer ist eine erfolgreiche Nachwuchsturnerin. Aber um an den Wettkämpfen überhaupt teilnehmen zu können, bekommt sie starke Spritzen gegen ihre schrecklichen Rückenschmerzen. Markus Kampmann diagnostiziert bei Laura einen angeborenen Wirbelsäulenschaden, der es Laura im Grunde unmöglich macht, ohne großes Risiko weiter Leistungssport zu betreiben. Ihr Trainer Thomas Weiß, der auch der Lebensgefährte von Lauras Mutter Gabi ist, legt das Gutachten eines befreundeten Sportmediziners vor, demzufolge Laura gesund ist. Doch das Mädchen erfährt, dass Thomas sich von ihrer Mutter trennen will, wenn sie mit dem Leistungssport aufhört. Bei einem Wettkampf stürzt sie so schwer, dass sie sofort operiert werden muss, um nicht für immer gelähmt zu bleiben. Markus Kampmann findet inzwischen heraus, dass Thomas Weiß ein weiteres Gutachten unterschlagen hat. Darin wird Lauras Wirbelsäulenschaden bestätigt…
Director: Peter Wekwerth.
Cast: Ulrich Reinthaller, Ralf Lindermann, Ulrich Matschoss, Eva Maria Bauer, Arianne Borbach, Astrid M. Fünderich.
Germany, 1996.
Language: German.
Download Meisterschaft. 1996.
Meisterschaft. 1996.
Meisterschaft. 1996.

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3.

Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3.
Serial opowiada o stu latach polskiej historii z punktu widzenia kobiet, tytułowych panien i wdów. Akcja serialu zaczyna się w roku 1863, a kończy na początku lat 90. XX w. Telewidz śledzi dzieje pięciu dam, wywodzących się z zamożnej rodziny ziemiańskiej o wiele mówiącym nazwisku.
Epicka opowieść o stu latach polskiej historii z punktu widzenia kobiet, tytułowych panien i wdów. Akcja serialu (równolegle powstał też film pod tym samym tytułem) zaczyna się pod koniec powstania styczniowego, a kończy współcześnie. Na tle burzliwych dziejowych zawieruch reżyser opowiada o dziejach pięciu dam, wywodzących się z zamożnej rodziny ziemiańskiej o wiele mówiącym nazwisku Lechickich. W trakcie realizacji filmu autorka scenariusza, znana pisarka Maria Nurowska rozpoczęła pracę nad książką pod tym samym tytułem. Niebawem doszło też do poważnych różnic artystycznych między nią a reżyserem Januszem Zaorskim. Ich owocem były rozliczne polemiki prasowe, które prócz zaakcentowania stanowisk obu stron przysporzyły też filmowi i książce reklamy.
Episode 3:
Zakochaną w rosyjskim nauczycielu Susanne umierająca matka zmusza do zerwania z nim. Odtąd Susanne żyje w Lechicach samotnie. Nieznajoma kobieta przywozi jej z Syberii małą Karolinkę, córkę Karoliny i Edwarda. Karolina studiuje na Sorbonie. W niepodległej Polsce jest lewicującym adwokatem. Wraz z kochankiem Andrzejem broni przed sądem komunistów. Porwana na ulicy przez narodowców, zostaje kochanką jednego z nich, Jana. Rodzi bliźniaki. Endecka grupa Jana morduje Andrzeja. Na jego pogrzebie Karolina głośno wskazuje morderców i zostaje przez nich zastrzelona. Jan wpada w obłęd.
Director: Janusz Zaorski.
Cast:  Maja Komorowska, Katarzyna Figura, Ewa Dalkowska, Maria Gladkowska, Joanna Szczepkowska, Andrzej Zaorski, Jan Nowicki, Wladyslaw Kowalski, Artur Zmijewski, Wojciech Wysocki.
Poland, 1991.
Language: Polish, Russian.
Download Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3.
Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3.
Panny i wdowy / Maidens and Widows. 1991. Episode 3.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

Erotic clips from films. Part 64. Lesbo.

Erotic clips from films. Part 64. Lesbo.
 Erotic clips from films. Part 64. Lesbo.
Another issue of collection of erotic clips number 64: now freshly cut fragments of feature films with lesbian scenes - the most interesting and erotic moments with full or partial exposure of actresses, beautiful and not so famous and half-forgotten, good and different. In this collection, clips from 36 films, all videos in good quality, including HD.
Download Erotic clips from films. Part 64. Lesbo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 64. Lesbo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 64. Lesbo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 64. Lesbo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 64. Lesbo.

Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017. HD.

Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017. HD.
 NL. Het jaarlijkse bezoek van Roos aan haar moeder in Noorwegen is dit keer anders. Ze heeft slecht nieuws. Het verleden maakt het voor Roos echter onmogelijk haar moeder dit te vertellen. Geholpen door haar halfbroertje en een oude liefde vinden de twee vrouwen toenadering en kan Roos haar volgende en onvermijdelijke stap zetten.
EN. Disappearance (Dutch: Verdwijnen) is a 2017 Dutch drama film directed by Boudewijn Koole. It was shortlisted by the EYE Film Institute Netherlands as one of the eight films to be selected as the potential Dutch submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards. However, it was not selected, with Layla M. being chosen as the Dutch entry.
'Disappearance' takes place in the remote winter landscape of Norway. Roos visits her mother there yearly, but this time it's different: she brings bad news. However, old pain and numerous reproaches keep Roos from sharing anything with her mother. Aided by her half brother and her old flame, the two women reconcile and Roos is able to make her next and inescapable step.
Director: Boudewijn Koole.
Cast: Jakob Oftebro, Rifka Lodeizen, Elsie de Brauw, Marcus Hanssen, Eva Garet.
Netherlands, Norway, 2017.
Language: Dutch.
1920х796 HD
Download Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017.
Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017. HD.
Verdwijnen / Disappearance. 2017. HD.

Friday, 25 January 2019

Erotic clips from films. Part 63. Solo.

 Erotic clips from films. Part 63. Solo.
 Get the newest issue of collection of erotic clips number sixty three: now freshly cut fragments of feature films with scenes of female masturbation - the most interesting and erotic moments with full or partial exposure of actresses, beautiful and not so famous and half-forgotten, good and different. In this collection, clips from 38 films, all videos in good quality, including HD.
Download Erotic clips from films. Part 63. Solo.
 Erotic clips from films. Part 63. Solo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 63. Solo.
 Erotic clips from films. Part 63. Solo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 63. Solo.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Anthology of short films. Part 61.

Anthology of short films. Part 61.
 New, first this year issue of a collection of shorts from around the world is number 61. Today, the anthology presents 6 films from around the world - old and newest, fiction and documentary.
1. A Day With The Boys. 1969.
A group of boys spend their day outdoors exploring, wreaking havoc and letting their imaginations run wild.
Director: Clu Gulager.
Cast: Mike Hertel, Jack Grindle, John McCaffrey, William Elliott, Craig Williams, Mark Spirtos, John Gulager, Artie Conkling, Ricky Bender, James Kearce.
USA, 1969.
Language: None.
1344х720 HD
2. Menino da Calca Branca. 1962.
A favelado boy realizes his dream by winning a white trousers at Christmas. Dressed with her goes out the ways of the hill. Carefully do not dirty it avoid joking with fellows and seek the asphalt to move by keeping it clean. It mimics the adults dressed in white, feeling the same. When watching a street naked, the ball, falling in a puddle spreads mud on his present. He runs back into the arms of his habitat, reintegrated to his people.
Director: Sérgio Ricardo.
Cast: Zezinho Gama, Laura Figueiredo, Sérgio Ricardo, Wanda Daniel.
Brazil, 1962.
Language: Portuguese.
3. Twist & Blood. 2010.
Eleven years old so called Belly-boy is the laughing object among his tears. The parents at all cost want to change him, to slim him down. Belly-boy has yet his own way for relieving the negative emotions but it is a secret. With time he'll give it a way to his friend whom he fancies...
Director: Kuba Czekaj.
Cast: Adam Florczyk, James Fordham, Robert Grabowski, Arkadiusz Janiczek, Monika Kwiatkowska, Maria Maj, Wojciech Urbaniak.
Poland, 2010.
Language: Polish, English, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
4. Janek Bastard. 2017.
Krzysztof, an introverted 10 year old, faces his father's decision to hide a Jewish boy from a nearby village in the family's house. As the new boy prompts the father's attention, Krzysztof develops a flammable jealousy towards the other boy which reaches a dangerous peak and leads him to an irreversible act.
Director: Muriel Naim.
Cast: Jesse Willhite, Avery Walker, Angelique Wiesner, Mackinnley Balleweg, Maritza Brikisak, Bjarne Hecht, Tom McCafferty, Norbi Novak, Vladek Juszkiewicz.
USA, 2017.
Language: Polish, German.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Love and Miss Lily. 2016.
A kindergarten boy must overcome peed pants, a tattling girl, and a playground stand off to win his pretty teacher's favor.
Director: Ruth Baird.
Cast: Rachel Lockhart, Kobe Humphries, Caige Coulter, Van Brunelle, Elisabeth Baird, Helena Claussen.
USA, 2016.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
6. Остров мальчишек / Ostrov malchishek / Poiste saar. 1977.
EE. Pärnu poisteklubi traditsiooniline suvelaager Kõrglaiul, väiksel saarel Riia lahes.
EN. Traditional summer camp in Pärnu Boat Club On a large island on a small island in the Gulf of Riga.
Director: Virve Koppel.
USSR, Eesti Telefilm, 1977.
Language: Russian.
920x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 61.
Anthology of short films. Part 61.
Anthology of short films. Part 61.
Anthology of short films. Part 61.
Anthology of short films. Part 61.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Вернись, Эудженио / Voltati Eugenio. 1980.

Вернись, Эудженио / Voltati Eugenio. 1980.
 Десятилетний Эудженио - типичный "побочный продукт" легкомысленной связи. Его родители, Фернанда и Джанкарло, познакомились во время студенческой революции 1968 г. и, узнав о беременности Фернанды, наскоро поженились. Брак не сложился. Совершенно чужие друг другу люди вынуждены растить сына. Получается плохо - мальчик, растущий замкнутым и нервным, кочует из рук в руки. Его единственный друг - уличный мальчишка Гуэррино. Эудженио любит животных и изучает их повадки. Мальчик задаёт родителям "нескромные" вопросы и сам теряется в догадках, нужен ли он всем этим людям, проявляющим о нём формальную, показную заботу.
IT. Voltati Eugenio è un film del 1980, diretto da Luigi Comencini, tra i protagonisti il giovane Francesco Bonelli con Dalila Di Lazzaro.
Eugenio è un bambino di dieci anni, figlio di due sessantottini la cui unione inizia a scricchiolare fin dopo la sua nascita, per poi terminare in una consensuale vita separata. I due erano figli dei fiori, incapaci di costruire e mantenere una relazione stabile, e così il piccolo Eugenio viene trattato da loro e dai parenti più prossimi quasi come se fosse un pacco da scaricare. Il bambino cresce così con un forte senso di abbandono e solitudine, che in alcuni casi si riflette con atteggiamenti di ribellione, in altri con timorose richieste d'affetto.
EN. Voltati Eugenio (internationally released as Eugenio and Turn Around Eugenio) is a 1980 Italian comedy drama film by Luigi Comencini.
It entered the 37th Venice International Film Festival. The film won the David di Donatello for best score.
The film begins when Eugenio, a 14 year old child, is conduced from his grandparents home outside Rome, to Giancarlo (his father) in the city, by Giancarlo's friend (called "Moustache"). As Eugenio is bothering Moustache, he threatens Eugenio with leaving him in the middle of the country. He finally does it. When Giancarlo finds out, they return for Eugenio, but he is now lost. Meanwhile we're told the story of the child and his relation with the family, and why he feels unwanted.
Director: Luigi Comencini.
Cast: Saverio Marconi, Dalila Di Lazzaro, Bernard Blier, Francesco Bonelli, Carole André, Memè Perlini, Dina Sassoli, Gisella Sofio, José Luis de Vilallonga, Maria Antonietta Farinelli.
Italy, France, 1980.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Вернись, Эудженио / Voltati Eugenio. 1980.
Вернись, Эудженио / Voltati Eugenio. 1980.
Вернись, Эудженио / Voltati Eugenio. 1980.

Monday, 21 January 2019

The Nomads of the Rain Forest. 1984.

The Nomads of the Rain Forest. 1984.
 One of the many episodes of the documentary TV series "Nova".
NOVA visits the Waorani Indians of Eastern Ecuador less than 30 years after their first contact with Western civilization.
Records a multidisciplinary expedition in 1983 to research the Waorani Indians who inhabit the rainforest of eastern Ecuador near the headwaters of the Amazon River. The Waorani are an ancient people who have traditionally inhabited some 8,000 square miles of rainforest where they have remained undisturbed because of their hostility toward outsiders. Today only a few families remain there, hunting game with blowguns and spears in the great expanse of forest. They also cultivate gardens, practicing ecologically sound methods and relying on tools and techniques similar to those used in the Stone Age.
Director: Adrian Warren.
Authors: Grant G Behrman, Adrian Warren, Robert Dierbeck, James Yost.
USA, 1984.
Language: English.
Download The Nomads of the Rain Forest. 1984.
The Nomads of the Rain Forest. 1984.
The Nomads of the Rain Forest. 1984.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Erotic clips from films. Part 62. Lesbo.

Erotic clips from films. Part 62. Lesbo.
 Another issue of collection of erotic clips number 62: now freshly cut fragments of feature films with lesbian scenes - the most interesting and erotic moments with full or partial exposure of actresses, beautiful and not so famous and half-forgotten, good and different. In this collection, clips from 37 films, all videos in good quality, including HD.
Download Erotic clips from films. Part 62. Lesbo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 62. Lesbo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 62. Lesbo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 62. Lesbo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 62. Lesbo.

Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988.

Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988.
 NO. I Margrethe Robsahms debutfilm møter vi syv år gamle Marin, som bor på en idyllisk sørlandsøy sammen med moren sin og to brødre. Det er i slutten av 40-årene, og Marins far er i fengsel for angivervirksomhet under krigen. Marin opplever de voksnes verden som falsk. De voksne straffer henne ved å minne om farens svik, og samtidig blir hennes forsøk på å få vite hva som virkelig har skjedd med faren avvist og fortiet. Hennes eneste støttepunkt er tante Ally, en vimsete og velmenende person med skrekk for tordenvær. Sommeren er lys og vakker, men også en annen mørk sky ligger over Marin. Hun skal sendes på skole i hovedstaden til høsten.
EN. Begynnelsen på en historie (English: The beginning of a story) is a 1988 Norwegian drama film directed by Margarete Robsahm, starring Linda Pedersen, Wenche Foss and Linn Stokke.
It is summer in the late 1940s, and seven-year-old Maren (Pedersen) lives with her mother and two brothers on an island. Her father is in prison for treason during World War II. When summer is over, Maren has to move into boarding school in a big city, a fact that hangs like a cloud over the joy of summer for her.
Director: Margrete Robsahm.
Cast: Linda Pedersen, Wenche Foss, Linn Stokke, Frode Rasmussen, Liv Thorsen, Jan Frode Lunde, Morten Løge, Jan Aagre, Gretelill Henden, Christian Steinsland, Ove Birkeli Pettersen, Espen Benestad.
Norway, 1988.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988.
Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988.
Begynnelsen på en historie / The beginning of a story. 1988.

Erotic clips from films. Part 61. Solo.

Erotic clips from films. Part 61. Solo.
 And now the newest issue of collection of erotic clips number sixty one: now freshly cut fragments of feature films with scenes of female masturbation - the most interesting and erotic moments with full or partial exposure of actresses, beautiful and not so famous and half-forgotten, good and different. In this collection, clips from 44 films, all videos in good quality, including HD.
Download Erotic clips from films. Part 61. Solo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 61. Solo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 61. Solo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 61. Solo.
Erotic clips from films. Part 61. Solo.

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Königin von Niendorf / Queen of Niendorf. 2017. HD.

Königin von Niendorf / Queen of Niendorf. 2017. HD.
 DE. In Brandenburg haben gerade die Sommerferien begonnen, doch die zehnjährige Lea (Lisa Moell) fährt in diesem Jahr nicht wie sonst mit ihren Freundinnen ins Ferienlager. Überhaupt findet sie die anderen Mädchen in ihrer Schule zunehmend seltsamer. Und so kurvt Lea meist allein auf ihrem Fahrrad durch das Dorf und besucht den Musiker und Aussteiger Mark (Mex Schlüpfer), der auf einem verwilderten Bauernhof lebt. Eines Tages beobachtet Lea bei einem ihrer Streifzüge fünf Jungs, die ein großes Ölfass über den Zaun der Farbfabrik hieven und mit ihrer Beute auf einem Fahrradanhänger davonrasen. Leas Neugier ist geweckt. Bei nächster Gelegenheit folgt sie den Jungs und entdeckt, dass sie auf einem kleinen See ein Floß gebaut haben. Doch das Floß ist Eigentum der Bande, und Mädchen sind da auf keinen Fall erlaubt. Lea will aber unbedingt in die Bande aufgenommen werden und macht eine Mutprobe. Und von da an scheint der Sommer voller Abenteuer zu sein.
EN. Lea has no meaning to attend summer camp with the giggling girls of her class. Rather, she wants to join in with the boys gang of the village, but Lea should be introduced only if she have proven not to be afraid. This does not mean just the beginning of exciting experiences and unexpected friendship, but also of the discovery of adult secrets.
Director: Joya Thome.
Cast: Lisa Moell, Denny Sonnenschein, Salim Fazzani, Ivo T. Michligk, Moritz Riek, Elias Sebastin, Mex Schlüpfer, Sophie Kluge, Cornelius Schwalm, Til Schindler, Tino Mewes, Jamila Saab, Ceci Chuh, Marion Alessandra Becker.
Germany, 2017.
Language: German.
Königin von Niendorf / Queen of Niendorf. 2017. HD.
Königin von Niendorf / Queen of Niendorf. 2017. HD.

Friday, 18 January 2019

櫂 / Kai / Oar. 1985.

櫂 / Kai / Oar. 1985.
 JP. 緒方は女衒だった。妻はそんな緒方を支えながら二人の男の子を育てていた。そこに緒方が街で拾ってきた女の子(後の石原)を拾ってくる。その日から、石原は十朱の娘になる。緒方は裏の貧乏な家の娘(後の名取)を売り、その家に米を運ぶことになる十朱。そこで、赤痢で死ぬ母親に驚愕する。そして10年、石原は立派な娘になり十朱を支えていた。名取は高知一の芸者になっていた。緒方は、興業の仕事にのりだし義太夫の女(真行寺君枝)とできてしまう。長男(井上純一)は病弱で、石原が好きだった。次男(田中隆三)は放蕩を重ねる。緒方と真行寺の間に子が出来、十朱は実家に帰っていた。大貞楼の女将(草笛光子)のはからいで帰る事になり、真行寺が産んだ娘(後の高橋)をひきとることとなる。初めは乳母にまかせ無視していた十朱だったが、母性愛からか、溺愛するようになる。そんな中、田中の放蕩をやめさえようとした井上が殴られ帰らぬ姿になってしまう。田中は刑務所に入る。そして、また10年、高橋はすこやかに育ち、十朱を母と疑わなかった。緒方はまたも女(白都真理)をかこっていた。十朱は病に倒れるが、なんとか持ち直す。だが、緒方とはあわず、帰ってきた田中も緒方の跡をつぐことになり、高橋と実家の世話で貧乏暮らしを始める。緒方は高橋を返せといい。なくなく高橋を渡す事にする。途中の橋で車を降り、高橋の後ろ姿を見つめ、向き直る十朱だった。
EN. The story of Iwago, a troubled Japanese man who has grave personal problems and strained relationships with his wife and step children.
Director: Hideo Gosha.
Cast: Ken Ogata, Yukiyo Toake, Yûko Natori, Mariko Ishihara, Jun'ichi Inoue, Kimie Shingyôji, Mari Shirato, Ryûzô Tanaka, Naomi Fujiyama, Shinsuke Shimada, Kaori Takahashi, Ryûji Katagiri.
Japan, 1985.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
Download 櫂 / Kai / Oar. 1985.
櫂 / Kai / Oar. 1985.
櫂 / Kai / Oar. 1985.

Non è giusto. 2001.

Non è giusto. 2001.
 IT. Non è giusto è un film del 2001 diretto da Antonietta De Lillo.
Il film è stato presentato in concorso al Festival di Locarno 2002 e invitato agli Incontri del Cinema Italiano ad Annecy, alle Grolle d'Oro Saint Vincent, al Festival di Villerupt, al Festival di Moms (Belgio).
Sofia e Valerio, 11 e 12 anni, s'incontrano casualmente in una Napoli estiva, afosa e semideserta. Entrambi sono affidati ai loro padri, due quarantenni afflitti da ogni genere di problema, sentimentale ed esistenziale, mentre le loro madri sono assenti e lontane, all'infuori di brevi incursioni telefoniche. I due ragazzini si sentono continuamente minacciati dall'instabilità e la confusione delle loro famiglie. “Non è giusto…” si dicono, alleandosi per affrontare insieme il mondo degli adulti, con distacco e ironia. E a non averne più paura.
EN. Sofia and Valerio, 11 and 12 years, meet casually in a summer Naples, sultry and semi-desert. Both are entrusted to their fathers, two forty-year-olds afflicted by every kind of problem, sentimental and existential, while their mothers are absent and distant, apart from brief telephone incursions. The two boys feel continually threatened by the instability and confusion of their families. "It's not fair ..." they say, allying themselves to face together the world of adults, with detachment and irony. And not to be afraid anymore.
Director: Antonietta De Lillo.
Cast: Valerio Binasco, Nadia Carlomagno, Antonio Manzini, Monica Nappo, Maddalena Polistina, Daniel Prodomo, Lucia Ragni, Antonella Stefanucci, Rosa Di Brigida, Marco Mario de Notaris.
Italy, 2001.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: Italian.
Download Non è giusto. 2001.
Non è giusto. 2001.
Non è giusto. 2001.

Espérame mucho / Keep Waiting for Me. 1983.

Espérame mucho / Keep Waiting for Me. 1983.
 ES. Enmarcada social y politicamente en la Argentina entre 1950 y 1952, la pelicula supone una evocacion del final de la infancia. Las dudas, miedos, mitos y conflictos propios del transito hacia la adolescencia. La historia de Juan y de su familia; de su barrio y de su pais, con sus diferentes puntos de vista y enfrentamientos.
EN. Memories of Argentina in the early 1950s bring a man back (in his mind) to his neighborhood, his family, and their hardware store. Although the barrio was filled with people both for and against Juan Peron who was in office as President at this time, the bonds of friendship were stronger than political differences. This view, and the view held throughout the film is that of the man as a young child. Newsreel clips and scenes of Evita Peron's funeral insert an adult perspective, though there is still an element of indecision throughout the film as to which perspective should hold.
Director: Juan Jose Jusid.
Cast: Victor Laplace, Alicia Bruzzo, Arturo Bonin, Alberto Segado, Villanueva Cosse, Catalina Speroni, Marzenka Novak, Lucrecia Capello, Mario Luciani, Federico Olivera, Ximena Diaz Alarcon, Alicia Zanca.
Argentina, 1983.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download Esperame mucho / Keep Waiting for Me. 1983.
Espérame mucho / Keep Waiting for Me. 1983.
Espérame mucho / Keep Waiting for Me. 1983.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.

Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.
 FR. A Carcassonne, de nos jours. Daniel Dalbret (Daniel Sarky), garagiste, quadragénaire cordial mais manquant un peu de caractère, quitte, après 17 ans de vie commune, sa femme Sarah (Sarah Siritzky) au profit d'une jeune et jolie secrétaire de préfecture : Maité (Anne Letourneau). Mais Daniel et Sarah ont deux filles : Vanessa (Désirée Nosbusch), 16 ans et Lolo (Valérie Dumas), 13 ans qui, n'acceptant pas cet abandon, décident de tout mettre en oeuvre pour récupérer leur père. N'ayant pas réussi à convaincre Daniel de son "erreur", elles vont mettre en place une véritable stratégie. C'est une histoire où se révèlent les points de vue des adolescents (avec "leurs" problème et "leurs" solutions) aussi bien que des femmes adultes et où le fou rire et les facéties succèdent aux serrements de coeur et à la peur. A partir d'une situation dramatique et très quotidienne, c'est une comédie douce amère offrant une vue en coupe de la "nouvelle société", avec toutes les surprises que cela implique...
EN. Daniel Dalbret, a cordial but pliable 40-year-old mechanic, leaves his wife Sarah after 17 years of living together in favor of a young and pretty prefecture secretary Maite.
Director: Christian Lara.
Cast: Valérie Dumas, Désirée Nosbusch, Sarah Siritzky, Daniel Sarky, Anne Létourneau, Gérard Ismaël, François Maistre, Rémi Laurent, Danielle Amerel, Françoise Guillaume, Valérie Kaprisky, Paul-Clément Devigny.
France, West Germany, 1982.
Language: German.
Download Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.
Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.
Une glace avec deux boules... / Superbiester! 'Nen Freund zum Geburtstag. 1982.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

Последние холода / Poslednie kholoda / The Last Cold Days. 1993.

Последние холода / Poslednie kholoda / The Last Cold Days. 1993.
 Последние холода — художественный фильм, снятый по мотивам одноимённой повести Альберта Лиханова.
Действие картины происходит в 1945 году, в провинциальном городке, вдали от линии фронта. В центре сюжета — история дружбы двух эвакуированных детей, Вадика и Марии, с более старшим Акежаном, переданная через чувства и воспоминания последнего.
Poslednie kholoda (The Last Cold Days) - a feature film based on the story by Albert Likhanov.
The film takes place in 1945, in a provincial town, away from the front line. In the center of the plot is the story of the friendship of two evacuated children, Vadik and Maria, with the older Akezhan, transmitted through the feelings and memories of the latter.
Directors: Bulat Iskakov, Bolat Kalymbetov.
Cast: Kseniya Baranova, Vitaliy Gusev, Nariman Bekturov, Vasili Galganov, B. Zhangaliyeva, Leonti Polokhov, Altynbek Kenzhekov, Z. Goryunova, Iskhar Khishanlo.
Kazakhstan, Katharsis Film Studio, 1993.
Language: Russian.
Download Последние холода / Poslednie kholoda / The Last Cold Days. 1993.
Последние холода / Poslednie kholoda / The Last Cold Days. 1993.
Последние холода / Poslednie kholoda / The Last Cold Days. 1993.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Асиф, Васиф, Агасиф / Asif, Vasif, Agasif. 1983.

Асиф, Васиф, Агасиф / Asif, Vasif, Agasif. 1983.
 «Асиф, Васиф, Агасиф» — детский художественный фильм режиссёра Расима Исмайлова, снятый на киностудии «Азербайджанфильм».
В семье трое маленьких детей: Асиф, Васиф и Агасиф. Мама против того, чтобы они ходили в детский сад. Ведь они загружены: у них и плавание, и английский язык, и акробатика, и музыка. Однажды во время прогулки папы с детьми один из братьев — Васиф — присоединился к играющим детям в детском саду. После долгих поисков родители находят сына, которому было так весело со своими новыми друзьями. В результате мама и папа решают отдать всех сыновей в детский сад.
“Asif, Vasif, Agasif” is a children's film of director Rasim Ismayilov, shot at the Azerbaijanfilm film studio.
The family has three small children: Asif, Vasif and Agasif. Mom is against them going to kindergarten. After all, they are loaded: they have swimming, and English, and acrobatics, and music. Once, while walking with a father, one of the brothers, Vasif, joined the children playing in kindergarten. After a long search, parents find a son who had so much fun with his new friends. As a result, mom and dad decide to send all their sons to kindergarten.
Director: Rasim Ismailov.
Cast: Ramin Aslanov, Okyuma Dzhalilova, Emil Panakhov, Leyla Badirbeyli, Nazri Babayeva, Ramik Gasanov, Parvana Gashimova, Tarana Gashimova, Yulya Konoplnia, Mammad Mammadov, Shukyufa Yusupova.
USSR,  Azerbaijanfilm, 1983.
Language: Russian.
Download Асиф, Васиф, Агасиф / Asif, Vasif, Agasif. 1983.
Асиф, Васиф, Агасиф / Asif, Vasif, Agasif. 1983.
Асиф, Васиф, Агасиф / Asif, Vasif, Agasif. 1983.

Monday, 7 January 2019

Weiße Kreide für Franziska. 1989.

Weiße Kreide für Franziska. 1989.
 DE. Franziska (Manja Lucke) ist ein aufgewecktes Mädchen, das schon sehnsüchtig auf ihre Einschulung wartet. Wenige Wochen, bevor das große Ereignis stattfinden soll, erfahren sie und ihre Eltern, dass Franziska aus gesundheitlichen Gründen (schwere Hörstörungen) die Schule vorerst nicht besuchen kann. Die Handlung des Films schildert im weiteren, wie Franziska unter diesen Umständen in ihrem jungen Leben zurechtkommt und wie Eltern und Freunde ihr in dieser schwierigen Situation helfen, ihre Krankheit zu akzeptieren.
Und dazu hat Franziska ja auch einen “Leidensgenossen”: das ist Kaiser Franz, ein junger Storch, der beim Versuch zu fliegen abstürzte. Zusammen mit Opa Gruhn (Günter Naumann) kümmert sie sich rührend um das Tier, weil es nun nicht mit den anderen nach Afrika fliegen kann.
EN. Franziska (Manja Lucke) is a bright girl who is eagerly awaiting her school enrollment. A few weeks before the big event is to take place, she and her parents learn that Franziska can not attend school for health reasons (severe hearing impairment) for the time being. The plot of the film also describes how Franziska can cope with her young life under these circumstances and how her parents and friends help her to accept her illness in this difficult situation.
And Franziska also has a "fellow sufferer": that is Emperor Franz, a young stork who crashed while trying to fly. Together with Grandpa Gruhn (Günter Naumann), she takes care of the animal because it can not fly to Africa with the others.
Director: Karola Hattop.
Cast: Günter Naumann, Waltraud Kramm, Manja Lucke, Frank Metzger, Heike Meyer, Martin Stierand, Verena Stolle, Horst Weinheimer.
DDR, DFF, 1989.
Language: German.
Download Weiße Kreide für Franziska. 1989.
Weiße Kreide für Franziska. 1989.
Weiße Kreide für Franziska. 1989.

Пузырьки / Puzyrki / Bubbles. 1975.

Пузырьки / Puzyrki / Bubbles. 1975.
 1970-е годы. Большой приморский город. Школьники собирают металлолом, макулатуру, пузырьки. Идет соревнование двух классов. Увлеченные ребята подчас забывают, что соревнование не цель, а средство. Они снимают колпаки с чужого автомобиля, поят ненужными лекарствами бабушку, чтобы набрать больше пузырьков, вмешиваются в дружбу Гарика Еврумяна с девочкой...
1970s. Big seaside town. Pupils collect scrap metal, waste paper, bubbles. There is a competition of two classes. Passionate guys sometimes forget that competition is not a goal, but a means. They remove the caps from someone else's car, give Grandmother unnecessary medication to collect more bubbles, interfere in Garik Evrumyan’s friendship with the girl...
Director: Valeri Kremnyov.
Cast: Igor Molodikov, Valeriy Markov, Gor Saakyan, Yelena Beznosikova, Sasha Balashov, Arkadiy Markin, Alla Antonova, Georgiy Vitsin, Tamara Nosova, Zoya Fedorova, Vladimir Zamanskiy, Nikolay Parfenov, Yelena Koreneva.
USSR, Mosfilm, 1975.
Language: Russian.
Download Пузырьки / Puzyrki / Bubbles. 1975.
Пузырьки / Puzyrki / Bubbles. 1975.
Пузырьки / Puzyrki / Bubbles. 1975.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Лето на память / Leto na pamyat. 1987.

Лето на память / Leto na pamyat. 1987.
 Двухсерийный художественный фильм по мотивам рассказов Аркадия Гайдара "Голубая чашка", "Четвертый блиндаж", "Горячий камень", дневникам и письмам писателя.
Молодая семья - папа и мама с дочкой Светланой - сняли на лето дачу: старенький сарайчик, в котором им сразу после переезда пришлось крышу поправлять, вокруг него забор прибивать, всё время что-то убирать и ремонтировать. Отношения у них подпортились, потому что все хотели отдыхать, собирать грибы, удить рыбу и валяться на траве. А тут еще к маме приехал в гости какой-то посторонний летчик, и папа с дочкой совсем приуныли...
A two-part feature film based on Arkady Gaidar’s short stories "Blue Cup", "The Fourth Dugout", "Hot Stone", diaries and letters from the writer.
A young family - father and mother with daughter Svetlana - rented a summer cottage for the summer: an old shed in which they had to fix the roof immediately after the move, nail the fence around it, clean and repair something all the time. Their relationship was spoiled because everyone wanted to rest, gather mushrooms, fish and lie on the grass. And then some stranger pilot came to visit mom, and dad and daughter were completely depressed...
Director: Yuri Kuzmenko.
Cast: Andrey Rostotskiy, Ulyana Lapteva, Anastasiya Belova, Zoya Aleksandridi, Maksim Kuzmenko, Vera Karavayeva, Mikhail Treshchalin, Mariya Vinogradova, Aleksandr Kuznetsov, Fodor Odinokov, Natalya Khorokhorina, Aleksandr Ilin, Anton Voropayev, Boris Tokarev, Vladimir Gerasimov, Vera and Nadya Voronenkova, Lev Letunovskiy, Konstantin Stepanov, Grigoriy Dunayev, Gennadiy Bogdanov.
USSR, Odessa Film Studio, 1987.
Language: Russian.
Download Лето на память / Leto na pamyat. 1987.
Лето на память / Leto na pamyat. 1987.
Лето на память / Leto na pamyat. 1987.

Friday, 4 January 2019

Похищение / Pohischenie. 1984.

Похищение / Pohischenie. 1984.
 Радикальную, но действенную программу воспитания для непослушных детей предложил режиссер-дебютант Виталий Тарасенко в семейной комедии 1984 года «Похищение». Мужественную отцовскую руку проявил Заслуженный артист РСФСР Александр Фатюшин («Весенний призыв», «Россия молодая»), а его супругу сыграла потомственная актриса Алена Бондарчук. Чрезмерную стариковскую опеку над внучатами-бедокурами обличают легенды советского кино Любовь Соколова и Петр Щербаков. Профессиональный борец Александр Львов и ударница модной индустрии Вера Львова бывают дома только по воскресеньям. Но даже редкий день в кругу семьи не приносит им радости – а всё потому, что их маленький сын Борис раз за разом устраивает сцены. Заласканный бабушкой и дедушкой, он грубит родителям, капризничает, почитает себя за центр Земли. Наконец Александр признаёт, что если он не найдет времени на сына, то получит сына-эгоиста. Не обращая внимания на детские вопли и стариковские причитания, Александр похищает мальчика из уютного бабушкиного гнездышка. Они вместе уезжают за город, в красивейшую деревеньку, где Борис учится жить без привычных удобств и находить общий язык с прямодушными людьми.
Realizing that, thanks to the efforts of his grandparents, the six-year-old Boriska turns into a little despot, his father, (an athlete who recently completed his career) could not stand it and, taking advantage of his wife's departure, kidnapped his son and left with him from the city ...
Director: Vitaly Tarasenko.
Cast: Mikhail Yefimov, Aleksandr Fatyushin, Alena Bondarchuk, Lyubov Sokolova, Petr Shcherbakov, Vladimir Samoylov, Vera Kuznetsova, Yuriy Medvedev, Yuriy Sarantsev, Dasha Tarasenko, Viktor Uralskiy.
USSR, Mosfilm, 1984.
Language: Russian.
Download Похищение / Pohischenie. 1984.
Похищение / Pohischenie. 1984.
Похищение / Pohischenie. 1984.

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Frühlingslied / Piccoli amici. 1954. HD.

Frühlingslied / Piccoli amici. 1954. HD.
 DE. Das musikalische Wunderkind Wolfgang Fabricius leidet unter grosser Erschöpfung. Ein Kuraufenthalt in den Schweizer Bergen soll den Kleinen für die nächste Städtetournee wieder fit machen. Er erholt sich schnell, schliesst Freundschaften und findet neuen Lebensmut. Doch sein Onkel drängt auf Rückkehr. Der Kinoklassiker aus dem Jahr 1954, mit Oliver Grimm, Anne-Marie Blanc, Elsbeth Sigmund und Heinrich Gretler in den Hauptrollen, wurde 2018 von SRF aufwändig in HD restauriert.
EN. At the age of three, little Wolfgang has lost his parents. Since then his uncle Eduard raises the boy. As a former concertmaster Eduard has recognized how gifted his nephew is and the boy learns the hard way. The 6-year-old must practice daily 6 hours at the piano and already impresses at famous music parties. When Eduard Fabricius breaks a leg after a concert in Lucerne and must go to the hospital, he can be persuaded by a paediatrician to grant some carefree vacation weeks in a manor for Wolfgang. The manor belongs to the young widow Elisabeth who soon grows very fond of the little boy. Wolfgang makes friends with 11-year-old Heidi and Jöggi, a boy his age who first saw a rival in him. When Wolfgang saves a young dog from a mountain stream, however, he gets pneumonia, and Elisabeth worries about him. But when he recovers, his uncle fetches him. A strenuous concert tour begins. One day at the piano the boy breaks down. Eduard Fabricius recognizes that he has demanded too much of his.
Director: Hans Albin.
Cast: Oliver Grimm, Elsbeth Sigmund, Anne-Marie Blanc, René Deltgen, Albert Lieven, Heinrich Gretler, Leonard Steckel, Renate Feuereisen, Erna Sellmer, Anne-Marie Hanschke.
West Germany, Italy, 1954.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Frühlingslied / Piccoli amici. 1954.
Frühlingslied / Piccoli amici. 1954. HD.
Frühlingslied / Piccoli amici. 1954. HD.