Cinema Paradiso


Thursday, 31 August 2023

แฟนฉัน / Fan Chan / My Girl. 2003. FULL-HD.

แฟนฉัน / Fan Chan / My Girl. 2003. FULL-HD.
TH. ภาพแห่งอดีต จริง ๆ แล้วมันไม่เคยจากไปไหน มันอาจจะซุกอยู่ที่ซอกหนึ่ง ในลิ้นชักความทรงจำ และอยู่อย่างนั้นมาตลอด จนความทรงจำใหม่ ๆ เข้ามาทับ เข้ามาซ้อน ดันมันไปจนสุดลิ้นชัก แต่เมื่อใดก็ตามที่ได้ยินเพลงอย่างนี้แว่วมา หรือเห็นรูปภาพสีเหลือง ๆ แดง ๆ เก่า ๆ ความทรงจำในครั้งนั้น ก็เหมือนถูกมือซน ๆ หยิบมันออกมาปลุกให้กลับมามีชีวิต… อีกครั้งหนึ่ง
ทุกคนคงมีภาพความทรงจำในวัยเด็กกันทั้งนั้น เหมือนกันในรูปแบบ ต่างกันในรายละเอียด มีสิ่งที่ชอบเล่นเหมือนกัน ผู้ชายอาจจะมีขี่จักรยาน เป่ากบ ผู้หญิงอาจจะมีกระโดดยาง เล่นขายของ …แต่ผมมีทั้งสองแบบ บางคนอาจจะขลุกอยู่หน้าจอทีวี กับลีลาสุดเท่ของยอดมนุษย์ หรือจอมยุทธจากหนังจีนกำลังภายใน ในขณะที่บางคนอาจจะชอบใช้ชีวิตนอกบ้าน เที่ยวเล่นจนตัวดำ ออกจากบ้านตั้งแต่เช้า กลับมาอีกทีก็เมื่อฟ้ามืด …แต่ผมเป็นทั้งสองแบบ บางคนอาจจะมีเพื่อนเป็นแก๊งค์ลิงทะโมนอยู่กลุ่มใหญ่ ที่พากันดื้อซนจนแม่ ๆ เอือมที่จะด่า ในขณะที่อีกคนกลับมีเพื่อนน้อยมาก เพื่อนที่ซี้ที่สุดอาจจะมีแค่คนเดียว และเป็นเด็กผู้หญิงแก่นกะโหลกด้วยก็มี …และผมก็มีทั้งสองแบบ…
 EN. Fan Chan (Thai: แฟนฉัน, English: My Girl) is a 2003 Thai romantic film offering a nostalgic look back at the childhood friendship of a boy and girl growing up in a small town in Thailand in the 1980s. It was the debut film by six young screenwriter-directors, Vitcha Gojiew, Songyos Sugmakanan, Nithiwat Tharathorn, Witthaya Thongyooyong, Anusorn Trisirikasem and Komgrit Triwimol. With a soundtrack that featured Thai pop music of the era, Fan Chan was the top domestic film at the Thailand box office in 2003, earning 140 million baht.
Jeab hears that his childhood sweetheart Noi-Naa is to be married, so he makes the trip back home to his provincial village. As he does so, the memories come flooding back to his childhood in 1980s Thailand. He remembers always being late to school, so his father would have to give him a ride on the back of the motorcycle. After school, he would always play with Noi-Naa and her girlfriends while the neighborhood boys rode their bicycles and played football and Chinese fantasy characters.
Directors: Vitcha Gojiew, Songyos Sugmakanan, Nithiwat Tharathorn, Witthaya Thongyooyong, Anusorn Trisirikasem, Komgrit Triwimol.
Cast: Charlie Trairat, Focus Jirakul, Charwin Jitsomboon, Wongsakorn Rassamitat, Anusara Chantarangsi, Nipawan Taveepornsawan, Prem Tinsulanonda, Aphichan Chaleumchainuwong, Chaleumpol Tikumpornteerawong, Thana Vichayasuranan.
Thailand, 2003.
Language: Thai.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download แฟนฉัน / Fan Chan / My Girl. 2003.
แฟนฉัน / Fan Chan / My Girl. 2003. FULL-HD.
แฟนฉัน / Fan Chan / My Girl. 2003. FULL-HD.

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Mein erstes Wunder / My First Miracle. 2002. FULL-HD.

Mein erstes Wunder / My First Miracle. 2002. FULL-HD.
DE. Mein erstes Wunder ist ein deutscher Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 2002. Regie führte Anne Wild, das Drehbuch stammt ebenfalls von ihr.
Die elfjährige Dole trifft im Urlaub am Meer auf den Mittvierziger Hermann. Beide verstehen sich sehr gut und es entwickelt sich mehr als eine Freundschaft, die auch über den Urlaub hinausgeht. Die Familien der beiden haben kein Verständnis dafür, bis schließlich beide Familien darauf dringen, dass der Kontakt zwischen den beiden abgebrochen wird. Eines Tages steht Dole jedoch vor Hermanns Tür und „entführt“ ihn auf eine Reise, die für die beiden dort endet, wo sie begonnen hat: am Meer. Auf der Suche nach den beiden werden Hermanns Frau Margot und Doles Mutter Franziska von Zeugen wundersame Geschichten erzählt.
EN. When the strong friendship between a precocious eleven year old girl and a middle-aged family man is attacked for being unhealthy and immoral, the two run away together, but their care-free days are numbered.
Director: Anne Wild.
Cast: Henriette Confurius, Leonard Lansink, Juliane Köhler, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Devid Striesow, Andreas Patton, Daniel Möllermann, Ferdinand Grözinger, Laura Junghänel, Chun Mei Tan, Hanna Sibilski.
Germany, 2002.
Language: German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Mein erstes Wunder / My First Miracle. 2002.
Mein erstes Wunder / My First Miracle. 2002. FULL-HD.

Mein erstes Wunder / My First Miracle. 2002. FULL-HD.

Saturday, 26 August 2023

Il nostro tempo / Our Time. 2019. FULL-HD.

Il nostro tempo / Our Time. 2019. FULL-HD.
IT. Roberta è una bambina di nove anni che vuole godersi gli ultimi giorni d’estate in spiaggia a giocare con i suoi amici. Suo padre Donato la costringe invece a rimanere a casa per aiutare con le faccende domestiche. La distanza tra i due sembra incolmabile, ma la scoperta che Donato è molto più fragile di quello che sembra li porterà a restituire valore al loro tempo insieme.
EN. Roberta is a nine-year-old girl who wants to enjoy the last days of summer on the beach playing with her friends, while her father Donato forces her to stay at home to help with the housework. The distance between the two seems unbridgeable, but the discovery that Donato is much more fragile than he seems, will lead them to restore value to their time together.
Director: Veronica Spedicati.
Cast: Celeste Casciaro, Franco Ferrante, Piergiorgio Martena, Emanuela Minno, Fernando Protopapa, Massimo Rossano, Vittorio Schettini, Sophie Rossano.
Italy, 2019.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Il nostro tempo / Our Time. 2019.
Il nostro tempo / Our Time. 2019. FULL-HD.
Il nostro tempo / Our Time. 2019. FULL-HD.


Thursday, 24 August 2023

La rivière sous la langue / The River Under the Tongue. 2015. FULL-HD.

La rivière sous la langue / The River Under the Tongue. 2015. FULL-HD.
FR. Après la découverte du journal intime de son aînée, une mère décide d'emmener ses deux filles en forêt.
EN. After discovering her eldest daughter's diary, a mother decides to take her two daughters into the forest.
Director: Carmen Jaquier.
Cast: Marilyne Canto, Marie Cornil, Sacha Gravat-Harsch, Slimane Dazi.
Switzerland, 2015.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download La rivière sous la langue / The River Under the Tongue. 2015.
La rivière sous la langue / The River Under the Tongue. 2015. FULL-HD.
La rivière sous la langue / The River Under the Tongue. 2015. FULL-HD.


Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Boydem / Attic. 2019. FULL-HD.

Boydem / Attic. 2019. FULL-HD.
This particular summer, at an age that falls between childhood and young adulthood, while their grandparents are taking their afternoon nap, Keren and Noam play games in the attic ("Boydem" in Yiddish) that introduces them to a new level of intimacy.
Director: Yael Nivron.
Cast: Ammit Avidan-Isaacson, Yonatan Ronen, Sinai Peter, Ziona Unger.
Israel, 2019.
Language: Hebrew.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Boydem / Attic. 2019.
Boydem / Attic. 2019. FULL-HD.
Boydem / Attic. 2019. FULL-HD.


Thursday, 17 August 2023

Dagligliv på julemærkehjemmene. 1952. FULL-HD.

Dagligliv på julemærkehjemmene. 1952. FULL-HD.
Everyday life at the Christmas Seal Homes.
Film om de seks julemærkehjem i Danmark, hvor man hvert år hjælper over 1000 udsatte og særligt trængende børn. Filmen indledes med s/h-optagelser af fattige børn i københavnske baggårde. Derefter vises en række dagligdagsbilleder i farver fra hjemmene Lindersvold ved Præstø, Hobro, Fjordmark ved Kollund, Mørkøv, Kildemose ved Ølsted og Holbølls Minde ved Svendborg. Desuden s/h-optagelser fra Kong Frederik IX og Dronning Ingrids besøg i Hobro i 1949. Filmens årstal er usikkert. Mange af optagelserne ses også i 'Julemærkefilmen 1952'.
Director: Gunnar Wangel.
Cast: Kong Frederik IX, Dronning Ingrid.
Denmark, 1952.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Dagligliv på julemærkehjemmene. 1952.
Dagligliv på julemærkehjemmene. 1952. FULL-HD.
Dagligliv på julemærkehjemmene. 1952. FULL-HD.


Monday, 14 August 2023

L'échappée / The Escape. 2009.

L'échappée / The Escape. 2009.
FR. Dans sa chambre, Mona, une jeune adolescente, se prépare. Elle attend l'arrivée de celui dont elle est éprise.
EN. A young girl, Mona, waits for her piano teacher and gets ready for tutorial.
Director: Katell Quillévéré.
Cast: Pénélope Lévêque, Laszio Smith, Caroline Baehr.
France, 2009.
Language: French.
Download L'échappée / The Escape. 2009.
L'échappée / The Escape. 2009.
L'échappée / The Escape. 2009.


Sunday, 13 August 2023

Chobotnice z druhého patra. Projekt IV. 1986. FULL-HD.

Chobotnice z druhého patra. Projekt IV. 1986. FULL-HD.
The first episode of a Czechoslovak four-episode television miniseries Chobotnice z druhého patra / Chobotnice z II. patra / The Octopuses from the Second Floor "Projekt IV".
Na televizní obrazovku se vrací oblíbený čtyřdílný seriál tvůrců Oty Hofmana a Jindřicha Poláka a s nimi i rodina Holanových a dvě sympatické chobotničky - Zelená a Modrý. Pojďme se znovu přenést do kouzelného prostředí pražské Kampy, kde o zázraky není nouze. Ale nepředbíhejme. V malebném domku nad Čertovkou se právě maminka - sboristka Národního divadla (D. Veškrnová) a děti Eva a Honzík (Ž. Fuchsová a M. Šimáček) chystají na báječnou prázdninovou cestu, kterou jim slíbil tatínek – řidič kamionu (P. Zedníček). V tuto chvíli nemají ovšem ještě ani ponětí, co všechno na ní zažijí...
Director: Jindřich Polák.
Cast: Jiřina Bohdalová, František Filipovský, Dagmar Havlová, Pavel Zedníček, Žaneta Fuchsová, Milan Šimáček, Miroslav Macháček, Boris Rösner, Jan Kanyza, Přemysl Kočí, Josef Bláha, Oldřich Kaiser, Kateřina Lojdová, Jaroslava Kretschmerová, Božena Fixová, Jiří Kodet, Ondřej Havelka, Jiří Zahajský, Jiří Wimmer, Václav Luks, Hana Militká, Jan Kadlec, Vladimír Hrabánek, Petr Skarke, Rudolf Vodrážka, Nina Divíšková, Vlastimila Vlková, Valerie Chmelová, Milan Hein, Jaroslav Tomsa, Karel Engel, Ladislav Lahoda, Arnošt Proschek, Markéta Muchová, Jana Páleníčková.
Czechoslovakia, Filmové studio Barrandov, 1986.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Chobotnice z druhého patra. Projekt IV. 1986.
Chobotnice z druhého patra. Projekt IV. 1986. FULL-HD.
Chobotnice z druhého patra. Projekt IV. 1986. FULL-HD.


Saturday, 12 August 2023

Crónica de un niño solo / Chronicle of a Boy Alone. 1964. HD.

Crónica de un niño solo / Chronicle of a Boy Alone. 1964. HD.
ES. Crónica de un niño solo es una película argentina dramática de 1964 dirigida por Leonardo Favio, en su debut cinematográfico como realizador, y protagonizada por Diego Puente en el papel protagónico. Fue escrita por Favio y su hermano Zuhair Jury.
La película trata sobre la vida de un niño pobre de la Argentina, que transcurre entre la villa miseria y el "reformatorio" (cárcel de menores).
EN. Chronicle of a Boy Alone is an indictment of a fascist regime running roughshod over its most vulnerable citizens, its children. Focusing on the bleak life of eleven-year-old bad boy Polin, who's been abandoned by his family and sent to live in a state-run orphanage, it's also a moving portrait of the human spirit imprisoned by the chains of well-intentioned fools. Inside the harsh confines of the supposedly beneficial institution, Polin and his fellow inmates must deal with constant physical and psychological abuse by the staff, as well as the natural emotional tensions brought on by their own burgeoning adolescence. But through it all, they manage to keep their hopes alive with optimistic talk of freedom and bold plans of escape. One day, when the opportunity finally arises, and Polin learns that freedom, too, has its price.
Director: Leonardo Favio.
Cast: Diego Puente, Tino Pascali, Cacho Espíndola, Victoriano Moreira, Beto Gianola, Leonardo Favio, María Vaner, Elcira Olivera Garcés, María Luisa Robledo, Hugo Arana, Carlos Lucero, Amadeo Sáenz Valiente, Juan Castro, Miguel Medrano.
Argentina, 1964.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
960x720 HD
Download Crónica de un niño solo / Chronicle of a Boy Alone. 1964.
Crónica de un niño solo / Chronicle of a Boy Alone. 1964. HD.
Crónica de un niño solo / Chronicle of a Boy Alone. 1964. HD.


Friday, 11 August 2023

Linus der Wasserspringer - auf dem Weg zur Meisterschaft. 2023. FULL-HD.

Linus der Wasserspringer - auf dem Weg zur Meisterschaft. 2023. FULL-HD.
DE. Linus ist Wasserspringer, 11 Jahre alt und lebt in Berlin. Zur Zeit trainiert er für seine ersten Deutschen Meisterschaften. Da Linus auf einer speziellen Sportschule ist, wird der Trainingsalltag mit der Schule kombiniert und an manchen Tagen geht er morgens statt zur Schule in die Sprunghalle. Neben dem Training im Wasser, wird auch „auf dem Trockenen“ trainiert.
EN. Linus is a water jumper, 11 years old and lives in Berlin. He is currently training for his first German Championships. Since Linus is at a special sports school, everyday training is combined with school and on some days he goes to the gymnasium instead of to school in the morning. In addition to training in the water, there is also training “on dry land”.
Director: Anja Hansmann.
Cast: Linus Schwarz and others.
Germany, 2023.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Linus der Wasserspringer - auf dem Weg zur Meisterschaft. 2023.
Linus der Wasserspringer - auf dem Weg zur Meisterschaft. 2023. FULL-HD.
Linus der Wasserspringer - auf dem Weg zur Meisterschaft. 2023. FULL-HD.


Pihu. 2016. FULL-HD.

Pihu. 2016. FULL-HD.
Pihu is a 2016 Indian drama thriller film written and directed by Vinod Kapri and jointly produced by Ronnie Screwvala, Siddharth Roy Kapur and Shilpa Jindal. It stars Pihu (Myra Vishwakarma), a two-year-old girl, in the title role, who gets trapped inside her house with no escape. The film was shot in the Gandharav society of Greater Noida. The film was dedicated to Kirshan Kumar, who died from cardiac arrest.
A two year old must fend for herself when her mother suddenly passes by away while her father is gone for a conference, leaving her prone to danger.
"Pihu" is based on a real incident that happened in India.
Director: Vinod Kapri.
Cast: Rahul Bagga, Pihu Myra Vishwakarma, Prerna Vishwakarma, Hrishita Bhatt.
India, 2016.
Language: Hindi.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Pihu. 2016.
Pihu. 2016. FULL-HD.
Pihu. 2016. FULL-HD.


Thursday, 10 August 2023

Ce que savait Maisie / What Maisie Knew. 1995. FULL-HD.

Ce que savait Maisie / What Maisie Knew. 1995. FULL-HD.
FR. Paris, les années 30, Maisie a douze ans et est déchirée par le divorce de ses parents. La situation d'une garde partagée ne lui convient pas du tout. Qu'à cela ne tienne, elle se créera une famille idéale...
EN. Based on Henry James' book What Maisie Knew.
This movie takes us into the world of Maisie (Laura Martel), the child of divorced parents who use her, neglect her, and expose her to their own world of emotional chaos. Her father, Beale Farrange, marries Maisie's governess, Miss Overmore, while her mother marries a handsome, weak, and younger man, Sir Claude, to whom Maisie becomes devoted. These new marriages collapse, the step-parents become lovers, and her parents enter into new amorous entanglements. A new governess, Mrs Wix, appears to offer support, but also becomes infatuated with Sir Claude. Maisie is used as a pawn in the power games of the adults who surround her; her perception of their corrupt lives leads her to an odd and disconcerting maturity, yet she is not of their world and retains a fundamental honesty and innocence
Director: Édouard Molinaro.
Cast: Evelyne Bouix, Stéphane Freiss, Catherine Samie, Matthias Habich, Sophie Duez, Axelle Laffont, Patrice Alexsandre, André Asséo, Adeline Bodo, Alexandre Brasseur, Christine Gouze-Rénal, Richard Leduc, Jean-Baptiste Martin.
France, 1993/1995.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Ce que savait Maisie / What Maisie Knew. 1995.
Ce que savait Maisie / What Maisie Knew. 1995. FULL-HD.
Ce que savait Maisie / What Maisie Knew. 1995. FULL-HD.


Tuesday, 8 August 2023

日本殉情伝 おかしなふたり ものくるほしきひとびとの群 / Nihon junjô-den Okashina futari. 1988.

日本殉情伝 おかしなふたり ものくるほしきひとびとの群 / Nihon junjô-den Okashina futari. 1988.
Full movie title: 日本殉情伝 おかしなふたり ものくるほしきひとびとの群 夕子悲しむ / Nihon junjô-den Okashina futari Monokuruoshiki hitobito no mure.
Based on the comic book by Jūzō Yamasaki and Kei Sadayasu.
The central story revolves around a love triangle between a loan shark, his wife, and their childhood friend who is recently released from jail, but it was told from a fourth-person perspective, an unreliable narrator (at the end of the film it implies the story is an imaginative fabrication of the narrator). There’s a subplot about a seaside cinema having its last show, playing Shima Koji’s 1952 film Shanghai gaeri no Lil, with the then-retired leading man playing a part in this film, thus further blurring the margin between the real and the fabrication. The film is imbued with Obayashi’s idiosyncratic narrative device, absurd slapstick humour, extravagant use of colours (the bright red and blue suits worn by the two leads for instance).
Director: 大林宣彦 / Nobuhiko Ôbayashi.
Cast: Riki Takeuchi, Tomokazu Miura, Toshiyuki Nagashima, Kaho Minami, Aiko Shouriki, Tôru Minegishi, Michitarô Mizushima, Yoshi Katô, Kumeko Urabe, Chikako Miyagi, Chin Naitô.
Japan, 1988.
Language: Japanese.
Download 日本殉情伝 おかしなふたり ものくるほしきひとびとの群 / Nihon junjô-den Okashina futari. 1988.
日本殉情伝 おかしなふたり ものくるほしきひとびとの群 / Nihon junjô-den Okashina futari. 1988.
日本殉情伝 おかしなふたり ものくるほしきひとびとの群 / Nihon junjô-den Okashina futari. 1988.


Monday, 7 August 2023

漂流教室 / Hyôryu kyôshitsu / The Drifting Classroom. 1987. HD.

漂流教室 / Hyôryu kyôshitsu / The Drifting Classroom. 1987. HD.
The Drifting Classroom (漂流教室, Hyōryū Kyōshitsu) is a Japanese horror manga series written and illustrated by Kazuo Umezu. It was serialized in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday from 1972 to 1974, and published as collected tankōbon volumes by Shogakukan. The series follows a school that is mysteriously transported through time to a post-apocalyptic future.
In 1987, The Drifting Classroom was adapted into a live-action film directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi. The Long Love Letter, a Japanese television drama loosely based on The Drifting Classroom, was released in 2002.
The series was critically acclaimed, and won a Shogakukan Manga Award in 1974.
An international school in Kobe, Japan is catapulted into the future after a time-slip occurs.
Director: 大林宣彦 / Nobuhiko Ôbayashi.
Cast: Yasufumi Hayashi, Aiko Asano, Vajra Barzaghi, Leana D'Aloisio, Marcus Daub, Troy Donahue, Dennis Falt, Kwanchai Faulkner, Kiwako Harada, Elizabeth Hoffler, Arthur Johnson, Yuki Kitazume, Kaho Minami, Yoshiko Mita, Toshie Negishi.
Japan, 1987.
Language: Japanese, English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download 漂流教室 / Hyôryu kyôshitsu / The Drifting Classroom. 1987.
漂流教室 / Hyôryu kyôshitsu / The Drifting Classroom. 1987. HD.
漂流教室 / Hyôryu kyôshitsu / The Drifting Classroom. 1987. HD.


Sunday, 6 August 2023

Un hilito de sangre / A Trickle of Blood. 1995. HD.

Un hilito de sangre / A Trickle of Blood. 1995. HD.
ES. León, un adolescente de catorce años, está obsesionado con Osbelia, una bella joven de aspecto angelical. Como León está en constante desacuerdo con su padre, roba dinero y huye de su casa para ir en busca de Osbelia, quien viaja a Guadalajara con su familia de vacaciones. El camino se convierte en una travesía plena de aventuras, en las que León se relaciona con diversos personajes que lo hacen crecer. Enriquecido por las experiencias, cruza el último umbral de la niñez para convertirse en un verdadero adolescente.
EN. Leon, a young 14 year-old, is obsessed with Osbelia, a dream-girl. Leon decides to follow her to Guadalajara, leaving behind his small world at home. On his journey, Leon goes through many adventures and takes the final step from childhood into adolescence.
Director: Erwin Neumaier.
Cast: Diego Luna, Jorge Martínez de Hoyos, Ana Grave, Antonio Serrano, Claudette Maillé, Naoto Matsumoto, Yuriria Rodriguez, Guillermo Gil, Isabel Benet, Monserrat Ontiveros, Fernando Torre Lapham, Emiliano Fernández.
Mexico, 1995.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Un hilito de sangre / A Trickle of Blood. 1995.
Un hilito de sangre / A Trickle of Blood. 1995. HD.
Un hilito de sangre / A Trickle of Blood. 1995. HD.


Thursday, 3 August 2023

Kharisma. 2014. HD.

Kharisma. 2014. HD.
A darkly and funny story of a young girl desperate for the limelight and the magical discovery she makes that could secure her fame and fortune should she choose to use it...
Director: Shannon Murphy.
Cast: Caroline Brazier, Laura Bunting, Morgan Davies, David Whitney.
Australia, 2014.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Kharisma. 2014.
Kharisma. 2014. HD.
Kharisma. 2014. HD.

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Narcosis. 2022. HD.

Narcosis. 2022. HD.
Narcosis is a 2022 Dutch drama film directed and co-written by Martijn de Jong. The film won 3 Golden Calf.
A story full of life about love and loss.
A close-knit family is disrupted when the father fails to resurface during a professional dive. No funeral, no goodbye, just a house full of memories. Burdened by the elusive loss, Merel evades her husband's death and everything related to it. Her young children become entangled in their search for answers, eventually bringing the family to a hard stand. Merel has no choice but to face the loss in her own unique way, to start a new life together.
Director: Martijn de Jong.
Cast: Thekla Reuten, Fedja van Huêt, Sepp Ritsema, Lola van Zoggel, Vincent van der Valk, Janni Goslinga, Harpert Michielsen, Janni Goslinga, Tine Joustra, Rochelle Deekman, Casper Gimbrère.
Netherlands, 2022.
Languages: Dutch, English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Narcosis. 2022.
Narcosis. 2022. HD.
Narcosis. 2022. HD.